Tuesday, December 26, 2023




Ockham’s Razor is the scientific problem-solving principle, that suggests searching for explanations constructed with the smallest possible set of elements. Embodied Language (EL) is the language we are only able to produce, when we listen to the sound of our voice, while we speak, so that we can  hear and feel a sense of wellbeing. Everyone can do it, yet nobody does it, since we were conditioned to listen to others, while we speak, not to ourselves. In effect, Disembodied Language (DL) is our common way of talking, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language, as well as with all other behavior. If we really finally want to get serious about moving beyond the us-versus-them divide, which is tearing us apart, it is absolutely necessary, that we begin to differentiate between our own DL and our own EL.


The simplest explanation is usually the best one and nowhere is this more apparent, than in EL. Not only  results our unconscious, involuntary and effortful participation in DL, in imaginary, unnecessary and energy-draining complications, once it is stopped, we are wiser, because with ongoing EL, we attain self-knowledge, our Language Enlightenment (LE). If civil discourse and consensus-building is our aim, we must prevent all DL, so that we can engage in EL.  


When two competing hypotheses are presented about the same prediction and both theories have equal explanatory power, one should prefer the hypothesis that requires the fewest assumptions. In this case, EL is the preferred hypothesis. However, this philosophical razor is not meant to be a way of choosing between hypotheses that make different predictions. Anyone who has experienced and thus,  explored the difference between DL and EL, knows – although it is mechanically claimed, DL has equal or even better explanatory power than EL, because initially, from our DL-conditioning, EL seems to be more complex than DL – these two disparate ways of dealing with language predict different outcomes. To be clear, EL is not chosen, because others have acknowledged it to be parsimonious, but because we ourselves have individually determined, that our EL is true for ourselves. Nevertheless, we can all acknowledge, EL is true for each of us, individually. EL is based on N=1 and, surprisingly, we all agree.


A surgeon must cut with great precision and if we want to be able to cut through the abscess, which has been created by and is growing bigger and bigger, due to our DL – in which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves – then, we must begin to talk with a sound, which represents our mutual sense of being completely at ease. The sharp tool we need, during our conversation, is our voice, but our voice of precision is gentle, sensitive, genuine and calm, not harsh, forceful, painful or frightening.


EL makes instantly clear to us, that any talk about the so-called efficacy of deep, empathetic listening in changing minds, is pure nonsense. If we manage to change from DL to EL, we will do so, without any reference to a non-existent mind, but by bringing our attention to speaking, listening, reading and writing. In other words, only overt language is addressed, because covert language doesn’t exist, as it is a fantasy-product of DL, in which we can never express ourselves how we would like to.  


The unfolding of our EL is something extra-ordinary. It is the resonant sound of our own voice, which we follow with great precision, which allows us to say things, we were never able to formulate during DL. The accuracy of our verbal behavior is substantially increased, as our EL implies a change of perception. Knowledge, in EL, isn’t something we retrieve from memory, but which we say or write spontaneously, because we have unshackled ourselves, even if it is only for a few moments, from our history with DL.  


Ongoing EL, allows for a precision of observation, which previously, with DL, was impossible. Before we can really know and instruct ourselves and each other, into what is the right thing to do, we must first diagnose things correctly. However, DL doesn’t even permit us to say what is, according to us, going on, so whatever we say, with DL, is creating nothing but problems. Sure enough, the polarization of how we communicate, is only further enhanced, by our isolation, while we are sitting in front of our screens, longing for a brief like, that is, a boost of dopamine.


Anyone who has paid attention to the lucidity and precision of what I am writing about, in this blog, must admit, this clarity doesn’t show up anywhere else. The four educational institutions I have been part of – Butte College, California State University Chico, Ryokan and Palo Alto University – were not interested in the precision, I brought to our use of our language. Although lots of people must have heard or read about me, nobody ever came to me and said: let us help you, to put this new way of dealing with our language on the map, we would be so proud, to have you as our alumnus. Instead, each of these institutions gave their full support to the dumbing-down of anti-free-speech, anti-intellectual equity-diversity-and-inclusion programs, which, as expected, has only created more DL and division.        

