Sunday, July 14, 2024

 Donald Trump Almost Got Killed,  


I am so relieved Donald Trump survived this almost successful assassination attempt. We need him more than ever. I can’t imagine, what would have happened, if he would have died. I am afraid, all hell would then have broken lose and we would be having some kind of civil war.


The incendiary, openly-hateful manner, in which so many left-wing cooks, TV presenters, actors, officials and politicians have been speaking about Trump, over the last couple months, have led up to this escalation of violence. I describe  this totally unhinged rhetoric – in which Trump is repeatedly described as and compared with Adolf Hitler – as Disembodied Language (DL).


You may not believe me, but DL is the way of speaking, in which you, as speaker, don’t listen to yourself, while you speak. Moreover, DL has never been properly addressed with Embodied Language (EL) – in which you, as speaker, listen to yourself, while you speak – and is, therefore, going on in every society, around the world. The difference between DL and EL reveals to us the real reason, why human beings can’t get along.


You hear many people, on the left, talk about the need to ‘lower-the-temperature’, but it is the left, who continues to incite violence, not the right. It is the always the left and never the right, which is instigating: raging, antisemitic, pro-Hamas, anti-America protests; George Floyd-BLM-riots; shops being looted; judges not prosecuting criminals; harassment of Supreme Court justices; anti-fascist-demonstrations, in which statues and monuments are defaced; the fact, that millions of illegals can just walk in; the nihilism, which suggests, that we cannot fix our problems in our social institutions, which need to be torn and so we can start over; law-fare or legal action, as part of a campaign against the political opponent; need for chaos, as a path to gain status and power, by  calling for the overthrow and the destruction of established order…just to name a few…


Although the difference between DL and EL is as unknown, on the left, as on the right side of the political spectrum, it is absolutely clear, the left – and not the right - is repeatedly willing to justify and endorse violence as a means to force their ideology. Moreover, while the right is in favor of the protection of individual freedom, merit, responsibility, accountability and family, the left is constantly on the attack, screaming, basically, like little children, demanding things to go their way. The left is against the family and supporting grooming and indoctrination of children with fake-transgender-identity. Anyone with any awareness about the difference between DL and EL can hear and see, DL fits more with the left, while EL fits with the right.


I obviously use this attack on the life of Trump, to let people know, we urgently need to begin to address the DL/EL distinction. Furthermore, it should be noted, DL always escalates. This is the history of mankind. DL and the wars, which are – unconsciously – justified by our usual way of talking, have continued unabated, because we haven’t addressed the quintessential issue of our time: everything we do is determined by how we talk. Once our way of talking changes, all our other behavior begins to change. This is not some spiritual, psychological, philosophical,  cultural fantasy, but a scientific phenomenon.


As a new American, who was fortunate to have immigrated from the Netherland in 1999, I have slowly, but surely, become politically aware. In the Netherlands, I never paid much attention to politics, but my views were mostly left leaning, determined by how I grew up and had been educated. My Catholic father, who grew up during the occupation of the Germans, was traumatized by this experience. When Holland was liberated by the Allied Forces, in 1945, he had survived, as a child, the Hunger Winter. The rebuilding of Dutch society – with the help of the Marshall plan – set the stage for his limited education, marriage, immediate employment, the creation of a family of three sons and three daughters and a labor-socialist political view. 

It wasn’t until recently, I began to make sense of politics, in terms of how it relates to DL and EL. My unequivocal conclusion is that EL is truly the language of mankind’s future, because it is the ultimate expression of individual freedom. No amount of virtue-signaling, about the need to presumably protect democracy, convinces me, that the left’s cancel-culture is in favor individual freedom, which is a core principle of the American way of life. No, it is Donald Trump and those MAGA republicans, who support him. I am proud to be one. Please also check out my videos on my two You Tube channels maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw and Maximus Peperkamp. Hear me talk and sing.     

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