Thursday, June 13, 2024

 Underappreciated Humor,


The humor of our Embodied Language (EL) is, of course, underappreciated, because we engage in Disembodied Language (DL) all the time and we are only familiar with so-called humor of DL. If we would know about the difference between DL and EL, we want EL, because it is more fun.


The humor of EL is underappreciated because EL is misunderstood. People who are used to having DL, can’t laugh about the humor of EL, which isn’t about getting a laugh out of you. The real humor of EL is much more enjoyable and interesting than the fake-humor of DL. In EL, we have humor which deepens understanding, but DL makes us more stupid than we already are.


Humor of EL escapes our attention, because EL itself is unknown to us. The misunderstanding of EL humor is based on our dumb, dull, boring DL, which makes us underappreciate anything that challenges our common superficiality. In the stressful, meaningless lives we are living, many people have jobs in which they constantly have to cope with deadlines, long hours, staff shortages and feelings of being overworked and underappreciated. Humor is an outlet for our frustrations and comedians like to make it seem as if they appreciate the underappreciated.  


Someone with EL doesn’t appreciate those with DL, who are always dissatisfied, worried, stressed, angry, irritated, anxious, confused, depressed, conflicted and troubled. My humor is to taunt the underappreciated and let them know, the only way they are ever going to be able to laugh about me, is when they have had enough of all their suffering and drama and are willing to stop their DL, so that they can have some EL and appreciate the humor of freedom.


Losers always like to see some show or hear some story, about someone unattractive and underappreciated, in which they can recognize themselves. Supposedly, it helps them to laugh about themselves, but anyone with EL knows that this is just one of the many lies, which are perpetuated by our DL. Humor, which derives from DL, has no redeeming quality, only the real humor from EL affects us in such a way, that we give up on our false beliefs. The laughter only occurs after we have given up on our nonsense.  


I was once in an audience in a sleazy comedy bar. Whenever a new stand-up comedian was announced, they said, to my big surprise, give it up for Hunter or give it up for Joe. These folks really seemed to know what they were doing, because everyone was laughing so hard and they were buying many drinks. And, suddenly someone opened a laptop and, there it was: all the porn and crack. They were drinking Wodka and there was a big discussion if was Russian Dis-or-Mis-information? Joe and his son Hunter got drunk and started crying and complaining about feeling underappreciated. It is hard to keep our private lives and parts out of politics.


Underappreciated is often used together with being overlooked. Many, mainly pathetic people say they feel overlooked and underappreciated. However, it is not the overlooking, but over-listening, which results in the underappreciation. Everyone can clearly see, they are being ignored and others, who are more attention-demanding get the attention. In other words, they were, apparently, not enough attention demanding. The only way to fix this, is by having DL in overdrive and outcompete the competition. Someone who whines about being underappreciated isn’t going to win that battle.


Many artists feel underappreciated, but why is that? Does art attract suckers? However, there are also, of course, the underappreciated politicians, who, by attaining power, imagine overcoming their inferiority complex. When Joe says that he is very proud of Hunter, he is troubled by this, because he would actually like others to be proud of him and say that to him. Poor Joe was already feeling so underappreciated, but by saying, for political reasons, how much he loves his son, he feels even more underappreciated.


At least Hunter’s costly and tragic addictions got him some extra attention and money for his odd art. If the goal was to give the underappreciated artist his due, the set-up worked quite well. Although he got a good price for his paintings, for someone like him, who feels so underappreciated, it isn’t an easy thing, to let go of his babies. Yet, real babies are a different story, especially if they were made with a crack-smoking porn-star. Lucky for that little girl, she is not going to be sniffed by creepy grandpa Joe.  


The desperate things people do when they feel underappreciated. No matter what they do, the pain just doesn’t seem to go away. Hard work is bound to go unappreciated. People will do just about anything to be appreciated, to be liked, to be approved, to get attention, but in the end, they still feel underappreciated. It is our usual way of talking, DL, due to which everyone feels chronically underappreciated. Joe and Hunter  count on and demand everyone’s sympathy, as we can all identify with these dirty scum-backs.


So-called behavioral change is overtalked and underappreciated, because of our DL. With EL, we are no longer feeling inferior, but we are not going into the other extreme by acting superior. Those who do that, still feel underappreciated. All dictators feel underappreciated. Someone like me, with EL, however, can’t stand admirers or ass-kissers. I don’t need appreciation, as my Language Enlightenment (LE) makes me laugh about your tendency to feel underappreciated.       

