Tuesday, May 16, 2023




The word precisely is used to express complete agreement with what someone is saying. It also is used to describe when something is done with total accuracy or perfection. During Embodied Language (EL), we agree and approve of each other, but in a manner, we have never really done before. Actually, once we have EL, instead of our usual Disembodied Language (DL), we realize, what we considered to be agreement, exact, direct or factual, wasn’t true.


In scientific literature, people make sure to express themselves strictly, without vagueness – in writing – but when it comes to their spoken language, they  only pay lip-service to being scientific, because DL is just as common in Academia, as everywhere else. How can a supposedly important, knowledgeable, intelligent speaker, who – with his or her scripted, predetermined way of talking – dominates, forces and manipulates a listener, have anything to do with being scientific? It hasn’t and yet, it is considered to be perfectly acceptable for scientists, professors, scholars and teachers, to make students listen to them, while they don’t even listen to themselves. 



Written language – rather than spoken language – is the basis for law, the rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. People prefer  written over oral or spoken agreements, as written contracts are easier to enforce, as a clear record of the agreement exists and cannot be disputed. The word pre-scribe has a Latin prefix, meaning before and is attached to the verb scribe, from scribere, meaning to write. Strictly speaking (pun intended), to prescribe – to write – is to lay down the law and to tell people what they must do. This entire verbal legal edifice is based on DL, that is, on our common way of talking, which, regardless, how many laws we may have had, hasn’t changed at all.


Human beings have, historically, with laws – and, therefore, with written language – tried to regulate and, let’s not forget, enforce, each other’s behavior. Of course, in their private lives, it always was and still continues to be, the way in which they talk with each other, which determines, how they behave and relate to each other. Surely, only to the extent one was taught or told, at home, one will behave within the laws of what is considered to be acceptable or expected in one’s society. It is no surprise our DL has continued, generation after generation, as engaging in EL, in a very real sense, equals breaking the law.


With EL, we are going to discover the lawfulness of our behavior, that is, we finally begin acknowledge and pay attention to the irrefutable fact, that how we deal with our language determines everything we do or don’t do. Everything we experience, at any given moment, always has meaning to us, as it is the inevitable consequence of our previous behavior. Even if we manage to step out of our conditioning history with DL only for a few brief moments, we will witness multiple beneficial consequences of having precisely done so. The accumulative effects of both our EL as well as our DL are indisputable.


What makes EL precisely so very interesting, is that we can, at long last, describe DL and its devasting consequences. Regardless of which society we are looking at, we see the results of our involvement in and tacit agreement with DL. Accurate description of DL was never before possible, as it could only be accomplished with ongoing EL. Although we may have had sporadic instances of EL, we’ve never had it consciously, skillfully and, therefore, continuously. As a matter of fact, it is precisely our failure to have ongoing EL, which has made us settle for DL as the norm. Furthermore, it is, of course, our unspoken agreement with DL, which has always kept it going.


You can define a free person precisely as someone whose fate is not centrally or directly dependent on peer assessment. This doesn’t mean free person is inconsiderate about others or goes overboard on unconscious, excessive, harmful behavior. To the contrary, a free individual, feels responsible for the outcome of his or her actions. Everything that happens in his or her life – no matter how he or she interprets it – is precisely because of how he or she has dealt with his or her language. Therefore, our experience of who we are, will permanently change, once we engage in EL, as our Language Enlightenment (LE) is indisputable.       

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