Wednesday, February 22, 2023




This is the best humor you will ever hear, because it is coming from your own mouth, as you read this text out loud and admit, what a moron you are, for engaging in Disembodied Language (DL) every day. Of course, you can continue to cry and complain about it, but you have already done that for so long, so perhaps, it is not such a bad idea, to laugh about your own predicament and see where it takes you? Your refusal to laugh didn’t get you anywhere.


What have you got to lose? You may say this or that matters, but are you having any fun yet? Do you hear yourself laugh? Probably not. You believe in matters, which prevent laughter, let’s leave it at that. Letting go of your important priorities, makes you realize, you got it wrong all along. You believed that not laughing had some lofty purpose, but now  you know, your life without laughter really sucks.


Did you know that laughter makes you intelligent? It is true and you will find many different solutions to your laughable problems. This writing needs to be read in a different way, than you read your usual writings. Normally, you don’t laugh, but with this writing, you have to laugh, you just can’t help it.


No matter what it is that you read, the reader is always expected to do as the writer says. If you get distracted from these words, you are not following my writing. It’s nothing personal, but get with the program. To see, if it is true, that you become more intelligent with laughter, you have to laugh, so try it out and laugh. Reading this writing is meaningless, if you don’t do what I ask you to do. C’mon, laugh.  


This writing is meant to transform the reader, just like that, as the reader hears him or herself, while he or she reads and gets a smile, which turns into a laugh. Let’s exclude politicians and clergy for the sake of having a laugh. You can laugh now about all  pretentious, defensive, ludicrous DL, which kept you imprisoned, but, right now, you’re free, not from identifying with your body, but with your language, because your words say so. Yes, these words aren’t mine, they are yours. They say what only you can tell yourself. You know more about laughter than you expected. And, yes, being truthful is very funny.


Now that you have EL, you realize that while having DL, you never had your own truth. It is such a joy, to know what only you can know about yourself, to say it and to hear it. Feeling good about yourself isn’t for those, who don’t have any sense of humor. You are so lucky to have passed the laughter-test. You would be feeling really bad, if you didn’t get the joke, as that would mean, you’re missing out on EL.


Although it is dumb, tragic, boring, sad and awful, you keep having mechanical DL and keep shooting yourself in the foot, it is perhaps the only way for you to recognize, that DL is a form of self-harm which nobody dares to talk about, as it is just too embarrassing, to fully admit, that we all engage in it, every day. Even when you don’t want to, you still do, because you are unconscious about your use of language, if you can’t laugh about it. It is perfectly okay to laugh and to let that be the beginning of your enlightenment.  


There’s no way for anyone to become aware about their Language Enlightenment (LE) with a sour face. No need to apply for laughter, if you still claim to be right, left, knowledgeable, truthful, moral, justified or religious. You know something is wrong with you, if you don’t laugh. Something is missing, you’re incomplete, you’re dissatisfied, you whine and you complain. Supposedly, again it is not what you had wanted, but what do you want? Do you want to be annoyed, worried and stressed? Of course not.


Do you want to continue to be burdened with the false image of yourself. I don’t think so, because I don’t think to begin with. You still can laugh. I say what I can say and write and you read it and hear it and acknowledge, that you do the same and that is superb, interesting and delightful. There is nothing to think about or understand about laughter. You now read about the LE, you’ve always been missing, since you’ve never had EL for this long. It will still continue, even after you’ve stopped reading this.


Don’t say: it is too good to be true. Say: it is true, because it is funny and simple. You could have done this a long time ago already. Most likely, you did, but you forgot about it, as there was only DL, which kept you psychologically asleep. You can laugh about yourself being foolish and lazy, as you didn’t do what it takes, to have fun. You wanted others to do this for you, but I don’t do anything for anyone. I enjoy myself by writing and speaking like this. I have what I want and I laugh all the way to the bank.               

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