Wednesday, June 14, 2017

September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016 

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

Order in the field of human affairs can only be obtained with Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB). Disorder is created and maintained by Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB). Many so-called mental disorders are a product of NVB and can be solved by SVB. Stated differently, NVB should be considered as the problem behavior which can be replaced by SVB.

NVB is not a problem to be solved, but it is a behavior which needs to be stopped. Moreover, NVB is mechanical and unconscious, while SVB is alive and conscious. Those with NVB can’t laugh and make everyone serious. These are important distinctions as our world is in great peril.

We can no longer afford not to know about the difference between SVB and NVB. I know it and therefore I have the responsibility to educate others. Once you know about it you share that responsibility and you will view the SVB/NVB distinction as a scientific matter.

Many people will benefit from the discoveries which have already been made each time we change the way in which we talk. SVB will allow for different applications of scientific findings than NVB. In NVB only those who dominate are benefitted, but in SVB everyone is benefitted.

During SVB nobody is dominating anyone. This is not some idealistic philosophy, but a matter of applying science to spoken communication. We need to bring our understanding about human nature on par with our sciences and can only advance towards this goal by engaging in SVB.

Behavior is not observed objectively as long as we don’t restore the role of auditory stimuli in our interactions. Moreover, we will only be able to understand what spoken communication is when we experience what SVB is. Unless we pay more attention to what we experience while we speak, we will neither be listening to ourselves nor to each other.

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