Wednesday, June 14, 2017

September 24, 2016

September 24, 2016 

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

As long as we continue with our Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB), we will not be able to use any of our scientific findings wisely. No matter how much we have advanced in our sciences of nature, we have remained biased in our science of human nature due to NVB. In NVB, the sound of the speaker is experienced by the listener as an aversive stimulus.

In NVB the speaker dominates the listener, who, for hierarchical reasons, is often not even allowed to be a speaker. Speech in which there is no turn-taking is like science without peer-review. Scientific speech has to be Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB) and cannot be NVB.

Order in the field of human affairs has not been achieved as it could not be achieved by NVB. Once science addresses how we actually talk with one another, we can no longer avoid noticing the astounding fact that most of spoken communication is unscientific and unrealistic.

Once we engage in SVB we will have an entirely different, more joyful conception of human interaction. After we have acknowledged the immense difference between SVB and NVB we realize that science is the ongoing conversation which we now have finally identified as SVB.

With NVB the application of the scientific method to our current problems was impossible and went nowhere as we were ignorant about and in denial of the lawful relations between what we say and how we sound. In NVB what we say is always contradicted by how we say it.  

We lack the practical technology to change our behavior as long as we haven’t recognized the difference between SVB and NVB. In SVB we don’t create order as an outcome, but we experience it right away and we maintain it; in NVB, not the process, but only the outcome matters.  

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