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



If you happen to read these words, you should really consider yourself fortunate, because you have come across a rare opportunity. You read the words of someone, who has devoted his life to Embodied Language (EL), who writes about EL every day, who makes videos about EL on his You Tube channels (Maximus Peperkamp and maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw) and who writes and sings songs about EL and plays his ukulele.


I never get tired of writing or speaking about EL, which is the way of talking, in which you listen to yourself while you speak. Of course, you can also do this and if you do, you will have stopped your usual, unnatural, automatic way of talking, in which you don’t listen to yourself while you speak. You will notice an enormous difference, because in Disembodied Language (DL), you experience your language passively, as if it is happening to you, but in EL, you experience your language actively, consciously, because you are in charge of it and you use if effectively.


The difference between your DL and EL signifies how you deal with your language and how you live your life. If you would try the experiment, to change from DL to EL – because you took these words very seriously and started to speak with yourself and listen to yourself – you would notice that everything begins to change for the better. All your behavior, which previously was associated with your DL, appears irrelevant to you, once you are able to have ongoing EL and that is why you will stop behaving in that way.


When you have ongoing EL by yourself, you will be, like me, be very happy and clear about your language. Moreover, you are fortunate, because you have achieved a sense of happiness, which you have never before experienced, because it couldn’t be experienced in any other way, than by you speaking with yourself and listening to the sound of your own voice, while you speak.


If you follow through, on what you read here, it is not a matter of chance or luck, whether you are going to feel fortunate, that you have done this, but it is the sense, that by speaking out loud with yourself and by listening to yourself, you have taken your life into your own hands.


Nobody could do for you, what you are doing for yourself, when you have EL, as it is you, who is calmly speaking with yourself, in order to be able to listen to yourself and to hear and act on what you have got to say to yourself. In DL, this doesn’t happen, because during DL, you simply never do this. You feel fortunate to have found the great treasure of ongoing EL, which reveals to you your Language Enlightenment (LE).


If you don’t experience what I have described, it is because you haven’t really done yet what I have suggested. Perhaps you have tried, but if you didn’t feel the gratefulness or thankfulness, to yourself, you haven’t switched from DL to EL and you have continued with your usual DL. To change from your DL to EL, your DL must stop. Only then, can your EL begin to reveal itself.


Your EL is a blissful, sensitive phenomenon, but it is easy to miss, because our conditioning with DL is very strong. If you succeed, however, you will have a tangible novel experience, that you are doing something, no one else is doing. Yes, you will be astonished, when you take your first steps in EL, that everyone, everywhere, engages constantly in DL. Your effortless way of talking or EL isn’t possible with anyone, but yourself.


Naturally, you would like to have EL with others, but there is no way around the devastating fact, that no one wants to have EL with you, as they would also – first – have to do exactly, what you have done. They too, would first have to speak out loud, alone, with themselves, so that they could begin to hear themselves and notice the great difference between their own DL and EL.


Although it is tough, to deal with the sad fact, there will be no one for you to have EL with, you can always easily have EL with yourself and you still feel fortunate, that this self-stimulatory behavior is now available to you, whenever you remember to engage in it. Surely, you could and should consider contacting me, so that we can have EL together, because I know how it works. Moreover, you need to talk with me, that is, you need to talk with someone, who, like me, has EL, so your EL can be socially reinforced. If your EL isn’t socially reinforced, you’ll give up on it.


While we are all capable of having some EL and we are having it, occasionally, unconsciously, briefly – in situations in which we feel safe, welcome and relaxed – this isn’t sufficient for continuing with it. We can’t have EL skillfully, deliberately and consistently, as there is nobody to reinforce it. This is why DL is everywhere, but EL is nowhere to be found. You are fortunate to read this, as you now know, I can reinforce your EL, so that it will continue. So far, only one person has come to me. I feel as fortunate to have EL with her, as she feels fortunate with me. My dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke can also reinforce your EL. (You Tube channel: Luisterend Spreken and she writes in Dutch on  


I feel fortunate to write this. You are fortunate to read this. I look forward to hearing from you and AnnaMieke would feel equally fortunate to hear from you. EL is so very simple and valuable. We can speak with each other, while we continue to listen to ourselves. Our EL is stabilized, due to conversation, in which we socially reinforce it. There is no other way for EL to come into our lives. Our future looks good. Nothing can stop us from having ongoing EL and realizing our LE.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Lame Humor,


Your humor is lame humor, while my humor is new humor. You are unfamiliar with my humor, which annoys and displeases you, because it is not business as usual. You laugh about things, which aren’t even funny, and you pretend to have fun. In my opinion, this is the reason, why you don’t appreciate my humor. Real humor gets no attention because you only want lame humor.


