Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 Political Speech,


I am in favor of Embodied Language (EL) and against Disembodied Language (DL) and, this is why I write and speak – from the point of view, afforded by my ongoing EL – about what each human being, individually, should and shouldn’t do. However, my EL is not an argument for or against something, as that would be more of the same DL, which is happening everywhere. I am not having any relationship, with those who have DL, as I only relate to those who have EL.


Surely, EL will make your life better, because you finally get to attend to yourself, with your own language. In effect, EL marks the end of your allegiance to DL, the group-behavior, that has been going on since time memorial, which still continues until today, in the name of Left as well as Right-wing politics. Unless DL is stopped, there can be no EL. Both parties keep trying to address DL with DL, but that has never worked.


I want everyone to take action: start speaking with yourself and listening to yourself and begin to hear the great difference between your own DL and EL. Only you can stop your DL and if you do, you will be able to have EL and experience a better way of life. I write my blog and speak on my You Tube channels – 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw – because I only want to engage in political speech with EL. I have nothing to say, politically, with DL, as for me, EL is not a contentious or contested issue.


I don’t merely speak – as everyone with blunt, scripted, unconscious DL does – with my EL about politics, but I engage in an instance of politics, which, therefore, isn’t aimed at any group, but only at those rare individuals, who are receptive to my perspective. I’m not trying to win support for a proposition concerning some community, party, counsel or country, as I am only concerned with the genuine interaction between one person and another. The issue of persuasive speech is irrelevant and absent in EL.


Although I would like you to stop your own DL, so that you can have EL with me and others, I am not thinking that should happen. To me thinking is a false concept, which refers to our long, dreadful, problematic history with DL, in which we stubbornly believed in the occurrence of inner language or private speech. EL is not about changing the so-called minds and hearts of people, because these are useless concepts, which came about due to our DL. EL is about changing the way, in which you, as an individual speak and this will alter all your other behavior.


Once you have ongoing EL, you acknowledge, it is not about supporting or opposing this or that idea, because any so-called idea is just another fabrication of your DL, in which you never could say what you wanted to say and were capable of saying. Therefore, ideas are fantasies about language, inside of us, which we call mind. This illusion is created and maintained by your DL. I give you reason and motivation, to stop your DL: with DL, you cannot be yourself. I don’t care if you agree or disagree with me, because EL or DL is about whether your language agrees or disagrees, fits or doesn’t fit, with your behavior.


A so-called political stump speech is a standard speech used by a politician running for office. Typically, a candidate, who schedules many appearances, prepares a short, standardized stump speech that is repeated verbatim to each audience before opening to questions. The stump speech is an early American custom, in which candidates campaigned from town to town and stood upon a sawed-off tree stump to deliver their speech. Usual, scripted, political stump speech is of course, very different from unusual, unscripted speech, in which we speak with one another, as an individual. This is the gigantic difference between our DL and EL.


Real communication is unscripted, but phony speech is always scripted. Joe Biden is clearly into the old, scripted speech and he falls apart, each time he speaks off the cuff. Donald Trump is so refreshing, because he shows us, political speech doesn’t have to be boring and scripted. He speaks as a real individual and he is funny, but angry Joe Biden virtue-signals, he is saving democracy, while the Left is blatantly against the freedom of speech, the founding principle of the United States. Although people on the Right also don’t know about the difference between DL and EL, they are in favor of the freedom of speech, and they are more open to what I am talking about than the Left. This conclusion is inevitable, to anyone who has EL. Those who don’t want to admit and talk about, that political speech of the Left and the Right, map - not coincidentally - onto the DL/EL distinction, are against individual freedom.  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

 Allowed To Laugh,


My humor is different from any other humor. With me, you are not forced to laugh. Don’t get me wrong, you are allowed to laugh. It would be good for you to laugh and, of course, I would enjoy laughing with you, but it is also perfectly okay, if you don’t laugh, if you don’t find it funny, what I say isn’t funny. You are allowed to simply fall into the role of someone who laughs.


