Tuesday, December 27, 2022




I want everyone who reads this, to take my words dead-serious. I have not written any book and I will never write any book. What you happen to read here, you cannot read anywhere else. If you read this, you have found me. If you really consider what I am writing about, you have to acknowledge, that it is no coincidence, that you have stumbled on my words.


My objective with this writing, is to invite you, to have Embodied Language (EL) with me. I only care about those who are brave enough to do so. If you read on, but doubt, if you will talk with me, you might as well stop reading, as your fearful doubt always predicts, you will continue your usual, superficial Disembodied Language (DL). I am more important than any famous author or scholar, as I have the key, that can unlock your potential, which, due to your DL, was unable to blossom.


My insistence on my importance, is not in any way exaggerated, as what I write in this blog and would talk with you about, if you had the guts to contact me, is absolutely true. I know, that my words may make you feel offended, because I am certain about what I say. You just cannot stand someone, who not only lets you know what you do not know, but who is also incredibly upfront about it. Your resistance to what I convey, is part of your DL, which gives you nothing but trouble, although you believe it to be who you are. You are not what you believe to be, due to your usual, phony, and nasty way of talking.


Regardless of what you supposedly have achieved in your life, you did not blossom. Your forceful DL does not impress me, as I have heard it, read it, and felt it, all before. The only thing which satisfies me is to engage in EL. I will continue to blossom, in my EL, even if you are too much of a coward, to talk and have EL with me. Your DL, like everybody’s DL, is absolutely disgusting, unintelligent, and false. I have no good words for it and I admit, I engage in DL myself, when I mention this to you or to anyone else. However, I do so deliberately, but you always do it unconsciously, reflexively, habitually. Moreover, I can easily do so, as I do not have to pretend, that I have EL, like you do.  


Certainly, it is a great tragedy, every human being is in the same predicament, as we all, unknowingly, engage mainly in DL. When we would finally get our priorities right, we would pay close attention to rare individuals like myself, who know how to maintain ongoing EL, because they are able to recognize the difference between DL and EL. These unique human beings let you know, there is nothing unique about your mechanical DL. Your uniqueness is obliterated by your usual way of dealing with language, which is conditioned by how others have talked with you. EL really makes you blossom, as it is about how you talk with yourself and how you are then able to talk with others, after you have talked with yourself.


In essence, in EL, there is no other. The so-called other is your belief, your perception, your memory, and your experience of who they are. Thus, in EL you always talk with yourself. You blossom, as you inevitably become aware about your nature, which is your Language Enlightenment (LE). What is the value of your so-called freedom of speech, if you do not even acknowledge the difference between your own DL and EL? Even in the name of freedom, you kept having more of the same, old, destructive DL.


The promise of EL is that you will blossom, that you will comfortably and confidently come into your own and that it will be clear and self-evident, who you are and have always been. LE is the ultimate unfolding of your psychological development and new, profound, joyful experiences keep occurring. I condemn your DL, but I do not put you down, as the time has come for you to blossom. I like to repeat that word, as your flowering has not yet happened and can never happen, if you keep busy with DL. To stop your DL, is a necessary preparation for your EL.  


As long as you still engage in DL, you are complicit in everything that is wrong. I do not care about your religion, your politics, your gender, your status, your culture, your ethnicity, your fame, your education, or your career, as none of these have ever resulted in EL, the way of talking in which we agree, that DL is tragic, stupid, disgusting, and horrific. You may not know that you engage in DL, every day, but I do. If you read these words out loud and listen to the sound of your own voice, I hope you will investigate, why do I say what I say, why do I write what I write?


I am not, like everyone else, giving you my opinion, but I share what you cannot hear or read anywhere else, as no one knows this. That I came to know the immense difference between our DL and EL is easily ignored. This used to matter a great deal to me, but it does not matter anymore, whether you explore what I say or not, because you will always be faced with the consequences of your refusal to consider what I say or of any other action or inaction. Even right now, whether you know it or not, accept it or not, or are aware of it or not, you experience these consequences. It could not be otherwise. Since you do not want to have any EL with me, I conclude, you must be having DL and wanting to continue with it.


It is as clear as day, you are part of the problem, as long as you justify your usual coercive way of talking as necessary, rational, smart, or sensible. What you and everyone else accept as our normal way of talking is a disaster, as we approve of, participate in and claim to be proud of violence. Yes, you read this correctly, also your DL is aggressive, ruthless, and arrogant. I am not going to do what you expect anyone to do, who talks with you. I am not praising you, accepting you, kissing your ass or allowing you to dominate me. As long as you have DL, you want to dominate me or others. I do not like it, I do not want it and let you know, with these words, you are not creating anything good in your life. Moreover, you support, enable, and believe in the falsehoods you keep spouting. You live in your illusion, but I can hear, see, and feel, you are angry, unfulfilled, demanding and stressed out. There is nothing about you, that makes me want to be with you, since your DL has made you insensitive for who you are and unconscious about the other way of talking, which I represent. Your EL is about nothing you expected.


Once you engage in EL, you will be saying these words, not because I made you say these words, but because you too can experience that EL has nothing to do with what you are used to. Let’s face it, you have only heard and read DL and it is to be expected that you interpret everything from your lengthy history of conditioning with DL. However, if you manage, even only a few moments, to engage in EL, you will joyfully, whole-heartedly and with a great sense of relief admit, that you speak in a new way. Yes, you will be rejuvenated and renewed by EL and the fact, that you are depressed, anxious, stressed, frustrated, scattered, and drained is the inevitable consequence of your almost permanent involvement in DL. I write ‘almost’, because there are still a few, brief, fleeing moments, in which even a person, as unhappy, confused, and conflicted as you, still can have a small glimpse of EL. After all, in EL you inadvertently express your natural wellbeing.


It was a long text, so you could dig deeper and get into what I am talking about. By reading this text out loud, you hear EL in the sound of your voice. If you would write about your response, you would like it so much, that you can continue writing (like I do), as your words keep coming and revealing the truth of your life. In EL, you talk with yourself. Your language is not happening to you, as if you cannot seem to be able to control the noise and chaos of your restless, troubled, so-called mind. In EL, there is no mind, as you know, there is only how you deal with your language. Due to your DL, you had never even considered how you dealt with your language.


Nothing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig. I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.Share this Quote


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