Wednesday, December 28, 2022




I am not going to write, that everything is going to be all right, if you just do as I say. This is not how Embodied Language (EL) works. Besides, it is your life, which is in trouble, not mine. My life is fine and I am sure, it will continue to be, while you, most likely, will go on to live your vacuous, phony, pretentious life. I say this, because my life is rich, meaningful, and enjoyable.


I can hear and see that you do not have what I have. You do not want to know what I say or write, as my EL disrespects your illusions and falsehoods. I admit, I do not find anything respectable about your Disembodied Language (DL). You may believe, it is because of you, that you do not talk with me, but I abhor your way of talking so much, that I make sure, you stay away from me. I do not care about your DL, as I do not want it. Go and have your DL with those you can impress.


I am not your leader and certainly not your cheer-leader. I have no affiliation with anyone or anything, except with EL. I should say, except with my own EL, as you, if you ever get to it, will not affiliate with my EL, but with your own EL. Yes, EL requires total withdraw from the senseless conflict, which is inherent in your normal, accepted, every-day conversation. The fact that you cannot even admit the truth, that your interaction is an endless, exhausting struggle for attention, shows how powerless, ignorant, and superficial you are.  


I am in charge of my own life and I could only live as I do, because my language is the most important to me. However, you are careless about your language, as you believe there is nothing wrong with you. I continue to tell you, your DL is a waste of time and energy, as you cannot be happy without EL. I only write about my EL here, because I probably will never get to talk with you. Therefore, this writing is for me and not for you, as I can still state these truths for my own benefit. Everyone else is getting attention with more of the same DL and I am simply not part of it. I cannot get your attention with my EL, so I write in mock-DL to let you know, I know what DL is. Moreover, I hold you accountable for your stupid DL. The fact, that we do not engage in EL, is because nobody is even capable of holding anyone responsible for the consequences of their ugly DL.  


It is amazing, but also harsh, to tell the truth about EL, but this is my truth for you. I have studied psychology for many years, I have worked in mental health for many years and I have taught psychology at Butte College for many years. Even before that, I have given hundreds of seminars, presentations, workshops, and individual sessions, to let people know what I know about EL. There are thousands of people, who have heard, read, or experienced EL, who have felt what it is like, who have said that it is great, that it will change the world, that I should write a book, who have listened to themselves while they speak, who have become aware about the great importance of open communication, the missing frequency or the language that creates space, but, except only one or two, they have all left EL again. 


EL is rare, as there is nobody to remind us that it is possible. We go on with our religion, politics, science, or education, but we forget about EL and we engage in DL, by default. It is not my fault or my failure, that basically everyone who heard about EL from me, did not continue with it. To the contrary, I was successful, as I gave everyone an unforgettable taste, but they wasted it, as they did not have the courage to go on with EL on their own. Everyone with DL is coward. One can only go on with EL, if one can accept, that one is alone with oneself and talk and write about what that is like.


It is exquisite to hear or read about our own Language Enlightenment (LE). Presumably, we are all unique, but, apparently, we are not special enough to ourselves, that we can allow our LE to be expressed. In DL, we  make a big deal about ourselves, as we feel inferior and so, we claim to be superior. In EL, however, we are natural and simple and our own words are the proof in the pudding. People say, actions speak louder than words, but that is reasoned from DL. In EL, our words show, we can say what we want to say, in our own way.           

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