You see, I find the fact, that I’m not funny, in the eyes and ears of sad people like you, very funny. I will even try to be more not funny, as that is what I seem to be good at and enjoy doing. I’m not trying to piss anyone off. I’ve done that and agree, that wasn’t funny. That’s why I stopped with it a long time ago. I know, my humor is only for the happy few. That’s just how it is and how it will probably always be. I don’t see any reason why that all of a sudden would change.


Water isn’t going to flow up the hill. I have come to terms with the reality of the reality, because that is what my humor is about. Aren’t you allowed to be human? Just asking. The jokes you are used to, are not about reality. They take you away from the reality and, yes, I wouldn’t even characterize them as jokes, but as lies about the reality. To those, who laugh about those jokes, I say: you’re laughing for the wrong reason. You are here, but since you are, for some strange reason, not allowed to laugh, you are never really truly here. The nature of reality is funny, but fabricated, tiring, hysterical stories are more of the same falsehoods, which, in my opinion, no one should laugh about, but have a serious, long conversation about. Surely, I or others are allowed to enter into your world.


I rather have a meaningful conversation with you about everything that is wrong, than make you laugh about nonsense, as that, to me, is funny, that you refuse to do that, while it is so needed. Am I allowed to take you there? Let’s get this straight, you want something idiotic to laugh about, while everything is going down the drain? I’m not having any part in so-called dark humor. I rather have some reality humor in which you are allowed to laugh about all the bullshit, which is going on in your miserable life. If you are not allowed to admit, to laugh about your ordeal, you are not allowed to leave your troubles behind. I talk about your inability to laugh, but I don’t force you to assume, that I am funny.


Most likely, I’m not funny to you. It is allowed by me and if it is allowed by you, I have reached my objective. I find it so funny, that someone like you, who basically doesn’t know anything about having fun, is, perhaps learning from me, who isn’t funny, because you are finally getting it. To know what is funny, you must know what isn’t funny and you can’t keep laughing about things, which weren’t funny, in the first place.


Am I allowed, to let you read what I wrote? Are you allowed to read it out loud, so you can hear your voice? Don’t expect me to say things you’ve come to expect from humorists. I’m not into dead-pan humor. My humor is about the truth, which you laugh away, as if it was funny. My truth isn’t funny. I’m okay with that. It is funny, you are not okay with it. You twist and turn, but you keep being stuck in lies, which will only end, when you stop yourself from trying to have fun, when there is nothing to laugh about, when you are finally allowed to be like others.  


Why are you only allowed, to laugh out loud, when you are in a crowd? I’m not punishing anyone, because I don’t expect anyone to laugh about me, but I say what is funny to me. I can’t believe, you keep on talking about the same things and expect to laugh, while all you do, is repeat the same thing, which isn’t funny. To me, laughter is about something new, but the old,  you are used to, somehow, has to be stopped. I know that you can do it. It isn’t my task, to stop your habit, it is up to you. I can only let you know, that I have done it and it really works. I believe, I am allowed to say, humor is not about what you believe to be true. There is not much to laugh about what is true, according to you.  


I’ve stopped laughing about my problems and guess what? They have all disappeared and I’ve been laughing ever since. My unique form of humor emerges from not having any problems. Of course, you don’t believe me, because it is absolutely not allowed to be without problems. I know you can’t stand me saying this, but my way of using language has really allowed me to not have any problems. I know you don’t find it funny, but you are allowed not to laugh. How is that, for a change? And, since it is allowed, that I or someone else, is, apparently, happier than you, you might still begin to find it a little funny, because I am not telling you to laugh about me, but about yourself. You are allowed to catch up. You too could laugh, if you would address and solve your problems, instead of listening to someone, who makes you forget about yourself, by being, supposedly, funny. I’m reminding you of how much fun you could be having, if you were true to yourself. What is funny to you, is not what someone else is saying. When you are allowed to be who you are, you are so funny.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

 Nothing To Say,


I have got nothing to say and I am done talking. I don’t mean, I have nothing to say to you or, I am done talking with you, but I have nothing to say to myself and I am done talking with myself.


I have got plenty to say to you and when I am done with you, I will let you know. Unlike you, I have talked with myself and listened to myself and unlike you, I have continued with Embodied Language (EL). You don’t talk with yourself, that is why, you can’t hear yourself and act on what you have said to yourself. There is nothing to hear, as long as you don’t speak with yourself. You can't listen to yourself by 'watching' your thoughts.  


