Monday, July 15, 2024

 Different Tone,


In response to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Joe Biden gave a fake-campaign speech. He read another meaningless text, which was written for him - not by him - from the teleprompter. Bottom-line is, Joe Biden, of course, knows damn well, he bears responsibility for this escalation, which he has helped to create. Now his hateful adds have suddenly been stopped.  


Instead of calling Donald Trump a dictator and a fascist or telling the nation – as he did the other day – “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye”, we are now supposed to believe “it’s time to cool it down.” What demented Joe Biden, who makes things up, even while reading something from a piece of paper, clearly meant to say was “It’s time to put Trump in the cross-hears”, which means visible in one’s gunsight. Oddly, the correct expression is hitting the bullseye, which means hitting the center of a target.


Naturally, Joe Biden is relieved, attention is no longer going to his malfunctioning presidency. His handlers let him read from a script, in which he downplays the attack on Donald Trump and distracts the audience’s attention, by rambling on about attacks on other political figures. And, then he says “In America we resolve our differences at the battle box” instead of the ballot-box.


This foolish, stubborn, vindictive man - who, let's not forget, in the past, has even said, he wanted to take Donald Trump behind-the-barn, for a fistfight - now, pretends to be a mature parent, who speaks to the nation in a rare Oval Office appearance “we all have a responsibility” to tone it down, to speak in a way, which isn’t resulting in violence. Really? 


Surely, Joe Biden wasn’t talking about the great difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), but this instance is an example of how – in DL – we deal with the problems, which are created by DL. Presumably, what Joe Biden is saying is: let’s not have any more DL, but EL, but that is not what is happening.


Interestingly, all fear-hate-mongering race-baiting pundits are talking now about the presumed need for a change in the tone of our 'conversation', as if they know, the difference between DL and EL, is about how we sound. Nothing is further away from the truth. People talk about DL with more of the same DL. There is no end to the conflicts and problems, unless DL stops. This is only achieved if we begin to talk with our EL about our DL.


Joe Biden is calling for unity, after nine years of hatred, lies and attacks. He is the arsonist, who pretends to be the fire marshal. Like Hamas, he calls for a cease fire, but he seeks to destroy. Like other Marxist leaders, Joe Biden has no qualms, about making even the people of his own party collateral damage, to keep himself in power. He views – or at least presents – himself as special, but, ironically, members of his own communist party are eager to throw him under the buss, which probably is going to happen... eventually... anyway... 


Anyone, who is a true American, freedom-loving patriot knows, that the so-called ‘high road’ is dead-end. It makes no sense to pretend, DL is EL. Yet, DL is identified correctly as DL only, when we can have ongoing EL. For now, the difference between our DL and EL is as unknown on the Right as on the Left, but the Right is beginning to wake up to EL, the language of our individual freedom.


There is no room for compromise between DL and EL, because we either engage in one or the other. I call on all the people on the Right, to talk with me about EL, so we can stop pussyfooting about DL. The Left wants to make it seem, as if the crazy shooter was a ‘republican’, to label all those who support Donald Trump as domestic terrorists. Yes, they are trying to make it seem, as if they are having EL, but they are having DL. The Left has been inciting violence, by calling all the Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters Nazis, white supremacists, Hitler and a threat to democracy, but they have never addressed their own DL. They try to blame MAGA for their own DL.


Everything that has happened was preceded by our way of talking. Also, everything that is going to happen, will be determined by whether we engage in DL or in EL. Once we have ongoing EL, we know, all misery, all conflict, all atrocity, that has happened, was due to DL – which was never addressed with EL – because we have never had any ongoing, deliberate, conscious, skillful EL. While we may live in Western Democratic societies in the 20th century, millions of people have been killed – in China, USSR, Iran, North Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Syria – by their own governments, who are all against the freedom of the individual. I predict that unless we learn to have ongoing EL and address our DL, the so-called ‘free’ world will turn again into is already happening...         

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