Here is another incredibly moving and beautiful text about crying from my delightful enlightened Dutch friend AnnaMieke, which was read and understood by many people. I have put her text through google translate. Thank you AnnaMieke. 

Here is the link to her blog: Natuurlijk Ontvouwen.: In wie ik ben. (klompanna2.blogspot.com)

In who I am.
I cry to feel,
what it can be like to be able to cry, for what others cannot care about, in what I can show, that in the excessive unfolding my crying can arise. I cry because I know how to feel in seeing all the suffering. Of all the carrying mistakes that make me cry.
I cry about a past that is no longer there, but due to the circumstances in my understanding, I can often cry about what has happened to me and probably also to the other person. And I cry about recognition in a conversation, and I can cry about my knowledge. I cry from my own lack, to be able to say that my crying turns out to be a gift, that my crying when it comes, can be so unconditional, in letting it flow, to the sound that, like a horn, can give me in crying all I can.
I cry to understand my own words, my own existence in the tears that I feel, of my unfolding in the emotion that I often feel and can have. And I can experience in my crying how soft my parts become, how like a mortal , can have in my hands, in the language that frees me. I cry about what happens to me in all my writing, and I cry about the ending that I described. I cry to last, in all my state of being and I no longer withdraw can ask why my crying wants to be with me. I cry to want to be seen, to feel what it should be like, to reveal the depth of my experience in my writing. I cry in my parts and feel it in my heart, that it can sometimes be so moved. And fortunately I can interpret my tears to be able to cry in who I am.

Hier is nog een prachtige tekst over huilen, van mijn verlichte vriendin AnnaMieke, die schijnbaar heel wat heeft losgemaakt bij mensen, omdat zovelen het hebben gelezen en begrepen. 

Hier is de link naar haar blog: Natuurlijk Ontvouwen.: In wie ik ben. (klompanna2.blogspot.com)

In wie ik ben.

Ik huil om te voelen,
hoe het kan zijn om te kunnen huilen, om wat andere niet kunnen geven,in wat ik kan laten zien, dat in het overmatig ontvouwen mijn huilen kan ontstaan.Ik huil, omdat ik weet hoe te voelen in het zien van al het leed.Van al het dragend vergissen, dat mij in het huilen zet.
Ik huil om een verleden wat er niet meer is,maar door de omstandigheden in mijn begrijpen, ik vaak kan huilen wat mij en waarschijnlijk ook de ander is overkomen.En ik huil om de herkenning in een gesprek,en kan huilen om mijn weten.Ik huil vanuit mijn eigen gebrek, om te kunnen stellen dat mijn huilen een cadeau blijkt te zijn,dat mijn huilen wanneer het komt, zo onvoorwaarlijk kan zijn, in het laten stromen, naar de klank die net als een hoorn, mij kan geven in het huilen wat ik kan.
Ik huil om te verstaan mijn eigen woorden,mijn eigen bestaan in de tranen die ik voel, van mijn ontvouwen in de ontroering wat ik vaak ook voel en kan hebben.En kan ervaren in mijn huilen hoe zacht mijn delen wordt,hoe als een sterveling, in handen kan hebben, in de taal die mij bevrijd.Ik huil wat mij gebeurd in al mijn schrijven,en huil om de afsluiting die ik beschreef.Ik huil om te beklijven, in al mijn staat van zijn en ik mij niet meer af kan vragen waarom mijn huilen bij mij wilt zijn.Ik huil om gezien te willen worden, om te voelen hoe het moet zijn, om in mijn schrijven de diepte, van mijn ervaren blijkt te zijn.Ik huil in mijn delen en voel het aan mijn hart,dat deze soms zo in een  ontroering kan zijn.En gelukkig mijn tranen kunnen duiden om te kunnen huilen in wie ik ben.