Due to your Disembodied Language (DL), you still believe, you have a mind and thoughts, but if you said, to yourself, out loud, what you are, supposedly, thinking, you would come to know, there is no inner language, there is no mind and there is no thought...there never was...


Like Joe Biden, you want to continue to lie, with your DL and everyone who still supports you, is equally stuck in DL. I don’t support your DL and that is why you don’t want to talk with me. I am only interested in EL. I say to you and everyone who doesn’t know EL, your DL is on its deathbed.


Surely, it is not about Joe Biden, who is failing, but it is about our commonly shared DL, which is no longer working. Apparently, in spite of the obvious fact, that DL continues to reign everywhere, Americans have enough sense of what it is like to behave as individuals, that they are able to massively reject the DL of decrepit Joe Biden.


Naturally, it is one thing, to recognize the DL of others, but it is quite another, to recognize it in yourself. After Joe Biden is gone, everyone  still has to begin to acknowledge, what they heard and saw in Joe Biden, they also do themselves, every day. Everyone should be grateful to Joe Biden for showing us the final breakdown of DL.


After the inevitable fall of Joe Biden, we can no longer deny, the great difference between scripted and unscripted speech, which is the difference between our unconscious, forceful, unnatural DL and our brief, haphazard moments of natural, authentic, effortless energizing EL. We have only had EL in an accidental way, but not in a conscious, skillful and ongoing manner.


Everything I say and write, I have said to myself and my life is in order. I don’t get involved with or stuck in your unintelligent, negative DL. My EL always continues, that is why I can speak and write to you from my Language Enlightenment (LE).


If you long to be a free, conscious, happy and capable human being, you must pay attention to the contrast between your stupid, miserable, meaningless way of life and my joyful way life. You don’t know how to stop your DL and that is why you can’t have ongoing EL and realize your LE. You have missed out on this your whole life. You too are going down the drain with your automatic DL, no matter how much you deny this, like Joe Biden.


I understand that you too want to have power, like Joe Biden, but, perhaps, now you can see and hear, with your own eyes and ears, your DL was and is a matter of make-believe. With DL, you have been pretending, like Joe Biden, what was unreal was real, but with EL, you will find out what is real. 


My DL fell by the wayside, as I kept delightfully exploring my ongoing EL. I am not interested in anything, anyone with DL is interested in. My interest is in what can and will be achieved with EL. Your blissful LE is waiting for you, to be realized with EL and yet, you childishly, stubbornly – like nasty Joe Biden – believe in politics, media, science, religion, economy, psychology, laws, medicine, education, laws, science, etc., to save you from yourself. 


It is fantastic – for the whole world to see and hear – Joe Biden’s lies are on full display, as all of mankind, has continued with superstitious, phony, disastrous DL, which was never properly addressed with EL. I am addressing your DL, here, with my EL. Only such an approach allows you to step out of your conditioning. I have already stepped out my DL. 


When it comes to your own experience, your DL is just as pretentious and horrific as Joe Biden. My EL fits exactly with my own experience. You may stick up your middle finger, but you cannot escape the consequences of your DL, which are always bad. Like worn-out, desperate Joe Biden, you are not an ego-deranged emperor, who refuses to quit, but you only know how to have DL, because you don’t listen to yourself.


Once you hear yourself speak, your DL will have no secrets anymore. You were only taught and told, to listen to others or to make others listen to you, but you have never listened to yourself. There is no inner self, which makes you have DL, because your DL is reinforced by everyone else who has it and who frantically seeks to get away with it, by acting as if they are superior or inferior to others. In DL, everyone behaves as if they are better than others and on top of it all, or they behave as victims and seek to dominate others with their victimhood. During EL, on the other hand, we speak with a sound, which we ourselves like to listen to. Listeners who hear a speaker with EL, hear someone who listens to him or herself while he or she speaks and such a person – like me – invites you to have EL too.


