Saturday, July 6, 2024

 Nothing To Say,


I have got nothing to say and I am done talking. I don’t mean, I have nothing to say to you or, I am done talking with you, but I have nothing to say to myself and I am done talking with myself.


I have got plenty to say to you and when I am done with you, I will let you know. Unlike you, I have talked with myself and listened to myself and unlike you, I have continued with Embodied Language (EL). You don’t talk with yourself, that is why, you can’t hear yourself and act on what you have said to yourself. There is nothing to hear, as long as you don’t speak with yourself. You can't listen to yourself by 'watching' your thoughts.  


Due to your Disembodied Language (DL), you still believe, you have a mind and thoughts, but if you said, to yourself, out loud, what you are, supposedly, thinking, you would come to know, there is no inner language, there is no mind and there is no thought...there never was...


Like Joe Biden, you want to continue to lie, with your DL and everyone who still supports you, is equally stuck in DL. I don’t support your DL and that is why you don’t want to talk with me. I am only interested in EL. I say to you and everyone who doesn’t know EL, your DL is on its deathbed.


Surely, it is not about Joe Biden, who is failing, but it is about our commonly shared DL, which is no longer working. Apparently, in spite of the obvious fact, that DL continues to reign everywhere, Americans have enough sense of what it is like to behave as individuals, that they are able to massively reject the DL of decrepit Joe Biden.


Naturally, it is one thing, to recognize the DL of others, but it is quite another, to recognize it in yourself. After Joe Biden is gone, everyone  still has to begin to acknowledge, what they heard and saw in Joe Biden, they also do themselves, every day. Everyone should be grateful to Joe Biden for showing us the final breakdown of DL.


After the inevitable fall of Joe Biden, we can no longer deny, the great difference between scripted and unscripted speech, which is the difference between our unconscious, forceful, unnatural DL and our brief, haphazard moments of natural, authentic, effortless energizing EL. We have only had EL in an accidental way, but not in a conscious, skillful and ongoing manner.


Everything I say and write, I have said to myself and my life is in order. I don’t get involved with or stuck in your unintelligent, negative DL. My EL always continues, that is why I can speak and write to you from my Language Enlightenment (LE).


If you long to be a free, conscious, happy and capable human being, you must pay attention to the contrast between your stupid, miserable, meaningless way of life and my joyful way life. You don’t know how to stop your DL and that is why you can’t have ongoing EL and realize your LE. You have missed out on this your whole life. You too are going down the drain with your automatic DL, no matter how much you deny this, like Joe Biden.


I understand that you too want to have power, like Joe Biden, but, perhaps, now you can see and hear, with your own eyes and ears, your DL was and is a matter of make-believe. With DL, you have been pretending, like Joe Biden, what was unreal was real, but with EL, you will find out what is real. 


My DL fell by the wayside, as I kept delightfully exploring my ongoing EL. I am not interested in anything, anyone with DL is interested in. My interest is in what can and will be achieved with EL. Your blissful LE is waiting for you, to be realized with EL and yet, you childishly, stubbornly – like nasty Joe Biden – believe in politics, media, science, religion, economy, psychology, laws, medicine, education, laws, science, etc., to save you from yourself. 


It is fantastic – for the whole world to see and hear – Joe Biden’s lies are on full display, as all of mankind, has continued with superstitious, phony, disastrous DL, which was never properly addressed with EL. I am addressing your DL, here, with my EL. Only such an approach allows you to step out of your conditioning. I have already stepped out my DL. 


When it comes to your own experience, your DL is just as pretentious and horrific as Joe Biden. My EL fits exactly with my own experience. You may stick up your middle finger, but you cannot escape the consequences of your DL, which are always bad. Like worn-out, desperate Joe Biden, you are not an ego-deranged emperor, who refuses to quit, but you only know how to have DL, because you don’t listen to yourself.


Once you hear yourself speak, your DL will have no secrets anymore. You were only taught and told, to listen to others or to make others listen to you, but you have never listened to yourself. There is no inner self, which makes you have DL, because your DL is reinforced by everyone else who has it and who frantically seeks to get away with it, by acting as if they are superior or inferior to others. In DL, everyone behaves as if they are better than others and on top of it all, or they behave as victims and seek to dominate others with their victimhood. During EL, on the other hand, we speak with a sound, which we ourselves like to listen to. Listeners who hear a speaker with EL, hear someone who listens to him or herself while he or she speaks and such a person – like me – invites you to have EL too.


The final blow for Joe Biden, actually, might be his taped-interview with the disgusting, liberal creep George Stephanopoulos. If you would record what you say to yourself and listen to it, you can say for yourself, how much you like or dislike what you heard yourself say. This is the way in which, you can hear a different voice, if you step out of your scripted speech (DL) and switch to your unscripted speech (EL). You will notice what a great relief it is – just as it will be a great relief to get rid of Joe Biden – to step out of your DL and have some EL. Moreover, you can hear, feel, experience the difference. 


Any so-called sympathy for old Joe Biden – supposedly, because, presumably, he was defending democracy – was actually your complicity in his DL, by being for or against Joe Biden. I couldn’t care less about Joe Biden, because I have EL and I know, everyone, on the Left and the Right, engages, unknowingly, in DL. 


I have said everything I had wanted to say – to myself – and I have also said – to myself – everything I was capable of saying. From now on, I will only be talking with others. I realize, I couldn’t say before, what I wanted to say – to others – but, today, it feels, I am ready to say to others, what I couldn’t say, as long as I was still busy with saying things – out loud – to myself.


Before, I was capable of continuing with my EL, I first had to move away and stay away from everyone, who was having DL. Each time, I was involved with others, who only know DL, I felt, my EL stopped. I always went back to talking with myself, so I could go on with EL again. While I was riding my bicycle, this morning, I found, to my surprise, I had absolutely nothing to say to myself anymore.


Going back again to Joe Biden’s debacle, I want to be very clear – Karine Jean-Pierre, the Biden administration and the Left-wing media, constantly talk about being very clear, but I really am very clear – that we are dealing with the break-down of DL.


Our DL will grind to a halt, when we begin to listen to ourselves. Joe Biden, due to his unique position, as the president of the United States, has all eyes – and all ears –  of the entire world on him. Although he repeatedly defiantly stated “watch me”, everyone has now heard him, while they were watching him. Joe Biden was not losing his train of thought, as there is no such thing as inner language. Train of thought is only a metaphor for what, presumably, goes on in his brain. The problem of Joe Biden is that he cannot speak properly anymore, and he clearly fails to finish his sentence. Neural dysfunction and (non-political) progressive neural loss, is causing this, as there are no words or sentences inside of the human brain.


Once everyone comes to know about, not Joe Biden’s inability to function as the president of the United States, but about the importance of the difference between DL and EL, it may very well be, that our unnatural DL – in which speakers do not listen to themselves while they speak – will be found to play a huge role in the neuro-degenerative decline, which is so common in many seniors. Dissociative DL, which is going on everywhere, prevents us from being in touch with our own experience and is causing major psychological and physiological problems, because we do not and cannot embody our own language. As a result, we imagine that our language happens, involuntarily, inside of us and we believe we don’t do it, like riding a bicycle. Oddly, poor Joe Biden even fell from his bicycle.             

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