Saturday, August 5, 2023




The common explanation of an illusion – which we give because of our almost permanent, unconscious involvement in Disembodied Language (DL) – is that our senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) are distorted, and, therefore, our so-called mind cannot properly organize or interpret sensory stimulation. It is also due to our DL – which is the dominant way in which human beings, everywhere, deal with their  language – that in physiology, a stimulus is said to be a detectable change in the chemical structure of an organisms internal or external environment. This false explanation and this warped perception, would not occur and would not be shared, by those who are able to engage in Embodied Language (EL).  


What we call internal or external environment, is an illusion, which is created by our DL. When we talk about our mind and its presumed great importance, we don’t realize, we are actually speaking about how we use our language. Moreover, there is, of course, no me, who uses language. Me, is merely a word, to refer to ourselves, that is, to other words. The verbal construct, that I experience something, is the very root of so many problems, which are based on the ignorance about how our language works.


Me, who, presumably, uses language, is overrated, while language itself is dismissed. Certainly, there is only language and there is no me, inside of me, who does what I do. Our bombastic over-emphasis on our identity, prevents us from paying attention to the irrefutable fact that, whatever we claim to be is nothing else but language. In other words, without  language, our fabricated, imaginary, conditioned, automatic, reactive mind doesn’t exist. Our fear of being without all our verbal, attention-demanding definitions and affirmations, about who believe to be, is of course, part of or our illusion, that we think and supposedly possess, use or don’t use our mind.


We even keep extending our verbal nonsense into some after-life and we tell ourselves and each other about some heaven or hell, but none of this is based on what we know. Our belief – a childish story, we keep telling ourselves and each other – has to be the denial of what we know, as we can only say it, as long as we are still alive. We will all die. No one has came back from being dead. However, we know with absolute certainty, there is no language inside of us. There are no words or sentences to be found anywhere in our body. This ancient superstition is created and maintained by the way in which we talk and, subsequently, by how we use our language.


We are only able to comprehend the implications of what we know, if we are brave enough to say no to the coercive, punitive, violent ways in which we are told to conform to how everyone behaves and talks. Science and irrational belief have always been at odds with each other. This conflict continues to this day, in our dumb DL. Our ability to engage in EL, instead of DL, is a truly revolutionary act, as it will  determine, at last, we become individuals, instead of slaves, to how we are expected to behave as part of some group. Everything depends on this act and it is not only your future, but the future of mankind, which depends on the great change from DL to EL.


There is no future for our DL, as it has been exposed as a big fat lie. Similarly, beliefs that illnesses were created by evil spirits have been mostly abandoned. One day, people are going to look back at our brutal history with DL and conclude, that our intelligence has been severely impaired, if not damaged, by the way in which we used to talk. Our brains don’t work properly, if we can’t and don’t produce the sound of our wellbeing, while we speak. Stated differently, our brains are hurting, if we only express pain, fear, stress, aggression, confusion and despair. Surely, our lack of skill, to express our EL, is costing us dearly.


The loss of opportunity, due to our energy-draining, forced, automatic participation in DL, is incalculable. DL has ran its course and now it has to be stopped, by you, as it is mankind’s number one enemy. All problems stem from our involvement in DL. These words make a big impact, as they are not directed at anyone in particular, but they express exactly what is going on. Anyone who reads this, anyone with only the slightest integrity, must repeat and admit, that it is true, there is no language inside of us and, therefore, this entire identity-card-house, which we call our mind, is an illusion, a figure of speech.


Another way of talking is going to forever dissolve our false notion of being thinking human beings. It is not, I think, therefore, I am (Descartes, may he rest in peace), but I speak, therefore, I only have EL. We haven’t really spoken during DL, as we have only pretended to speak and listen. We have endlessly been imprisoned, fooled and distracted by our verbal illusions, which are going to be forgotten, once we take our first steps of EL. I have my entire life been told that I am not listening, because I listen to myself. Yes, I am only listening to those, who, like me, listen to themselves and I have had quite some problems, as I have declared, that listening to myself is more important to me, than listening to others, because I have told myself things, nobody else could have told me, and, thus, talking with myself is more important to me than talking with others or with you. In EL, we will finally talk with each other, in the same way we talk with ourselves.  


I am brilliant in my ability to do what I do, in spite of the pressure to do what everyone else does. I don’t regret what I have done and will continue to rejoice in my Language Enlightenment (LE), which is really my freedom, as I know, that I am not beholden to the crazy fictions everyone with DL is involved in. You should be shocked to read this, as you must stop your DL. If you don’t, your misery and conflict will destroy your life. It is already doing that. Not I or anyone else is responsible, only you. I write this, because I have not only discovered what I’m talking about, but I also live the life, which has been made possible with the continuation of EL. And, I have no illusions about how anyone is going to find out about EL. Talk with me and you will be surprised.                   

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