The final blow for Joe Biden, actually, might be his taped-interview with the disgusting, liberal creep George Stephanopoulos. If you would record what you say to yourself and listen to it, you can say for yourself, how much you like or dislike what you heard yourself say. This is the way in which, you can hear a different voice, if you step out of your scripted speech (DL) and switch to your unscripted speech (EL). You will notice what a great relief it is – just as it will be a great relief to get rid of Joe Biden – to step out of your DL and have some EL. Moreover, you can hear, feel, experience the difference. 


Any so-called sympathy for old Joe Biden – supposedly, because, presumably, he was defending democracy – was actually your complicity in his DL, by being for or against Joe Biden. I couldn’t care less about Joe Biden, because I have EL and I know, everyone, on the Left and the Right, engages, unknowingly, in DL. 


I have said everything I had wanted to say – to myself – and I have also said – to myself – everything I was capable of saying. From now on, I will only be talking with others. I realize, I couldn’t say before, what I wanted to say – to others – but, today, it feels, I am ready to say to others, what I couldn’t say, as long as I was still busy with saying things – out loud – to myself.


Before, I was capable of continuing with my EL, I first had to move away and stay away from everyone, who was having DL. Each time, I was involved with others, who only know DL, I felt, my EL stopped. I always went back to talking with myself, so I could go on with EL again. While I was riding my bicycle, this morning, I found, to my surprise, I had absolutely nothing to say to myself anymore.


Going back again to Joe Biden’s debacle, I want to be very clear – Karine Jean-Pierre, the Biden administration and the Left-wing media, constantly talk about being very clear, but I really am very clear – that we are dealing with the break-down of DL.


Our DL will grind to a halt, when we begin to listen to ourselves. Joe Biden, due to his unique position, as the president of the United States, has all eyes – and all ears –  of the entire world on him. Although he repeatedly defiantly stated “watch me”, everyone has now heard him, while they were watching him. Joe Biden was not losing his train of thought, as there is no such thing as inner language. Train of thought is only a metaphor for what, presumably, goes on in his brain. The problem of Joe Biden is that he cannot speak properly anymore, and he clearly fails to finish his sentence. Neural dysfunction and (non-political) progressive neural loss, is causing this, as there are no words or sentences inside of the human brain.


Once everyone comes to know about, not Joe Biden’s inability to function as the president of the United States, but about the importance of the difference between DL and EL, it may very well be, that our unnatural DL – in which speakers do not listen to themselves while they speak – will be found to play a huge role in the neuro-degenerative decline, which is so common in many seniors. Dissociative DL, which is going on everywhere, prevents us from being in touch with our own experience and is causing major psychological and physiological problems, because we do not and cannot embody our own language. As a result, we imagine that our language happens, involuntarily, inside of us and we believe we don’t do it, like riding a bicycle. Oddly, poor Joe Biden even fell from his bicycle.             

Friday, July 5, 2024



I enjoy my life, because my language fits with my experience. To be able to have Embodied Language (EL) is to know, I can always speak with myself and listen to my voice and hear what really matters to me. However, there cannot be any joy in Disembodied Language (DL). I am too joyful, to get involved in or to remain busy with DL. My joy wins from my misery. In the past, my DL took over again from my EL, but these days, my EL always takes over from my DL. All of this happens by itself, my life unfolds like this.  


My biggest joy of my EL is that there is nobody who does it. During DL, by contrast, there is the illusion of an inner me, who, presumably, does or decides what I do. In EL, it is clear this entity doesn’t exist and has never existed. There is joy and relief, in the realization, I can go on with my EL, although nobody wants to engage in it.


Certainly, joy is more than happiness. People tend to habitually link joy to some so-called spiritual or moral experience, but whenever we refer to these, presumably, deeper, revealing psychological events, we, inadvertently, talk about inner language. However, there are no words inside of us, there is no private speech.  Everything we have assumed to be happening inside of us – in our mind, thoughts, memory or consciousness – is a fabrication, a fantasy, an imagination, which is the inevitable result of our involvement in DL. When our DL is stopped and we have EL, our joy is more than happiness.