 Here is another beautiful piece of writing (I put it through google translate) from my brave Dutch friend AnnaMieke (thank you), who gives shape to her Embodied Language (BT) and her Language Enlightenment (TV) in her own precise, fluid way. Of course, BT and TV exist, and it is true that anyone who doesn't want to talk to her or me has never gotten around to it. Here is the link to her blog:

Natuurlijk Ontvouwen. (klompanna2.blogspot.com)

Let it come as it comes.

By experiencing it and not looking for what is no longer there, but continuing to unfold in the crystal light, the wealth of my unfolding shines in a different light. That seeps into every nook and cranny, and a space can arise in it. what I can really tell. The chance to know that in the next line of my writing, will go further in describing my own language. My own language that lets me know the patience I tend to have can be seen from the maturity in my share it and I don't have to do anything about it other than just write in this moment. The specialness in my storytelling is also being willing to bend into what comes and not being able to put my finger on anything anymore, but let what comes come.
Let what comes come is in fact a surrender of my writing, in every word that pops up and I can read it out loud to myself afterwards. In the beauty of my parts, it almost seems like a crusade to know what happens in my act of writing, over the edge of origin, the surprised looks that can look at me, in the incomprehension, of discovering that my own language exists.
As a series of experiences, the future is not yet here, but in this moment of sharing, as a kind of confession, which cannot put faith or conviction in a spiritual capacity, which can only apply in the moment of my writing. Where my focus to listen let come what comes.
It is the wave of life, where the brilliance in my language, I can pass this on and my language remains the reason for all my writing.

Let what comes comes puts my attention in the middle, through my conversation with myself and sometimes leans towards a new moment, where I enjoy staying, where the wind has finally died down again, where the sun shines again for a while, where the puddles of the heavy rain, appear to have dried up, I also put my face in the sun, to feel how the living proof, enriches me in the silence received, in the eternity of being able to be, what I let come while I write .

Dank je wel. Hier is wederom een prachtig schrijven van mijn dappere vriendin AnnaMieke, die op geheel eigen, precieze, vloeiende manier gestalte geeft aan haar Belichaamde Taal (BT) en haar Taal Verlichting (TV). Uiteraard bestaat BT en TV en is het waar, dat iedereen, die niet met haar of mij wil praten er nog nooit aan toe is gekomen. Hier is de link naar haar blog: Natuurlijk Ontvouwen. (klompanna2.blogspot.com)

Laat komen zoals het komt.

Door het ondervinden en niet te zoeken naar wat er niet meer is,maar te blijven ontvouwen in het kristallen licht,zet de weelde van mijn ontvouwen in een ander licht.Dat door sijpelt in alle hoeken en gaten,en er een ruimte kan onstaan in wat ik werkelijk kan vertellen. De schijn van kans om te weten dat in een volgende lijn van mijn schrijven, verder zal gaan in het omschrijven van mijn eigen taal.Mijn eigen taal die laat weten om het geduld wat ik pleeg te hebben, kan worden gezien vanuit de rijpheid in mijn delen en ik er niets aan hoef te doen dan alleen te schrijven in dit moment.De bijzonderheid in mijn vertellen is ook bereid om te kunnen buigen in wat er komt en nergens meer een vinger op kan leggen,maar laat komen wat er komt.
Laat komen wat er komt is in feite een overgave van mijn schrijven,in ieder woord wat naar boven plopt en ik achteraf het hardop aan mijzelf kan voorlezen. In de schoonheid van mijn delen, bijna een kruistocht lijkt om te weten wat er in mijn handeling van schrijven, over de rand van ontstaan, de verbaasden blikken die mij aan kunnen kijken, in het niet verstaan, van het ontdekken dat eigen taal bestaat.Als een rits van beleven de toekomst er nog niet is,maar in dit moment van delen, als een soort belijdenis, die geen geloof of overtuiging kan zetten in een spiritueel vermogen,wat alleen kan gelden in het moment van mijn schrijven.Waar  mijn focus om te luisteren laat komen in wat er komt.
Het is de golf van leven,waar de schittering in mijn taal, ik dit kan doorgeven en mijn taal de reden blijft van al mijn schrijven.

