Saturday, May 13, 2023




This writing creates a brief moment, to take a break from your dreadful Disembodied Language (DL). I have said this before, but I want to say it again, because it is such an important issue: you will talk about your Language Enlightenment (LE), once your Embodied Language (EL) continues and, we will be talking together about our LE, if our EL continues.


I don’t have any fantasies about EL, but I know, it is possible, one day, someone intelligent, with a lot of money, will read my work and contact me, because he or she, finally, wants to put his or her money, where his or her mouth is and do what I don’t want to do, what I am not capable of doing and what I no longer am trying to do, which is: promote my work.


I don’t write to advertise EL, but to please myself, by letting you know about my LE. Letting you know about my LE is something different, than informing you about my EL. I have written and spoken a lot about my EL, but haven’t said a word about my LE, but, recently, this suddenly changed. At this brief occasion, in which you read these words, I want to make it emphatically clear, that LE explains EL and not the other way around. LE is not about, which one came first, the chicken or the egg.


Unless someone knowledgeable, capable, honest, dissatisfied, but motivated, takes full charge of the humongous task of letting everyone know about my LE, I’m not going to do anything beyond writing this blog and – of course – talking with anyone, who is open to experience EL with me. I have no desire to make a podcast, write a book or create a video. If others want to do that, that’s fine, I’m not into it. I’m not against it, but someone with the skills and means to do that, will be very welcome to me.


I’m quite sure, people who have known me for a long time, occasionally still read my blog, because they can’t help admitting, I have not only carried on with what I was talking about in the past, I’ve also become better at it, to the point, there is absolutely no way for them to deny, I am addressing something of immense value, which everyone shies away from.  


While reading these words, you may feel upset, but also intrigued, because you have chickened out on exploring EL and LE with me. Although you have had a brief experience EL, you have given up on it and, in effect, you have given up on yourself. This writing, however, offers an opportunity for a new start, from the beginning. What I mean is, we have never really separated, as these words have always been yours.


The beginning, is where we left our EL, after we had a brief instance of it. Somehow, we are very miserly and don’t allow ourselves to have more of it. So, we basically forgot about it, carried on with our DL and never returned to our EL anymore. Right now, this return is made possible, by reading these words out loud and by hearing your own voice. By listening to ourselves, while we speak, we immediately create a shift in our awareness or perception. We feel the relief of having successfully, briefly, stopped our DL.  


Our EL is made possible by speaking these words, which were written to be listened to, so we could pay attention to the sound of our voice. In this one, brief, atomic moment of listening to ourselves while we speak, everything happens, which couldn’t take place in DL. Our EL is simple and doesn’t require any explanation, as we hear and feel, we embody our language. If we care to explain our EL, we can’t miss the impression, we’ve always known EL, but turned our backs to it. We are directly pleased with our new involvement in our language, as it makes us say things, which are wise, because they are true to us.


Only if we express our own truth, verbally, overtly, audibly, repeatedly, to ourselves, will it set us free. We have been obsessing about the so-called truth, told to us by someone else, but these words remind us, they are not about what we keep ourselves busy with usually. They describe DL – our common, yet troubling, negative, unconscious way of dealing with language – in broad terms, as there is nothing to be gained from speaking, if we don’t hear ourselves.


EL isn’t anyone’s belief, not even our so-called belief in ourselves, in what we call self-confidence. There is no self to be confident about, as there’s only the flow of EL, which announces our LE. Our so-called ego is out of the way. We are back together again. With we, I don’t only mean, you and me, but also you and everyone, you have abandoned or who has abandoned you. We can reunite, as we are one in  EL and our LE is still waiting for us to be expressed.


These words have great power, as they transcend everything we supposedly know. As I have stated, we already knew this, but we have never properly paid attention to it, by listening to ourselves while we speak. Although it may seem too good to be true, it is true, even if we still have the old tendency to ignore it again and refuse to acknowledge its importance, as other things take priority. With these delightful words, we step out of our conditioning history, even if it was only for one brief moment.                  

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