Friday, June 7, 2024

 One Person,


You are the person, who can change the course of history, by what you do. I am this person too. Yet, your whole life is wasted on unconscious, automatic, Disembodied Language (DL), that is why your behavior only adds more of the same tragedy to this world. I, on the other hand, truly make a difference, as I have ongoing Embodied Language (EL), which means, I go against my own conditioning and against the conditioning of everyone, who continues with negative DL.


Everyone, who still pretends, that their DL is acceptable or necessary, is unintelligent, lazy, and insensitive. This is not some judgment, but a fact. The cowardice of DL knows no end and has been around since the beginning of time. Everywhere you hear or read about DL, but you can only read about EL, only on this blog, or on the blog of AnnaMieke   Bevrijdende Taal. ( she writes and speaks in Dutch. Her You Tube channel is: Luisterend Spreken and my My You Tube channels are: 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw. Check it out.


When you listen to AnnaMieke or to me, you will hear two human beings, who are conscious about their language. Our EL is entirely different from your DL, in which you don’t listen to your own voice while you speak. I am not writing this to show off, that we are better than others, but to illustrate, that EL is possible and that your DL is already a thing of the past. You could say your DL, is hopelessly outdated, as it doesn’t work. It only seemed to work, as long as you could keep forcing others with your blunt, phony rhetoric.


I am not writing this to convince you or anyone to have EL, but to simply say what I want to say. I write in this way, because I also speak in this way. I don’t care about any of our so-called world leaders, since none of them know about this great difference between DL and EL and, all of them, yes, all of them, are, just like you, in favor of the continuation of our DL. Yesterday, I listened to Joe Biden’s speech, at the D-Day Memorial in Normandy, and, suddenly, it struck me, how devasting it is, that this gigantic crowd, that had gathered there, was applauding for this deceitful, mediocre, creepy, miserable man.


We are heading straight for the next World War with our insidious DL and no one even wants to acknowledge the difference between DL and EL. I have studied Psychology, Behaviorism and Behaviorology for many years and earned the  Master of Arts and Master of Science in Clinical Psychology. I have worked many years in Mental Health, which, because nobody wants to know about the great difference between DL and EL, is completely ineffective. I taught Psychology for  many years. Although the students as well as faculty, many times, briefly acknowledged the importance the DL/EL distinction, there was no institutional recognition for this crucial issue. In essence, although people may come to know about the DL/EL distinction, everyone keeps backing out on its immense importance, as it involves going against our own conditioning.  


Nevertheless, I sit here, in front of my laptop, in my room and I am enjoying my own EL. Nothing stops me from continuing with my EL, because I know how your DL destroys your life. Although your DL always means more conflict, violence and chaos, I am feeling peaceful, centered and resolved. I am unaffected by your intrusive DL, as I know how to stay away from anyone with DL. I only interact with those, who have EL and I don’t talk with most people, as it is useless.


I posses my own kind of power of being myself and I use my energy to write these words. On my You Tube channels you can see and hear me talk and get a good feel how real I am with my EL and, by comparison, how cut off you are with your usual, coercive, unnatural DL. It is all there and nobody can deny it. My use of language is  different from anyone who engages in DL. It is up to you, to do what you haven’t done: to first recognize your own DL and, to stop it, so that you can finally have some EL. Stopping your DL and having EL, isn’t some spiritual fantasy, but a real thing, which you either do or don’t do. All your religion, culture, politics, race or ethnicity  isn’t more important than the DL/EL distinction.


The older I get – I am 65 years now – the more certain I am, I am right about everything I have said and written. I wasn’t always as certain as I am today and doubted myself greatly. How can it be, I would say to myself, that I am the only one who knows this? Well, it is because, unlike others, I have spent a lot of time, alone, talking with myself and really listening to myself. Am I imagining this? No, I am not. During my many years of study, work and teaching in the field of Psychology, I have come across many research studies, which support my views, but the fact is, that nobody is really interested, since we are all conditioned to continue with our forceful DL.


Psychology – and by extension, the rigmarole  ludicrously called mental health – is hopelessly stuck in this ridiculous theory of mind business. Our ongoing EL, however, shows, unequivocally, there is no inner speech, there never was any inner language and, therefore, there is no mind. In other words, only overt language – what is said, heard, written or read – makes any sense. Yet, in the so-called monadic theory of mind, people speak of one-person psychology, but in the relational theory of mind, people speak of two-person psychology. Some people see these theories as complementary, while others see them as contradictory and irreconcilable, but  because DL, everyone still believes in the great falsehood, that language can exist inside of us.  


Only if you take time to talk with yourself and hear the sound of your wellbeing in the words you speak, will you say anything about yourself which makes sense. Only with your ongoing EL, are you aware about what you want and what you don’t want, what is good for you and what isn’t. There is nobody to guide you, other than you yourself, with what sounds good to you. It is not a belief, but an experience, which you can begin to listen to and benefit from, if you tell yourself your truth, your freedom. Thus, with your ongoing EL, you express your Language Enlightenment (LE) and you truly are yourself.    

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