Saturday, July 20, 2024

 Mission Possible,


In the TV series Mission Impossible, Mr. Phelps listens to his next task, which is recorded on an audio-tape, which, after the message has been played and listened to, will destroy itself in five seconds. The popular series – I was between eight and fifteen years old – played from 1966 till 1973. Each episode was about a small covert team of secret government agents, known as the Impossible Missions Force and their sophisticated methods of deceiving, manipulating and thwarting Iron Curtain governments, third world dictators, corrupt industrialists and crime lords, among others.


I like to talk about this obviously pro-American TV program and speak and write about it, in the light of the distinction between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL). It is interesting, in EL, everything we say, out loud, to ourselves and carefully listen to, disappears, just like that self-destroying audio-recording. EL can be said to be Mission Possible, but, actually, like Mission Impossible, it always proved to be possible. Although the series wasn’t intended to show the difference between DL and EL, it le us listen to and watch those, who, presumably, were the bad guys and the good guys. In doing so, it was – no matter how vague – an attempt at illustrating the difference between DL and EL.


The original TV series began in a similar way, by first listening to a message from the higher-ups in the secret service. Before the message had ended, a grim-sounding voice then said: your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to make Stephan – some villain – believe that Thompson’s false information is true and, thus, prevent a disastrous catastrophe. It concluded with: if any of your force is caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. If you decide to accept the challenging mission, to have EL instead of DL, there will be no team, to bail you out, as you will be entirely on your own against the evil of everyone with DL. However, the false information is contained by your DL, but you will be endlessly distracted into the belief, that being busy with the DL of others, is more important. Fact is, that the DL of others, always triggers your own conditioning.  


People have, historically, always tried to address DL with more of the same DL. As you can tell, from the Mission Impossible series, those who, supposedly, are the good guys, they are tasked, to wipe out the bad guys and this is exactly how DL has always worked. In the ongoing battle for the attention of the audience – others – some speaker, presumably, is more powerful, smarter, intimidating, strategic, deceiving or holy. Those who claim, to have the moral high ground, most likely do most of talking and remain in power. In EL, on the other hand, we give up on this brutal race to the top, that has been going on forever. We can only do so, if we pay attention to our own DL and stop it as often as is needed, to be able to achieve, what seems to be impossible: happiness and satisfaction, which derives from using our language to our own advantage.  


With DL you can never achieve the wellbeing, which occurs when your language fits with your behavior. Basically, you are, unconsciously, on a mission impossible. As you get older, you can’t keep up with you own lies anymore and like Joe Biden, you say or leak things, which reveal your real evil motives. Simply stated, during DL, you are always trying to take someone out, that is, you are always on a trip of revanche for pain, which has been caused to you by others in the past. In effect, DL is the sentimental, childish, negative, demanding way of talking, in which everyone is projecting their traumatic problematic history of conditioning on others and seeks to get away with it. It sounds horrible, to hear your own DL.


Lastly, in DL – which is our usual way of talking in which we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak – we are always hiding and protecting some ugly, dreadful, embarrassing secret. There are, so to speak, many verbal-skeletons in our closet and these concepts and constructs have all been created and maintained by our DL. We need to express these falsehoods to ourselves, not to confess, but to match our language with our behavior. The LBGTQ so-called ‘coming out’, is again always directed at others, that is why we should all supposedly pay attention to them. It signifies, how, in DL, speakers dominate their listeners, as they refuse to listen to themselves. Moreover, there is, the real coming out with EL, which I do here on this blog and on my two You Tube channels 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw. 

You may not yet know anything about the difference between your own DL and EL, but you can hear, in the sound of my voice, what this important difference is all about. You can hear me talk with myself and be myself. You can talk with yourself and be yourself too, if you listen to yourself and let yourself know it has to do with how you sound. DL is impossible, as it forces you to follow expectations of the group, but EL is possible, because it is truly the future of mankind, to speak from our own individuality.           

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