Thursday, July 4, 2024

 Again and again,  


Even after you have engaged in, and enjoyed, intelligent, natural, effortless, new Embodied Language (EL) – in which you listen to yourself while you speak – and, even after you have noticed the great difference between EL and your unconscious, unnatural, self-defeating Disembodied Language (DL) – in which you don’t listen to yourself while you speak – you will still again and again engage in stupid DL.


Like everyone else with DL, you believe to have your own explanations about everything. Why do you, again and again, concern yourself with these descriptions and hypotheses? Why don’t you put your own beliefs to the test of talking out loud – alone – with yourself and by listening to what you are able to say to yourself? What you experience in life is the result of your own behavior or the absence of your own behavior.


You know very well that you repeat, again and again, the same misery. Moreover, you do the same thing again, while you keep stubbornly hoping and demanding a different outcome. It is never anything you want to admit, but fact is, you are so busy justifying the importance of your assumptions, that you never get the chance to consider how much of your negativity is again the result of something you didn’t do, which you could have done, but which you again and again simply have refused to do. You are too arrogant to do it and again, want others to do for you, what you should have done for yourself a long time ago. It keeps bothering you as you have never really turned to your own EL.


Today is Independence Day. The independence of your own language can and will only occur if you listen to yourself while you speak. With DL, in which you don’t listen to yourself, you are not independent, you are not free, and you are always experiencing again the bondage, which is created and maintained by your language. It is astonishing after 248 years of independence, you still haven’t acknowledged the immensely important difference between your DL and your EL. All talk about freedom with DL is nonsense, because you repeat, again and again, the same mistakes, dramas, problems and fictions. This Independence Day could be the day on which you began to explore, what I am talking about.


In psychology books, aspiring therapists read about repetition compulsion. Obviously, you repeat yourself, because of your language. Nobody willy-nilly repeats the reenactment of traumatic events or circumstances. Hilariously, you, say again and again, without even realizing it, what you believe to be ‘thinking’ – while in fact, there never really was a mind, you never really had any thoughts, because there doesn’t exist such a thing as inner language, private speech or covert self-talk – in the false hope, that you would be able, one day, to accept, overcome, master and heal your psychological wounds, but you are fooling yourself, again and again, with your insensitive, repetitive, dull DL.


Your DL has caused you nothing but trouble and all your attempts at understanding your endless complications and problems, have made things worse, not better. You are compelled to repeat negative behaviors, because these unconscious behaviors are mediated by your DL, which you have never properly described to yourself. The bottom-line is, you keep engaging, again and again, with other people, in DL, which mediates destructive and harmful behaviors. I’ve gained mastery over my DL-traumas with my ongoing EL. This reveals my Language Enlightenment (LE).


Your description and conceptualization of your own experience is wrong, due to your constant involvement in DL. Naturally, your problems cannot be accurately described with your DL. You say and believe, in having or not having the inner or so-called mental resources to deal with your challenges, but your there is nothing to be gained from this imaginary source within you, as there is no language inside of you. The real solution to your problems – which are many – is to speak out loud, to listen to your own voice and to notice, whether your language fits with your experience or not. Surely, it’s not only your verbal description of your experience, but also how you sound, which creates the match, that allows you to effortlessly switch from DL to EL.  


Since we don’t know the difference between DL and EL, our DL continues everywhere unabated. Everyone who engages in DL is imprisoned by the language of the group, while anyone, who manages to have ongoing EL, will realize his or her LE and experience, what it is like to be truly free. On this Independence Day, I want to again point out, that our DL is as outdated, as paying taxes to King George III. We cannot be ourselves if we again engage in DL. America is said to be the land of the free and home of the brave, but I really wonder, where are these free and brave individuals, who dare to have EL instead of DL?  

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