Joe Biden is happy, if he is eating an ice-cream, but such happiness is fleeting and gone after he finished eating. There can be no joy for Joe Biden, who, like most people, engages, day in, day out, in DL. Of course, Jill Biden, is not to be blamed for this, because she is as ignorant as everyone else with DL. Dr. Jill – as she insists to be called – and her frustrated husband, are classic examples of people, who desperately claim to be someone, they are not. It is painful, to see and hear, again and again, the Biden’s utterly failed appeal to, America’s deeper emotions, to what people, superstitiously, have called, our better angels. Joe Biden couldn’t be the joyful ‘uniter’, he, at the outset of his presidency, vowed to be, as everyone can hear there is no joy in his DL.


People with DL, who can’t have, and, therefore, can’t know joy, will argue – yes, they will even argue – and say, joy is very complex, but that is utter bullshit. Joy is simple and true, but simplicity and truthfulness requires, that we listen to ourselves, while we speak, so we can stop our DL and engage in ongoing EL. There is no such thing, as the study of joy, because we can only have joy, if we have ongoing EL and EL is not about studying it, but about enjoying it. I myself have studied, worked in and taught psychology for many years, but found to my big disappointment, that nobody is interested in EL, because joy is really a threat to their ambition.


Joy is not, as some crazy psychologists – who presumably did important research and wrote another stupid book – want to make us believe, a practice, you can cultivate and make into a habit. There is no such thing, as deep delight, which is full of significance. We talk about our natural wellbeing in this inflated, imaginary manner, because we are used to unconscious DL, and we don’t know how to stop it. In EL, everything we say is significant, but in DL, everything is phony. Joy, the effortless outcome of our involvement in EL, isn’t covered in psychology, because our EL isn’t about collecting data about others, but is about being busy and staying with ourselves.


Joy has absolutely nothing to do with becoming authentic, conscious, meaningful, contributing to or empathizing with others or living more aligned with one’s ethical or spiritual ideals. All this useless stuff is regurgitated, but it doesn’t address the difference between your DL and EL. If you succeed in stopping your DL, it is because you talked with and listened to yourself. Once you have EL, you feel joy, which is incomparable to anything you have ever experienced with DL.  


Only our ongoing EL provides the occasion for joy. The short-lived joy of an accidental moment of EL, is actually a disruption of our otherwise stable commitment to misery and conflict with our habitual DL. Ongoing EL is our ultimately joy, as it reveals our Language Enlightenment (LE), which means, we finally use our language correctly, to describe our own experiences. Of course, there is joy in speaking our own truth. Our joyful energy signifies if we have EL.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

 Again and again,  


Even after you have engaged in, and enjoyed, intelligent, natural, effortless, new Embodied Language (EL) – in which you listen to yourself while you speak – and, even after you have noticed the great difference between EL and your unconscious, unnatural, self-defeating Disembodied Language (DL) – in which you don’t listen to yourself while you speak – you will still again and again engage in stupid DL.


Like everyone else with DL, you believe to have your own explanations about everything. Why do you, again and again, concern yourself with these descriptions and hypotheses? Why don’t you put your own beliefs to the test of talking out loud – alone – with yourself and by listening to what you are able to say to yourself? What you experience in life is the result of your own behavior or the absence of your own behavior.


You know very well that you repeat, again and again, the same misery. Moreover, you do the same thing again, while you keep stubbornly hoping and demanding a different outcome. It is never anything you want to admit, but fact is, you are so busy justifying the importance of your assumptions, that you never get the chance to consider how much of your negativity is again the result of something you didn’t do, which you could have done, but which you again and again simply have refused to do. You are too arrogant to do it and again, want others to do for you, what you should have done for yourself a long time ago. It keeps bothering you as you have never really turned to your own EL.


Today is Independence Day. The independence of your own language can and will only occur if you listen to yourself while you speak. With DL, in which you don’t listen to yourself, you are not independent, you are not free, and you are always experiencing again the bondage, which is created and maintained by your language. It is astonishing after 248 years of independence, you still haven’t acknowledged the immensely important difference between your DL and your EL. All talk about freedom with DL is nonsense, because you repeat, again and again, the same mistakes, dramas, problems and fictions. This Independence Day could be the day on which you began to explore, what I am talking about.