It isn’t me, who is asking your attention for my humor, but it is lame, dumb, fake humor, which demands everyone’s attention. The attention for real humor always comes from the person, who has it, as it cannot come from the person, who doesn’t have it. In other words, we only can enjoy our own humor and that is where the future of humor is at. The lame excuse, that it was meant to be funny, is no longer acceptable.


I address the new humor, which derives from my Embodied Language (EL), which is different from the lame humor, that is the coverup for our nasty, unnatural, effortful, but common way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak and demand, that others must listen to us. You are used to the so-called humor of unconscious Disembodied Language (DL), in which some creepy idiot is trying to be funny. I am not trying to be funny. Good, you get that.


You don’t believe it and you resist admitting it, but you have never really laughed about any of your smart-ass comedians, but now that you are in the position to find out – through this wonderful text about the difference between DL and EL - you can finally begin to laugh about yourself. You could be the laughter-innovator, who transforms lame humor into real humor.


Anyone who stops producing more of the same boring humor with their automatic DL, anyone who has some enjoyable, funny, intelligent EL, would be totally against the usual lame humor, because our phony humor prevents real humor. This has always been the reason, why we laugh so very little or not at all. Only because of your involvement in DL, it seems hard to accept, you have never had any real humor, but once you have EL, it is clear what you’ve been missing.


Lame humor is a much more devastating issue than you have ever imagined. As I have stated, it always goes hand in hand with DL, in which you dissociate from your own experiences. As a consequence, you are truly paralyzed by fear. Therefore, the lameness of the humor actually pertains to your Stockholm-Syndrome, which makes you laugh spastically at the comedian, who gaslights you, with some verbal diarrhea.


Since you have been conditioned to have DL, you have – until now – only known lame humor, but, as you read this text, which is the product of my ongoing EL, you can perhaps accept the urgency, the direness and the hilariousness of your situation.


Only those who are used to having DL, find this text lame, but for someone like me, who has EL, it is wickedly delightful and enchanting to write this. It is what really makes me tick and I go on with it, even though nobody reads it, nobody responds to it, because I enjoy it. No, I’m never bored with myself, to the contrary, I find myself funnier than anyone else out there. Yes, I don’t find anyone with DL funny, but I find myself so amusing and entertaining because of my EL.


I can’t wait, to find out, what I’m able to come up with next, as I always create something new. The nuances of my humor are unsurpassed. It is so subtle, so witty and no one, who claims to be funny – with DL – has this satisfaction. Yes, I say of myself that I’m funny, but these people, who are presumably funny, they would never say of themselves that they are funny. Moreover, they would certainly not say, they are the funniest of all. The reason I am so funny, is because I am not in competition with anyone. I merely do my unusual thing – off stage – and that’s it. Nothing else is needed. I’m not doing anything outside of my competence. Without bothering, who it is for or what other consequences it might have, other than my own enjoyment, I continue with my EL, as your DL can no longer paralyze me.  


Are you going to remain lame for life because of how you were conditioned? Lame humor never is about you having fun by yourself, but always about you obediently, unwillingly, conforming to some individuality-crushing group-behavior. I call my humor real humor, because it goes on in spite of all the misery going on and I enjoy it by myself. Yes, I would only be able to enjoy it with you, if you had EL with me. Saying these words makes me happy. I am alone with my language.


No one can come in between me and my EL, but in DL, someone, inevitably, always comes in between you and your language. And, as a matter fact, in DL, you don’t even have your own language. You only imagine, you have it, just like you imagine, that you are having fun. In American politics, a lame duck or outgoing politician, is an elected official, whose successor is already been elected or will be soon. Such a politician is seen as having less influence with other politicians, due to their limited time left in office. The same thing applies to humor. Our DL has run out of time, it is outdated, and it has no future. DL produces lame duck humor, but EL is the future, as we can laugh about ourselves.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

 Momentary Laughter,


In spite of your long and dreadful conditioning history with Disembodied Language (DL), there are still moments, in which you can laugh, but these sudden occasions of momentary laughter are only going to increase, if you begin to have ongoing Embodied Language (EL). Unless this happens, you feel short-changed by these brief moments of fun, which never last or satisfy.


