Sunday, July 7, 2024

 Allowed To Laugh,


My humor is different from any other humor. With me, you are not forced to laugh. Don’t get me wrong, you are allowed to laugh. It would be good for you to laugh and, of course, I would enjoy laughing with you, but it is also perfectly okay, if you don’t laugh, if you don’t find it funny, what I say isn’t funny. You are allowed to simply fall into the role of someone who laughs.


You see, I find the fact, that I’m not funny, in the eyes and ears of sad people like you, very funny. I will even try to be more not funny, as that is what I seem to be good at and enjoy doing. I’m not trying to piss anyone off. I’ve done that and agree, that wasn’t funny. That’s why I stopped with it a long time ago. I know, my humor is only for the happy few. That’s just how it is and how it will probably always be. I don’t see any reason why that all of a sudden would change.


Water isn’t going to flow up the hill. I have come to terms with the reality of the reality, because that is what my humor is about. Aren’t you allowed to be human? Just asking. The jokes you are used to, are not about reality. They take you away from the reality and, yes, I wouldn’t even characterize them as jokes, but as lies about the reality. To those, who laugh about those jokes, I say: you’re laughing for the wrong reason. You are here, but since you are, for some strange reason, not allowed to laugh, you are never really truly here. The nature of reality is funny, but fabricated, tiring, hysterical stories are more of the same falsehoods, which, in my opinion, no one should laugh about, but have a serious, long conversation about. Surely, I or others are allowed to enter into your world.


I rather have a meaningful conversation with you about everything that is wrong, than make you laugh about nonsense, as that, to me, is funny, that you refuse to do that, while it is so needed. Am I allowed to take you there? Let’s get this straight, you want something idiotic to laugh about, while everything is going down the drain? I’m not having any part in so-called dark humor. I rather have some reality humor in which you are allowed to laugh about all the bullshit, which is going on in your miserable life. If you are not allowed to admit, to laugh about your ordeal, you are not allowed to leave your troubles behind. I talk about your inability to laugh, but I don’t force you to assume, that I am funny.


Most likely, I’m not funny to you. It is allowed by me and if it is allowed by you, I have reached my objective. I find it so funny, that someone like you, who basically doesn’t know anything about having fun, is, perhaps learning from me, who isn’t funny, because you are finally getting it. To know what is funny, you must know what isn’t funny and you can’t keep laughing about things, which weren’t funny, in the first place.


Am I allowed, to let you read what I wrote? Are you allowed to read it out loud, so you can hear your voice? Don’t expect me to say things you’ve come to expect from humorists. I’m not into dead-pan humor. My humor is about the truth, which you laugh away, as if it was funny. My truth isn’t funny. I’m okay with that. It is funny, you are not okay with it. You twist and turn, but you keep being stuck in lies, which will only end, when you stop yourself from trying to have fun, when there is nothing to laugh about, when you are finally allowed to be like others.  


Why are you only allowed, to laugh out loud, when you are in a crowd? I’m not punishing anyone, because I don’t expect anyone to laugh about me, but I say what is funny to me. I can’t believe, you keep on talking about the same things and expect to laugh, while all you do, is repeat the same thing, which isn’t funny. To me, laughter is about something new, but the old,  you are used to, somehow, has to be stopped. I know that you can do it. It isn’t my task, to stop your habit, it is up to you. I can only let you know, that I have done it and it really works. I believe, I am allowed to say, humor is not about what you believe to be true. There is not much to laugh about what is true, according to you.  


I’ve stopped laughing about my problems and guess what? They have all disappeared and I’ve been laughing ever since. My unique form of humor emerges from not having any problems. Of course, you don’t believe me, because it is absolutely not allowed to be without problems. I know you can’t stand me saying this, but my way of using language has really allowed me to not have any problems. I know you don’t find it funny, but you are allowed not to laugh. How is that, for a change? And, since it is allowed, that I or someone else, is, apparently, happier than you, you might still begin to find it a little funny, because I am not telling you to laugh about me, but about yourself. You are allowed to catch up. You too could laugh, if you would address and solve your problems, instead of listening to someone, who makes you forget about yourself, by being, supposedly, funny. I’m reminding you of how much fun you could be having, if you were true to yourself. What is funny to you, is not what someone else is saying. When you are allowed to be who you are, you are so funny.

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