Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Lame Humor,


Your humor is lame humor, while my humor is new humor. You are unfamiliar with my humor, which annoys and displeases you, because it is not business as usual. You laugh about things, which aren’t even funny, and you pretend to have fun. In my opinion, this is the reason, why you don’t appreciate my humor. Real humor gets no attention because you only want lame humor.


It isn’t me, who is asking your attention for my humor, but it is lame, dumb, fake humor, which demands everyone’s attention. The attention for real humor always comes from the person, who has it, as it cannot come from the person, who doesn’t have it. In other words, we only can enjoy our own humor and that is where the future of humor is at. The lame excuse, that it was meant to be funny, is no longer acceptable.


I address the new humor, which derives from my Embodied Language (EL), which is different from the lame humor, that is the coverup for our nasty, unnatural, effortful, but common way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak and demand, that others must listen to us. You are used to the so-called humor of unconscious Disembodied Language (DL), in which some creepy idiot is trying to be funny. I am not trying to be funny. Good, you get that.


You don’t believe it and you resist admitting it, but you have never really laughed about any of your smart-ass comedians, but now that you are in the position to find out – through this wonderful text about the difference between DL and EL - you can finally begin to laugh about yourself. You could be the laughter-innovator, who transforms lame humor into real humor.


Anyone who stops producing more of the same boring humor with their automatic DL, anyone who has some enjoyable, funny, intelligent EL, would be totally against the usual lame humor, because our phony humor prevents real humor. This has always been the reason, why we laugh so very little or not at all. Only because of your involvement in DL, it seems hard to accept, you have never had any real humor, but once you have EL, it is clear what you’ve been missing.


Lame humor is a much more devastating issue than you have ever imagined. As I have stated, it always goes hand in hand with DL, in which you dissociate from your own experiences. As a consequence, you are truly paralyzed by fear. Therefore, the lameness of the humor actually pertains to your Stockholm-Syndrome, which makes you laugh spastically at the comedian, who gaslights you, with some verbal diarrhea.


Since you have been conditioned to have DL, you have – until now – only known lame humor, but, as you read this text, which is the product of my ongoing EL, you can perhaps accept the urgency, the direness and the hilariousness of your situation.


Only those who are used to having DL, find this text lame, but for someone like me, who has EL, it is wickedly delightful and enchanting to write this. It is what really makes me tick and I go on with it, even though nobody reads it, nobody responds to it, because I enjoy it. No, I’m never bored with myself, to the contrary, I find myself funnier than anyone else out there. Yes, I don’t find anyone with DL funny, but I find myself so amusing and entertaining because of my EL.


I can’t wait, to find out, what I’m able to come up with next, as I always create something new. The nuances of my humor are unsurpassed. It is so subtle, so witty and no one, who claims to be funny – with DL – has this satisfaction. Yes, I say of myself that I’m funny, but these people, who are presumably funny, they would never say of themselves that they are funny. Moreover, they would certainly not say, they are the funniest of all. The reason I am so funny, is because I am not in competition with anyone. I merely do my unusual thing – off stage – and that’s it. Nothing else is needed. I’m not doing anything outside of my competence. Without bothering, who it is for or what other consequences it might have, other than my own enjoyment, I continue with my EL, as your DL can no longer paralyze me.  


Are you going to remain lame for life because of how you were conditioned? Lame humor never is about you having fun by yourself, but always about you obediently, unwillingly, conforming to some individuality-crushing group-behavior. I call my humor real humor, because it goes on in spite of all the misery going on and I enjoy it by myself. Yes, I would only be able to enjoy it with you, if you had EL with me. Saying these words makes me happy. I am alone with my language.


No one can come in between me and my EL, but in DL, someone, inevitably, always comes in between you and your language. And, as a matter fact, in DL, you don’t even have your own language. You only imagine, you have it, just like you imagine, that you are having fun. In American politics, a lame duck or outgoing politician, is an elected official, whose successor is already been elected or will be soon. Such a politician is seen as having less influence with other politicians, due to their limited time left in office. The same thing applies to humor. Our DL has run out of time, it is outdated, and it has no future. DL produces lame duck humor, but EL is the future, as we can laugh about ourselves.  

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