In psychology books, aspiring therapists read about repetition compulsion. Obviously, you repeat yourself, because of your language. Nobody willy-nilly repeats the reenactment of traumatic events or circumstances. Hilariously, you, say again and again, without even realizing it, what you believe to be ‘thinking’ – while in fact, there never really was a mind, you never really had any thoughts, because there doesn’t exist such a thing as inner language, private speech or covert self-talk – in the false hope, that you would be able, one day, to accept, overcome, master and heal your psychological wounds, but you are fooling yourself, again and again, with your insensitive, repetitive, dull DL.


Your DL has caused you nothing but trouble and all your attempts at understanding your endless complications and problems, have made things worse, not better. You are compelled to repeat negative behaviors, because these unconscious behaviors are mediated by your DL, which you have never properly described to yourself. The bottom-line is, you keep engaging, again and again, with other people, in DL, which mediates destructive and harmful behaviors. I’ve gained mastery over my DL-traumas with my ongoing EL. This reveals my Language Enlightenment (LE).


Your description and conceptualization of your own experience is wrong, due to your constant involvement in DL. Naturally, your problems cannot be accurately described with your DL. You say and believe, in having or not having the inner or so-called mental resources to deal with your challenges, but your there is nothing to be gained from this imaginary source within you, as there is no language inside of you. The real solution to your problems – which are many – is to speak out loud, to listen to your own voice and to notice, whether your language fits with your experience or not. Surely, it’s not only your verbal description of your experience, but also how you sound, which creates the match, that allows you to effortlessly switch from DL to EL.  


Since we don’t know the difference between DL and EL, our DL continues everywhere unabated. Everyone who engages in DL is imprisoned by the language of the group, while anyone, who manages to have ongoing EL, will realize his or her LE and experience, what it is like to be truly free. On this Independence Day, I want to again point out, that our DL is as outdated, as paying taxes to King George III. We cannot be ourselves if we again engage in DL. America is said to be the land of the free and home of the brave, but I really wonder, where are these free and brave individuals, who dare to have EL instead of DL?  

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 For Sure,


With Disembodied Language (DL), in which you, as a speaker, do not listen to yourself while you speak, you are never really sure about what you are saying. Although you may be very good at faking it, you never get to the certainty, which is only possible and, therefore, felt or experienced, in Embodied Language (EL), in which you listen to your voice, because you speak with a sound, which you like to hear. When people fake it until they make it, they may succeed in impressing and fooling others, but never themselves.


For sure, with unconscious DL, you are never truly yourself. Certainly, unless your habitual DL is stopped by you, you will not be able to have any EL. I know for sure, you are unhappy with your DL and you will only be happy with your EL. Moreover, one thing is for sure, nobody is going to be able to bullshit his or her way into having EL. If you want to have EL, for sure, you will have to take certain steps, which only you can take, as no one else can take them for you.


You are, day in day out engaging in DL, that’s for sure, because your life is miserable, conflicted and full of problems. If you knew what you were doing, you wouldn’t have DL, because you were having it against your will. Once you know the difference between EL and DL, for sure, you want to go with EL. Moreover, you will do, whatever it takes to stop your own DL. For sure, you cannot stop the DL of others, but you can stop your own DL.  


I want everyone to know – for sure – the size of John Hancock’s signature, on the Declaration of Independence, was big, because it was and it still is, an enduring emblem of American ideals. It is a timeless representation of dedication to nationalism and freedom. As someone, who immigrated – legally – in 1999, to the United States and became a citizen in 2005, I can relate to his patriotism. I grew up in the Netherlands, but I never felt any sense of national belonging, but I became politically awake upon becoming an American. John Hancock was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence and I embody and build on his views with my ongoing EL.


Like John Hancock, I am successful and because of my success, I view things differently from all the losers. I have EL, while everyone is stuck with DL. Like John Hancock, I put all my cards on the importance of freedom of the individual. He wrote his signature in big letters, so stupid King George III could read it without having on his glasses. I don’t care if all the stories about his big signature, which definitely stands out to all the other signatures, are a myth, because to me, personally, it stands for my independence.