While you are holding your breath – which isn’t conducive to laughter – my fun keeps going and keeps getting better, in the same way, that birds sing their songs. Most people don’t hear these birds sing, as they are inclined to keep listening to noise, which came in place of their laughter.


We don’t find leaf-blowers, chainsaws or lawn mowers very funny. Only if they stop working or when they can’t get them started, it gets funny. Sometimes, on the weekend, there is a moment of silence and then it starts all over again, but it, luckily, creates some momentary laughter in us. Without such laughter, the noise drives us nuts.  


Momentary laughter is needed to maintain our sanity. Why call it erectile dysfunction, when men can’t get him or keep him up? Even more fun, when men believe to be women, but still like to retain the pleasure of orgasm. Those who believe to be born in the wrong body, who suffer from body dysphoria, would benefit, if they were able to recognize, that wanting things, you can’t have is a source of humor.


People who scream at others – because they want them to tell them, how wonderful and great they are – don’t realize, that anyone, who demands that others to adore them is pathetic. It really doesn’t matter whether we want others to admire us, praise us, celebrate us or honor us for how we look, how we speak, how we fight, how we paint, how we cook, how we sing, how we tell jokes, we all deserve to be laughed at, if we don’t do it for ourselves, but for others.


You need a break from your usual behavior, to have some momentary laughter. With your DL, you don’t realize, the importance of this, as in DL, we compete with others, but we never do anything for ourselves. It may surprise you that, although you believe you do things for yourself, in fact, you don’t do anything for yourself in DL.


Due to the struggle for attention, which is the basis of DL, everything else you do is affected. In other words, all your other behavior is aimed at others, but not to yourself. Momentary laughter will show us, no matter how much we believe, we do things for ourselves, we still do what we do, to be better than others, to show off to others or to proof ourselves to others.  


Actually, being busy with ourselves is as much a problem, as being busy with others. During EL, we are neither busy with ourselves nor with others. Yes, let’s have some momentary laughter about everyone, who tries to be strong, certain, open, honest, consistent, unaffected or themselves.


You only need momentary laughter, yes, you read that correctly – momentary laughter – to admit, that your DL, is just one big fucking joke. Without a self, there is nothing to whine about anymore. And nobody laughs about a nobody, except for another nobody, who also tried, in vain, to be somebody. So, let’s be clear, there is no inner you, who does what you do and there is no divine mover up there somewhere in the sky, who directs everything that is going on.


Your momentary success isn’t due to belief in your inner self, which is even more tenacious than your belief in a so-called god. The inner you, who presumably is independent, supposedly, sets you free from the higher power, which wouldn't allow you make your own decisions. Therefore, it is to be expected, you are more hung up on your presumed uniqueness, than your higher power.  


Have some momentary laughter, because you aren’t – as you would like to believe – unique. You don’t have any special gift or anything that supposedly makes you better than others. With DL, you hang on to this belief, but with EL you finally have some momentary laughter about it. Every human being is going to die and that is the end of it. Also, it is a myth, that how you have lived your life matters, because it doesn’t matter once you are gone. What matters is what happens, while you are alive, when you realize your mortality, your unimportance.


Momentary laughter might begin to last a little longer, when you come to terms with your own insignificance. A shift occurs, in your priorities, because your life is more worthwhile, than the lives of those, who look at others for meaning.


I know that my life doesn’t matter and neither does my death. Yes, few people cry and mourn, but, in the bigger scheme of things, my life isn’t important. Like everyone, I have dreamed and wished for things to be otherwise, but it isn’t and I might as well just say, that I live and die, just like the plants or the animals live and die.


I’m so glad to be able to acknowledge my own insignificance. I feel so incredibly happy with my momentary laughter, which has already lasted 65 years. I am no more important than anything alive. My life is a celebration of everything that is alive. I will continue to live as long as my body allows it. I am nature, in which everything lives and dies. And, my truth is my momentariness.               

Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Lack Of Laughter,


The common lack of laughter, which seems to be spreading like some kind of virus, is caused by something, which most people don’t even dare to talk about. I have no problem talking about it and that is why I can write about it.


In my opinion, the almost permanent absence of laughter, in every part of society, is the result of the way of talking, in which we supposedly are funny. Unless we say something funny, we are not allowed to speak about the obvious lack of humor, which signifies that we are suffering.


We have become so used to and conditioned by the, presumably, funny talk, that we are unable to acknowledge the terrible consequences of our superficial behavior. Of course, there is a way back to experiencing laughter again, but unless language itself becomes more enjoyable, it will continue to do the exact opposite.


This text, these words, pave the way, so to say, to restore our ability to laugh. You may wonder: how is that supposed to work? Such as question is only relevant, if you answer it yourself. Don’t let anyone else’s answer spoil your fun. Even asking the question to ourselves is already funny, because who is asking who?


It may seem as if the not funny part, is asking for some explanation from the funny part, but that raises the question: what is it like to have fun by ourselves, with us? It is clear that the presumably funny part doesn’t deliver and has been out of order for a long time.


We can ask ourselves until we are blue, but it doesn’t make us laugh. Asking ourselves is as bad as asking someone else to make us laugh, because asking ourselves didn’t work either. Actually asking ourselves is worse than asking someone else, because someone else may still succeed in getting us to laugh, because we have never succeeded in making ourselves laugh.   


Where does this leave us? If we can’t ask others to make us laugh, if we cannot ask ourselves to make us laugh, how are we supposed to laugh? Now, our laughter or rather the absence of our laughter, has really hit rock-bottom. This is what is really absolutely needed, to recover from our addiction to and infatuation with fake-humor.


It isn’t all that bad, not to laugh and to simply admit, that you have failed and to acknowledge, that you no longer want to keep doing, what you have always been doing, which is: pretend.


When we are unhappy, we want to be happy, but when we are happy, we don’t want to be happy, because we are already happy. In the same way, we want to laugh, when there is, in fact, nothing to laugh about, because when we really laugh, when we are having fun, we are not really looking for something to laugh about.


When you realize, you don’t want to do, what you are doing and what you have been doing, you will begin to try to not do it anymore. It is already so much better, to be without laughter, than to be all worked-up, distracted, scattered or overwhelmed by what you called laughter, but which was, in reality, a form of self-denial.


Let’s be clear, by not laughing, you have become true to yourself. Moreover, the joy of being real is more valuable than your idiotic infatuation with false laughter about nonsense, which hasn’t anything to do with you.


Surely, you are onto something and what you need to do, is follow this thread, to where it is going. You don’t give up on this inclination, as you are convinced this is leading somewhere. Although you are without laughter, you are also without fear. This is fascinating, as you realize that what went on, in the name of humor, has always continued your fear. You still can clearly remember, your old belief, that humor would, presumably, help you overcome your worries and problems, but now you know, it wasn’t so.


Fear has always prevented you from laughing and now you can laugh – if you want to, if you feel like it, if you get the joke, if you admit what a fool you have been – organically, at your own pace, about this process of awareness, in which language sets the stage for your happiness.


There’s no pressure, you take your time, and, yes, the joke is on you, so you explore your own words, you experience your own sound, and you feel as if laughter is like something delicious in your mouth and you get a taste of your own humor.    

Saturday, June 8, 2024



Everyone can hear it, everyone can see it, those in power, in Western Democratic countries, are increasingly placating autocratic countries and their despotic leaders. However, it should also be noticed, that these wolves, who are trying to hide in sheep’s clothing, attempt to use their influence, to seek legitimacy in the free world.


To survive, people have forever been placating, kiss ass and trying to appease or pacify bullies. It derives from Latin placatus, which means, soothed, calm, gentle, peaceful; placare, which means, to calm, appease, soothe; and, placere, which means, to please, to be acceptable, to be approved. Pleasure derives from plesen, which means, to please, to satisfy, to propitiate or to please, a deity, which means, to escape from  the vengeance of some imaginary higher power. Also, implacable from Latin implacabilis, which means, unappeasable. This greedy, ravenous, unquenchable quest for domination, is the pursuit of power, which still goes on today.


