Sunday, October 1, 2023




People say, when there is a will, there is a way. It is because of their Disembodied Language (DL), they continue to believe in this nonsense. Presumably,  something inside of us – a strong mind – makes us do what we do. Supposedly, if someone is truly determined to do something, they will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do. Ridiculously, this is said to encourage others, or ourselves, to trust willpower, to achieve something that might be hard or seem impossible. Although we all talk this way, we all have bought into this and we all believe in this, there exists no such thing, as willpower, thought or a self, which causes us to act.


When it is possible, to be a certain way, we will do as we say. We have as little Embodied Language (EL) as we do, because there is no opportunity to have it. As long as we don’t know about this possibility, it is very unlikely, we are ever going to be able to engage in ongoing EL. Such knowledge, however, of course, is the experience of it, which permanently changed our body in such a way, that we can recognize, if it is DL or EL. Yes, we can hear and feel the difference.


There is nothing accidental about EL, once we know how to create the circumstances in which it can and will occur. Our ability to have EL, has nothing to do with some imaginary inner process, but with the fact, that we have done what it took, to create – and maintain – those circumstances. We have talked out loud with ourselves and listened to ourselves, often enough, to experience and acknowledge, our EL is effortless, natural and conscious. Once we know our EL is possible and necessary, we are determined to step out of our long conditioning history with DL.   


I can write this, because I have done this and I will continue to do this. In effect, I can predict my own happy future, as I will continue to reap the positive consequences of my EL. I am already doing this and I wouldn’t be able to write this, if this wasn’t true. I write or say this to myself, because I let myself know that this is true, although nobody with DL is willing to hear or read it. Everything I have achieved, with my EL, has been a blessing and that is why I call it my Language Enlightenment (LE). Yet, looking back on how I got to where I am today, I have to say, it wasn’t my EL, which – so to speak – determined my LE. I already knew about that without having any EL.


Apparently, I already knew, I was enlightened from the moment I was born, as I cried very loudly and persistently, about the harm, that was done to me. Actually, it was my screaming from fear, despair and pain, which set the stage for the development of my DL and, as I, in my early twenties, began to talk out loud with myself and listen to the sound of my own voice, I heard a great change, as suddenly, I sounded  so good. I began to let myself know, I could sound calm, safe and happy and I started to explore my EL.


I have been enjoying my EL, ever since my discovery of it, but I am no different from any other human being, in that, I cannot, in one stroke, permanently, step out of my history of conditioning with DL. Yes, I was first able to do this, only briefly, momentarily, and, because I did this more frequently, I succeeded in prolonging my EL, but, in spite of my happiness and satisfaction, in expressing my LE with my EL, I still have moments of DL. Yet, my focus has totally shifted. From my conditioning history with DL, I was used to contrasting my fleeting moments of EL, with the insurmountable force of the fact that everyone engages in DL, but, currently, I primarily experience the healthy, robust, undefeatable power of my EL.   


We say, we think, but the fact is, we don’t think, but we only believe we think, because we keep saying that we think. Our so-called thinking is merely a figure of speech. More precisely, it is the inevitable fantasy, that is created, because we are prevented from having EL. Of course, this inhibition and denial of our EL – which is the preclusion of the way and the skill of using our language to our own benefit – of course, has prevented many other beneficial behaviors from ever developing. It is always our  language, that instructs us to increase or decrease certain behaviors. Certainly, our DL results into an entirely different behavioral repertoire than our EL.  


Psychologists and teachers should be all over this blog, but they are not. This indicates, that they are bound to create more problems for mental health patients and students, because they, unknowingly, continue to favor and enhance DL. Of course, we lose a lot of energy with our ridiculous fantasy, that we think. This energy cannot be used for speaking, listening, writing and reading. Moreover, because of our absurd belief in thought – as the causation of our actions – we react, automatically, as there is hardly ever any opportunity for us to respond, while we are speaking. Indeed, in DL, we are impaired and incapable of responding and, therefore, we react, as we simply don’t seem to have any other option.


Only when we verbally acknowledge, that thought doesn’t exist and, thus, doesn’t precede our use of language, can we begin to respond to each other and ourselves and have EL. A new way of life, with language, is possible. Every form of reactivity is because we continue to feel threatened, while we speak and unless we create – with our language – the environment in which we feel totally safe, this reactivity will continue. We never admit or address this during our DL and so, we also imagine, that we are unconscious about it, but, since there are no thoughts, there are also no unconscious thoughts. All of this is a product of our DL, in which we cannot say, what we want to say and be, who we really are.


Only during our EL do we respond and find out, that our response always prolongs and enhances our EL. However, our response isn’t, as we often say, from our gut, from our intuition or from our heart, but from the freedom to express ourselves, as there is no fear. Such freedom has never existed, since we  have never known the difference between DL and EL and have never skillfully continued with our EL. In EL, we are for the very first time, truly expressing ourselves without any fear, because there really is no longer the imaginary editing going on of our mind or our so-called thinking. Our emerging ability to respond is so beautiful, nourishing, revealing and enlightening, as our language changes, because of how we sound. Nothing stimulates our brain better, than the happy, resonant sound of our wellbeing.


Since it is impossible to have EL with everyone, each time we have it, with those who are capable of it, we charge our batteries. Surely, at some point, our ability to continue to function well – in a world in which we are surrounded by those who only know DL – is limited and requires, we withdraw, so we can be alone and speak with ourselves, to restore our EL. This return to EL comes about, as we notice, that certain matters demand our attention. During EL, we, unconditionally, pay attention to whatever asks our attention and by speaking with ourselves about whatever is in our attention, we dissolve whatever we were preoccupied with. Of course, it is because we listen to what we are saying to ourselves, that whatever is in our attention can dissolve. We can hear it in the sound of our voice, when this is the case, but as long as we remain still stuck with any particular topic, belief or opinion, we continue to have DL, which we don’t like to listen to. We engage in DL, not because we are unconscious about it, but because we just don’t like to hear the sound of it.  


In DL, our illusory mind or our thinking constantly demands our attention and, at best, temporarily, we distract ourselves or each other from this imaginary, haunting, troublesome process. Nevertheless, the reality is, we remain obsessed, stressed, disturbed and frightened, by our superstitious belief in our own thinking, in the same way, we might have felt tortured by the very notion of hell itself. Our fears are, of course, never about this fabricated after-life, but about what is happening during our lives and particularly, to what is happening right now. We fear to be here, as that would dispel all DL deceptions.


We have only known the fallacies of DL, but we are oblivious of the sanctifications of EL and so, we cling to these misapprehensions – to the known – as they are the only things we have ever heard of. And, this is another completely obfuscated aspect about fear, namely, that with DL, we avoid or deny our fears and, therefore, we cannot be new and move into the unknown. We haven’t lost our way, because we were, until now, never able to continue with our EL. I or someone else cannot show the way, but you can hear yourself and know your way. Of course, your way is the right way. Renewal isn’t something which  occasionally happens, but it happens continuously. Once this whole doctrine of having thoughts, which, presumably, cause actions, is dismantled, you will experience the energy of constant renewal, which is your LE. This is the delight, we can only express with our EL. Whatever you believed to be your thought, was DL, preventing you from your self-expression.                         

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