Tuesday, April 18, 2023




I reject Disembodied Language (DL), because it is against my dignity, my nature and my intelligence, but, most importantly, I am capable of having and enjoying ongoing Embodied Language (EL). Without EL, DL cannot be stopped and unless one has a clear understanding of the big difference between these two, one is bound to continue with DL, by default, and one only pays lip-service to EL, which then, is presented as a way of improving ourselves, our relationships or communicating more effectively.


All of the aforementioned lofty goals don’t get to the real issue of EL: our Language Enlightenment (LE). Stated differently, EL is the way of dealing with language, which makes us realize our LE. However, DL has kept us ignorant, unconscious and conflicted. It has to be stopped and whatever needs to happen, to stop it, is worth it. In my case, it meant giving up on being in contact with the family I was raised in, leaving behind my study of human behavior and, yes, abandoning everyone I previously felt rejected by, who all engaged in DL. I don’t have any business with anyone who continues with DL and it has taken me 64 years to fully and simply admit this to myself.


I feel perfectly fine without having any followers. I never needed or wanted them, as I stay true to my EL, which only cares about those few individuals, who have the courage and inclination to do what I have done and turn their back on DL. By no means, this implies, anyone with EL has retreated from the world. Quite to the contrary, anyone who comes to acknowledge the difference between DL and EL, can only continue with EL, if he or she has the integrity and clarity, to live as a nobody among others, who believe themselves to be somebody and treat EL with defensiveness, hostility and superficiality.


All my efforts to have EL with others have shown, that I don’t need them, that I’m okay on my own, that my EL wants me to stay with myself and that that is my LE. It is odd to realize, I have bothered so many people, who didn’t want to have EL with me, but now to recognize, that with the disappearance of the other, I have disappeared. The silence, I can now experience is love and tells me that it couldn’t be in any other way. For all these years, I was trying to find out, how I could continue my EL and as long as I was still not entirely clear about that, I would again and again fall back into DL, but I also lost track of my LE. Only recently my EL has revealed my LE properly and has the latter become more important  than the former. As long as I was preoccupied with the continuation of my EL, I had things upside down.


It is and it always was my LE, which made me want to express my EL. It is so fantastic to realize this. I feel a great release of energy, which was blocked due to how I dealt with my language. Although I had discovered the difference between DL and EL, there was still a misunderstanding about why I wanted to have EL so badly? How was it possible, I wondered, that I could do this beneficial act and that only so very few people wanted to do this with me? This question has been answered, as it is our LE – who we really are – which makes us want to have EL.


You can call LE anything you like: your true self, your no-mind, your aloneness, your dissolvement in love, in sensitivity, in language, in silence and in beauty. I  have arrived at this conclusion, not because I was having EL with others, but because I let my EL take me, where it wanted to go. In the past, I have read many useless books about spirituality, philosophy and psychology and I have often come across the description of what has been called the pathless path, but I categorically disagree with all of that nonsense. Each step I have taken has led me to this  realization and each human being – whether they know it or not – is on their way to this. Nothing can be missed and everything can only find its place due to our language. I don’t care what you call it, but that is a fact. That being said, our language – our EL – of course, is more important than any so-called spiritual path or journey, as our LE is already the case.                    

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