Our Disembodied Language (DL), which occurs twenty-four-seven, everywhere, around the world, has always existed, ever since human beings became verbal. Even when we didn’t have language, we used gestures and sounds, to show, we were dominant or subservient. We can – and should – compare the vocalizations of threat or safety, made by primates, with the sounds, which we produce, when we engage in DL or Embodied Language (EL), as these two different ways of dealing with our language, go all the way back, into the evolutionary history of our autonomic nervous system. However, it should also be noted, that placation only happens during DL, but never during EL. It is catastrophic, that we haven't paid attention to this difference. Only during ongoing EL, can we truly transcend our history of conditioning, as we are no longer placating anyone with stupid DL.


If I take a closer look, at the brutal societies, which are run by dictators – such as China, Syria, Iran,  Russia or North Korea – I find it very peculiar, these disgusting thugs, still hold fake elections, to, apparently, somehow, convince the population, they were chosen by them. In other words, no matter how powerful these monstruous people become, they still seek to be approved or accepted. Stated differently – as is always the case in DL – those who demand to be always placated by others, are themselves still placating others. While they may pretend to be emperors, they are, in reality, just beggars.  


There is a reason – which only becomes clear, if we have ongoing EL – why these dictators, still go through the ridiculous effort of holding sham elections, theatrical trials or forced confessions and why they pretend to have some semblance of fairness: those with DL, inevitably are always posturing to have EL. They are no different from anyone else with DL, which is: everyone. Since we haven’t acknowledged, the great difference between our DL and EL, we - in Western societies - all, inadvertently, believe, we have EL, because we are such democratic, enlightened, liberated, secular, educated people, but the unaddressed ugly reality is, that we all still engage, unconsciously, in dumb DL, in which placating is the name of the game.


To put it squarely, DL, our usual way of talking – in which speakers don’t listen to themselves while they speak but remain preoccupied with listening to or placating others or making others listen to or placate them – undermines the supposed superiority of Western democracies. I have said so before and I will say it again: EL is needed for Western democracies to survive, as EL is the language of the individual, while DL is the language of the group, which, historically, has always overruled the rights of the individual.


It is always with DL, that we wanted to become powerful, and we became coercive tyrants, but regardless of our importance, our needs were never met by our DL, as they could only be met by our EL. The very fact, that in our usual way of dealing with language – which is DL – we are always busy with others, signifies we are all pathetic placaters. Moreover, in DL we all know our place in the social hierarchy and, consequently, we placate those who are supposedly higher, and we despise those who are presumably lower.


Placating involves giving in to the other person’s position or demands. Yes, it always deals with others, so you never get to attend to yourself. It is, indeed, our usual, supposedly, normal, common, well-accepted, but unconscious way of talking – which I call DL – in which we can never really attend to ourselves, because we don’t listen to ourselves. No matter how much you are successfully placating others – on your way to the top of the social ladder – you are never at ease, comfortable or safe with them, because they are and remain a threat to you.


When you engage in DL, you are always sending a mixed meaning or message. In other words, it  absolutely doesn’t matter, whether you are, presumably, so powerful or, supposedly, so powerless or whether you consider yourself to be in control or view yourself as controlled by others, because you are always placating. You may say, subserviently, it really doesn’t matter, while, of course, it does matter or, you behave arrogantly, as if what you do doesn’t matter, but of course, your horrible, abusive, disrespectful behavior matters. You are never happy with DL. You can’t force others to love you, care about you or adore you. Phony success is all you get. Hilariously, those who are your friends, betray you and abandon you, as they are anxiously waiting to take your place. No matter how much you placate, it is your inevitable fate, that you will live a meaningless life, which is full of hate.      

Friday, June 7, 2024

 One Person,


You are the person, who can change the course of history, by what you do. I am this person too. Yet, your whole life is wasted on unconscious, automatic, Disembodied Language (DL), that is why your behavior only adds more of the same tragedy to this world. I, on the other hand, truly make a difference, as I have ongoing Embodied Language (EL), which means, I go against my own conditioning and against the conditioning of everyone, who continues with negative DL.


Everyone, who still pretends, that their DL is acceptable or necessary, is unintelligent, lazy, and insensitive. This is not some judgment, but a fact. The cowardice of DL knows no end and has been around since the beginning of time. Everywhere you hear or read about DL, but you can only read about EL, only on this blog, or on the blog of AnnaMieke   Bevrijdende Taal. ( she writes and speaks in Dutch. Her You Tube channel is: Luisterend Spreken and my My You Tube channels are: 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw. Check it out.