Laat komen wat er komt zet mijn aandacht in het midden, door mijn gesprek met mijzelf en helt soms over naar een nieuw moment, waar ik met genoegen in verblijf,waar eindelijk de wind weer is gaan liggen,waar even de zon weer schijnt,waar de plassen van de vele regen, opgedroogd blijken te zijn, mijn gezicht in de zon ook zet, om te voelen hoe het levend bewijs, mij verrijkt in de ontvangen stilte,in de eeuwigheid van te kunnen zijn, wat ik laat komen terwijl ik schrijf. 




With Disembodied Language (DL), we keep blaming others for what we do ourselves. If we would have some Embodied Language (EL), it would become clear, one person with DL, blames the other person with DL, but neither one of them has EL. Although I hate left-wing politics, because lying dictator Biden and his diversity-equity-inclusion-cancel-regime are obviously against the freedom of speech and refusing to have any honest debate, I am well aware, that superstitious, outdated, predictable right-wing politicians, cling to their power with equal tenacity and vengeance. Presumably, it would be ideal, if we could – knowingly – have a genuine confrontation between left-wing and right-wing DL, so we could finally all agree, DL really isn’t getting us anywhere, then we would reach across the aisle and we would live forever happily after. However, if we knew we had DL, it would stop, and we would have EL instead. Then, we wouldn’t be politically divided anymore, so, there wouldn’t be any need for useless debate.


The danger for anyone, who begins to discover and explore the great difference between his or her DL and EL, is that he or she might blame him or herself for having DL, as he or she would realize, that there is something terribly wrong with his or her own DL. This is very likely, because everyone engages in DL and anyone, who dares to recognize the difference between DL and EL, can’t help feeling helpless and alone, while at the same time noticing, he or she, him or herself is constantly, unknowingly, engaging in this despicable act. This is the inevitable effect of our long conditioning history with DL, which isn’t all of a sudden, miraculously, going to come to an end.


With regard to our dealing with language, there is, of course, in and of itself, nothing wrong with the pot blaming that the kettle is black, as that is exactly what we all do, unconsciously, everywhere, every day. Surely, this nowadays perhaps considered racist saying takes on a whole new meaning, when a white person is blaming a black person for playing the race-card. It is because we don’t know anything at all about the huge difference between DL and EL, that we keep endlessly blaming and attacking each other, because in doing so, both left-and-right-wing people are frantically virtue-signaling, to get the attention and the votes of the members of their group. Stated differently, DL is a group-language, that obfuscates EL, which is an individual language or personal language. I would never call our DL groupthink, because with EL I have found thinking doesn’t exist. Furthermore, as long as we don’t admit and fully acknowledge, that saying, of course, equals doing, that is, as long as we keep pretending – by referring to this unintelligent fantasyland, we call thinking – that there is a difference between saying and doing, we will see the vicious escalation play out, between the DL of one group versus the DL of another group. This is the history of mankind.


People keep blaming the system of government for what is wrong in society, but each culture can only be what it is, as we support it with our individual behavior. Although in Western societies individuals have attained certain rights, it would be ludicrous and contradictory for me – or for anyone, who knows about EL – to insist on having the right, to be spoken to with EL. Imagine for a moment, what that would sound or be like. Excuse me, but I can sense, you are trying to distract, intimidate and overwhelm me with your disgusting, nasty, forceful, humiliating DL and I demand, you stop it, right now and start respecting and reciprocating my preference for EL…


My message for Biden is, to shave his head bolt – as an act of repentance – and to stop hanging on to his greasy, old-fashioned, angry hair. If I could, I would coach him, to walk gracefully and start acting his age, instead of showing off, he can still youthfully jog. Biden is a perfect example of someone, who would like others to believe – he is so sickly eager for approval, that he is blaming all the negative polls and playing the victim-card – he is having EL, but everyone knows, he is a frustrated, demanding, complaining, big baby, whose presence darkens the room and even scares the dogs. Seems to me, the more he tries to act friendly, the creepier he gets and the more he recognizes, others see through his act, the more fanatical and tyrannical he becomes.


