Thursday, July 11, 2024



You can’t make this shit up. This is how crazy American politics is today. Luckily, the so-called Save-Act – which requires proof of citizenship in federal elections – was passed, yesterday, in the House in a 221-198 vote. So, almost every treasonous democrat voted to, supposedly, ‘protect’ the ability of illegals to vote. Surely, Alejandro Mayorkas, who is the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, has willfully and systematically refused to comply with the law, in regard to federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust. Without any doubt, the with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) afflicted democrats, have deliberately, flooded the United States with millions of illegals – who the hell knows how many terrorists are among them? – in an all-out attempt, to give them voting rights and interfere with next election. A full House vote on February 6, to impeach this America-hating traitor, failed to pass in a 214-216 vote, also, almost entirely along party-lines.


Anyone, who objects to these evil democrats, is considered a fascist, a racist, a nationalist, but the fact of the matter is, that the democratic party welcomes the current invasion of the United States, along with mass unfettered migration as a whole, because they desire to decrease the power held by the founding American-European population for the purpose of advancing their neo-communist agenda. The same thing is happening in Europe as well as in United States, because, in spite of there being so-called free democratic societies, nobody has paid attention to Disembodied Language (DL), our dominant, primitive, reactive, fear-based, always-escalating, stupid, effortful, unnatural, unconscious way of talking, which is our ancient group-behavior, which is against the individual.


We have almost reached the complete collapse of Western civilization. With DL, the destruction of the free world, is almost a fait accompli. Our denial to acknowledge the immense difference between our, usual, insensitive, automatic way of dealing with language, which, simply stated, is language-as-determined-by-the-group and our Embodied Language (EL), our new way of dealing with language – in which we do not speak to listen to each other, but to ourselves – is why our forceful group-behavior continues.  


Our new way of talking, EL, which I describe as  language-as-determined-by-the-individual, is the only way, to effectively counteract our long and dreadful conditioning history with DL. Our political system is based on political parties, on groups, but now, it almost cannot be denied, only conservatives and republicans are in favor of the individual, while democrats are willing to invite hordes of unknown aliens, who have no allegiance to American values, grounded in the supremacy of freedom for the individual. They are willing to sacrifice everything that is good about the United States on the altar of their ideology.  


EL, which is the honest, sensitive, intelligent,  expression of our individual freedom, is against anything, that is forced, coerced or pushed on us, with language. Anyone, who knows about the great difference between DL and EL, will always reject DL and prefer EL. Once there is clarity and certainty, about the importance of the continuation of our own EL, we will do anything, that will make it happen, which means, we will defend ourselves from the forces of evil, which are caused and maintained by DL, which is our common way of talking. The only way to do this, is by talking with ourselves and by listening to ourselves, because without this necessary form of self-stimulation, our EL,  subsides in absence of social reinforcement. A new sense of unity is experienced by our shared EL, because we come together as individuals, who are staying away from any group-behavior.


We may like to believe, that a lot has changed, because of our wonderful technology, but when it comes to speaking and listening, that is, to our individual human relationships, to our way of interacting, almost nothing has changed. We are still ignorant about our communication and that is why we have accepted hierarchical DL – in which someone is presumably superior, while others are inferior – as the only possible way. This has been going on and this is still going on in every society around the world, because it has never been addressed, as I do, with my EL.


Our blunt, outdated, unintelligent DL affects almost all aspects of our lives, but we don’t even know this. Democrats justify their DL by anti-racist campaigns and by insisting diversity is our strength, but they are as much in denial of EL as conservatives. It is interesting to see, how people on the right, basically, don’t dare to speak about their objectives, as they are in fear of being accused of discrimination. However, distinguishing between our DL and our EL, is the most ultimate form of discrimination, as it will expose and discard our superstitious DL-beliefs.


A lot has been said and written about freedom, but written language – the Constitution – did  not and could not accomplish the revolutionary change in spoken language from DL to EL, which I am referring to. We cannot write or study our way into a better way of communicating and it should be stated here, that psychology – which I have studied and taught for many years – has utterly failed us. Our way of dealing with our language, but also all of our other behavior, is determined by how we speak. If we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we will inevitably imagine to be living in the la-la-land of so-called inner language, our mind, but when we listen to ourselves, while we speak – as we do in EL – we realize, we are free, as there is no inner speech. And, this frees us up to have EL with each other.  


EL almost seems too good to be true. Perhaps, it is the puritan, self-effacing, religious attitude, which still underlies the modern Pilgrim’s grit, which has prevented him or her from enjoying true individualism, with EL, which is without the deity called God or the deity called inner self. If one takes the time, to speak, in order to be able to listen to oneself and to understand oneself, one notices, almost immediately, an incredible blessing, from the energy, that was stuck in DL, which comes back to you, when you have EL.            

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