When you listen to AnnaMieke or to me, you will hear two human beings, who are conscious about their language. Our EL is entirely different from your DL, in which you don’t listen to your own voice while you speak. I am not writing this to show off, that we are better than others, but to illustrate, that EL is possible and that your DL is already a thing of the past. You could say your DL, is hopelessly outdated, as it doesn’t work. It only seemed to work, as long as you could keep forcing others with your blunt, phony rhetoric.


I am not writing this to convince you or anyone to have EL, but to simply say what I want to say. I write in this way, because I also speak in this way. I don’t care about any of our so-called world leaders, since none of them know about this great difference between DL and EL and, all of them, yes, all of them, are, just like you, in favor of the continuation of our DL. Yesterday, I listened to Joe Biden’s speech, at the D-Day Memorial in Normandy, and, suddenly, it struck me, how devasting it is, that this gigantic crowd, that had gathered there, was applauding for this deceitful, mediocre, creepy, miserable man.


We are heading straight for the next World War with our insidious DL and no one even wants to acknowledge the difference between DL and EL. I have studied Psychology, Behaviorism and Behaviorology for many years and earned the  Master of Arts and Master of Science in Clinical Psychology. I have worked many years in Mental Health, which, because nobody wants to know about the great difference between DL and EL, is completely ineffective. I taught Psychology for  many years. Although the students as well as faculty, many times, briefly acknowledged the importance the DL/EL distinction, there was no institutional recognition for this crucial issue. In essence, although people may come to know about the DL/EL distinction, everyone keeps backing out on its immense importance, as it involves going against our own conditioning.  


Nevertheless, I sit here, in front of my laptop, in my room and I am enjoying my own EL. Nothing stops me from continuing with my EL, because I know how your DL destroys your life. Although your DL always means more conflict, violence and chaos, I am feeling peaceful, centered and resolved. I am unaffected by your intrusive DL, as I know how to stay away from anyone with DL. I only interact with those, who have EL and I don’t talk with most people, as it is useless.


I posses my own kind of power of being myself and I use my energy to write these words. On my You Tube channels you can see and hear me talk and get a good feel how real I am with my EL and, by comparison, how cut off you are with your usual, coercive, unnatural DL. It is all there and nobody can deny it. My use of language is  different from anyone who engages in DL. It is up to you, to do what you haven’t done: to first recognize your own DL and, to stop it, so that you can finally have some EL. Stopping your DL and having EL, isn’t some spiritual fantasy, but a real thing, which you either do or don’t do. All your religion, culture, politics, race or ethnicity  isn’t more important than the DL/EL distinction.


The older I get – I am 65 years now – the more certain I am, I am right about everything I have said and written. I wasn’t always as certain as I am today and doubted myself greatly. How can it be, I would say to myself, that I am the only one who knows this? Well, it is because, unlike others, I have spent a lot of time, alone, talking with myself and really listening to myself. Am I imagining this? No, I am not. During my many years of study, work and teaching in the field of Psychology, I have come across many research studies, which support my views, but the fact is, that nobody is really interested, since we are all conditioned to continue with our forceful DL.


Psychology – and by extension, the rigmarole  ludicrously called mental health – is hopelessly stuck in this ridiculous theory of mind business. Our ongoing EL, however, shows, unequivocally, there is no inner speech, there never was any inner language and, therefore, there is no mind. In other words, only overt language – what is said, heard, written or read – makes any sense. Yet, in the so-called monadic theory of mind, people speak of one-person psychology, but in the relational theory of mind, people speak of two-person psychology. Some people see these theories as complementary, while others see them as contradictory and irreconcilable, but  because DL, everyone still believes in the great falsehood, that language can exist inside of us.  


Only if you take time to talk with yourself and hear the sound of your wellbeing in the words you speak, will you say anything about yourself which makes sense. Only with your ongoing EL, are you aware about what you want and what you don’t want, what is good for you and what isn’t. There is nobody to guide you, other than you yourself, with what sounds good to you. It is not a belief, but an experience, which you can begin to listen to and benefit from, if you tell yourself your truth, your freedom. Thus, with your ongoing EL, you express your Language Enlightenment (LE) and you truly are yourself.