Biden reminds me – because he looks and sounds just like him – of some old man, I once took care of as a caretaker, while I was still studying for my undergraduate in psychology. One day, in the waiting-room, at the doctor’s office, to my big surprise, this frail, thin man, deliberately, laughingly and victoriously, drove his wheelchair over the feet of some poor old lady, who, he felt, was in his way. Later, I heard from his embarrassed son, his father had been an abusive man his whole life. Now that he was demented, the demon was on full display.


One day, I had cooked his diner, he threw his plate with food on the floor and demanded, he should eat out and he would drive, but he no longer had a car in his garage. He yelled, screamed and cursed at me, as I tried to get him to come back again to the living room, but in the hall, he unexpectedly swung at me, which, in a reflex, I narrowly escaped. He could have injured me. His fist, however, had landed on the wall, right next to my face and quickly turned blue. When I told his son about it, he wept and divulged the trauma his father had inflicted on him and his siblings. He informed me, his father has three hats and when he wears this one particular hat, he is up to no good. He took that hat with him, leaving me fearful for another one of his temper-tantrums, but soon afterwards, we evacuated his father, because there was a fire nearby. He was brought to a shelter, where he was flirting with the nurses, happy as a clam and eating like he had never done before.


DL is about hierarchy and only those speakers get the attention from the listener, who must know his or her place, because the speaker is of higher social ranking. DL speakers always demand the listener’s attention, because, presumably, they are important, needy, famous, notorious or dangerous. Surely, DL speakers, are manipulating, dominating, distracting, threatening and, of course, blaming the listener into obedience.

Supposedly, there is always something wrong about listening. According to the DL speaker, the listener is never listening as he or she would like to be listened to, which makes sense, because he or she doesn’t really know how he or she would like to be listened to, because he or she is not listening to him or herself. So, while he or she is blaming others for not listening, he or she is not hearing, how he or she sounds, while he or she speaks. If, however, he or she would hear how he or she sounds, then he or she wouldn’t like what he or she hears. Rather than not producing the sound, which he or she himself or herself hates, he or she disconnects from himself or herself and communicates in a dissociated manner.


Anyone who – like me – knows about the difference between DL and EL, who goes on with EL, because he or she finds DL a waste of time and energy, will still blame those with DL for their dumb, insensitive, brutal, destructive, phony behavior, but the blaming which emerges from our EL, is not about shaming, but about having fun. For a long time, I felt I was being blamed, because I pursued my EL, but since I have started to assert my Language Enlightenment (LE), with my EL, I have started to enjoy putting DL in its place. I used to feel rejected, but now I reject everyone who rejects me. Actually, I am very good at rejecting people and I don’t blame them for not wanting to talk with me, because I don’t want to talk with them either. I only like to talk with anyone who has EL and I am blaming everyone with DL, for creating the miserable reality they live in. I don’t live in the reality, which you keep creating with your DL.


Stop blaming me – or others – for letting you know something you keep turning your back on. I don’t turn my back on myself, and you can’t blame me for that, but you definitely should blame yourself for turning your back on yourself. Indeed, you only have yourself to blame, because it is your behavior, your way of dealing with your language, that makes you do what you do. You would give yourself very different instructions with EL and your other behavior would begin to change by itself for the better, if you would simply stop your DL. It is up to you, to start something new in the new year.

Monday, December 25, 2023



I have written about my Language Enlightenment (LE) many times, but today, I want to say something about it, which I wasn’t able to say before. I was, for many years, a devoted disciple of Osho, formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. I am no longer a follower of his teachings, but my life has forever changed, because of my participation in the many therapy groups and meditations.


