Tuesday, May 23, 2023




What is Language? Why do we speak, write, listen and read? It is to get along with others, to work together and to understand each other. Of course, it is also, to become aware, to share and to regulate our experiences. You usually know what I'm talking about when I speak or write about my sadness, problems, desires, dreams, conviction, knowledge, powerlessness, acceptance, trust or hate.


If we don't understand each other, something is wrong with our language. Contrary to what we usually believe, it is not that we do not understand each other, but that we use our language completely wrong. How we use our language depends on how we grew up and initially learned at home, to talk and listen and, later, at school, to read and write.


We readily assume, that someone like me - who hates the usual, automatic, cumbersome way in which language is handled all over the world - must be wrong by definition, because everyone treats  Disembodied Language (DL) as normal. How is it possible that, despite social rejection, punishment and exclusion, I could continue with my Embodied Language (EL) and even claim that everyone, with DL, is unknowingly their own worst enemy?


It is important we understand each other, but it is even more important we understand ourselves. If we don't even understand ourselves, we can't understand each other. So, the often-lamented fact that we supposedly don't understand each other - because we have a different race, creed, nationality, political ideology or gender - is because we don't  understand ourselves. In other words, with DL, we never acquire correct and therefore meaningful and useful self-knowledge.


Ever since humans developed language, fear has always prevented us from speaking for ourselves, rather than for the group we believed to belong to. In order to survive, we historically depended on the group in which we grew up. Our so-called identity was inextricably linked to our various social memberships. However, as soon as we – as a free individuals – started to use our language for ourselves, we were silenced, we were tortured, we were banished and literally or figuratively killed.


The explanation we have, by talking with ourselves, that is, by engaging in EL, is completely different from the explanation we have heard from others with DL. In EL, talking with ourselves and listening to ourselves is more important than talking with and listening to others, because it allows us to come to know who we really are. With EL, we irrevocably discover, our, by DL covered-up, identity as sentient beings. So we were actually always aware, but our use of language simply did not refer to this and this made it seem, as if we were ignorant of ourselves. Indeed, we are – because of our language – able to truly know ourselves and to go our own way.


Our dealings with language are meaningless, if we cannot understand ourselves and each other. Every time this occurs, it turns out, we were busy with DL again. Understanding of each other and of ourselves always go hand in hand and the so-called understanding of ourselves, which does not show any understanding or respect for the other, is utter nonsense. And, it is impossible, to professionally, understand another – as a psychologist, judge, philosopher, therapist or priest – but not ourselves. None of these people know anything about EL.  


With EL we are instantly enlightened without any exercise. We understand each other now because we understand ourselves and, looking back, we understand why we couldn't understand each other before. Our Language Enlightenment (LE) – which was already the case although we were still caught up in DL – can finally shine with EL. You could say  our LE has always bothered us during DL, because our true nature is undeniable. With EL, we finally come to our senses, because we begin to feel what we say and experience what we hear when we talk.


The threat, who does not want to hear, must feel, lets the so-called listener know, that if he or she does not do what the violent speaker says, he or she will be beaten. However, we don't listen, because we already feel that the voice of the speaker with DL is always threatening. Even the speaker does not hear him or herself and does not notice, that he or she speaks with an unnatural sound, which he or she does not like. So because we don't want to listen to ourselves, in DL, we don't want to listen to others either. We only pretend to speak and listen in DL, because no one in DL listens to themselves. Even though we all feel the negative effect of DL, we have never talked about it with ourselves, let alone with each other.


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