If you would ask me, on a scale from one to ten, how enlightened are you? I would say, without any hesitation and laughter: ten. With a tongue-in-cheek sense of gratefulness and respect, I would add, my enlightenment is different from Osho or anyone, I have heard or read. To me, language is the key. I don’t teach and according to me, there is no mind. I am only a master of myself, not of anyone else.


I don’t create any following and everything I talk and write about is something, you either are willing to do and verify or you will simply just not do it. You will either manage to hear, recognize and stop your own idiotic, problematic, unconscious Disembodied Language (DL) and become capable of exploring, enjoying and expressing your beautiful Embodied Language (EL) or you will never find out about your LE. I will continue to express my LE with my EL.


For many years, I tried to figure out, what I wanted to do with my EL and my LE, but I am no longer busy with that. It feels so good, to say and write this, as it has been a big deal for me. It turns out, that writing this blog, producing videos of my songs and views, on my You Tube channel and conversing with anyone, who is capable of having EL with me, is all I really want. Although I would love for more people to know about EL and LE, I know this isn’t going to come about by any effort from me, but from you.


I have always been a guru-basher, because none of the many people, I have met, heard or read about, have acknowledged the importance of DL, EL and LE. I have never met Osho in person, so I couldn’t really say, how he would have responded, but it is clear to me, none of his sannyasins have any interest in language. Also, any other spiritual people – who are into religion, prayer, empathy, transcending the mind, non-violent communication, being present, psychology, meditation, consciousness, Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta or philosophical truth – have shown respect for what I have found. Although this has frustrated me, it really shows how taboo EL actually is.


In the past, I have never talked about anyone else but myself, as I only wanted others to get what I am referring to. It seemed like such a distraction, to mention the names of Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj or Alexander Smit, but anyone who knows their work and compares it to my work, will immediately recognize, why I was so reluctant to mention any of these men. When I, after I had emigrated to the United States, studied psychology, I learned about many great scientists, who had made their contributions and mentioning their works, also proved to interfere with my work.


I studied the works of many different psychologists, neurologists and philosophers and always tried, if they were still alive, to get in touch with them, to tell them about the difference between DL and EL, but, basically, none of them responded. If I ever got any kind of reaction, it was short and dissatisfying to me, because the only thing, I was always after, was to have EL with people. I love my wife Bonnie, who knows who I am, but only one person, a woman, my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, is exploring, on her own, as well as together with me, where our EL can take us and this is so tremendously fulfilling.


I don’t consider myself, like Osho, a mystic. All these so-called important people, who somehow manage to get all the attention from others, are only able to do so, at an enormous cost. I know that I will never be well-known, as I go on with EL instead of DL. It has never been addressed – with EL – that anyone who is famous, became that way due to DL. Osho was telling people many stories and he entertained them with many jokes, but I don’t have any stories or jokes, but I guarantee we will laugh a lot, if you talk with me. The fact that I am not famous, is because I don’t struggle to get anyone’s attention. Certainly, my work is very important and due to my own conditioning history with DL, I believed, I needed to let the world know about it, but at this point – I recently became 65 – I just enjoy my LE with EL and whoever wants to talk with me, can come to me and have a direct experience of it.  


Osho did what he could do and I do, what I didn’t, at first, believe I could do. I became enlightened in my early twenties, but it was only recently, I fit my EL with my LE, that I was able to put words to my experience. I write and speak the words of my EL for myself and not for anyone else. Anyone, who will discover his or her EL, will do the same and that will be his or her LE. With EL, we become the master of our own language and, yes, we will be able to speak with each other, as enlightened human beings. I am reminded, that back in the days, I always wanted to talk about meditation, but everyone tried to shut me up, because I was disturbing them. However, EL is not meditative communication. Leave the stupid meditation bullshit out of it and let’s have some EL. By the way, this is my Christmas message for you.