Anyone who ridicules the size of John Hancock’s signature, doesn’t understand the significance of his contribution to the principles upon which America was built. I seem to have been putting-my-Joh-Hancock-on-it, when I raised my voice at the open mike, at Secret Trail Brewery, one night before Fourth of July or Independence Day, when someone slandered his patriotism. For sure, I was instantly thrown out, because no lefty allows any opposition to their lunacy. Like John Hancock, I am in support of the revolution, and I am dedicated to abandoning the bondage of DL, in favor of freedom, which is EL. For sure, there is no individual freedom without EL.


The creation of anything new requires our EL. In this writing, I want to make it clear – so that, for sure, someone, as absolutely phony, as Karine Jean Pierre (Biden’s press-secretary,  who keeps repeating, she is very clear, which makes anyone with any intelligence, doubt her so-called ‘clarity’) – the battle for Independence was fought with DL, but this battle is won only, if we, as individuals, finally, begin to have EL.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

 Republic Is Not Democracy,


As I have continued to state, in each of my writings as well as in all my You Tube videos, America, the land of the free – individual – is undermined by Disembodied Language (DL), the outdated group-behavior, which goes on unaddressed, on the Left, but also, on the Right.


Only with ongoing Embodied Language (EL), in which speakers listen to themselves while they speak, will “1) Life, 2) Liberty and 3) the pursuit of Happiness” – the well-known phrase of the United States Declaration of Independence, which we celebrate on Independence Day, better known as Fourth of July – truly become a reality.


America and other so-called free Western Democratic societies have yet to wake up to the immense importance of the difference between our DL and EL, because it is only with EL, we can and we will declare, that these three examples of unalienable rights were not given to all humans by our imaginary creator, but by us, to ourselves, as independent individuals, as we the people.  


If Americans – as outdated, fanatic Christians, but also more secular people, on the Right, continue to do – keep insisting, on their belief in some fictitious higher power, they will forsake their chance to be chosen to be in the government, which wasn’t chosen, to protect the rights of superstition or to promote the false notion that government is in favor of Christian religion, but which was chosen, to protect every individual.


While it is true, our Founding Fathers, as well as  all the people, involved in the creation of free Western so-called democratic societies, were of Judeo-Christian decent, it is very interesting to note, these presumably sacred principles, in our Declaration of Independence, are not legally binding, but are widely referenced and seen as an inspiration of for the basis of government. In other words, as people inevitably become more secular – which is happening more rapidly, on the Left, than on the Right – there is no longer any shared inspirational basis for government.


We must address the great difference between DL and EL, because they map onto Democracy or Republic. In the name of equality, incendiary, activist democrats are increasingly becoming more successful, in weakening the republican customs and institutions. America’s Founders tried to defend our nation from the excesses of democratic majorities. This is where we are today. Alarmingly, on university and colleges – institutions of learning – but also in media, particularly, social media, there is no freedom of speech or even the inspiration of any dialogue, about our different points of view.


Few people seem to know, that republicanism or the liberty it makes possible and promotes, is founded in the federalist recognition, that those who are not a majority – individuals, who only speak on their own behalf and engage in EL, are the ultimate minority – make legitimate contributions to the community’s welfare and that preserving these contributions is the hallmark of political justice.


“All men are created equal” is foremostly a highly problematic, religious statement in the Declaration of Independence, due to which, currently, egalitarianism, in the name of saving our democracy, undermines the careful balance produced by our mixed republic. It is, of course, inequality, which makes liberty possible, but our unconscious DL, which goes on in every section of our society, undermines our social, familial, psychological or philosophical freedom.


Senile Joe Biden and his Left-wing-activists, talk a great deal about protecting democracy, but they zealously, disrespectfully push many things down the throat of the American people. Since only republicans are inclined to inject reason into impassioned debates, only they are open to EL. Moreover, since only republicans resist the relentless demand for more equality, only they are truly in favor of freedom, particularly, the freedom of speech for the individual. Donald Trump is very clear – without any help from Karine Jean-Pierre – about the fact that egalitarianism, which dresses itself in drag, that is, in the garb of democracy, must be opposed, as it is threatening our republic.


In my understanding, America was never meant to be a democracy and the republicans should have said so all along. The Left is railing against our institutions – the Supreme Court is under attack – which are safeguards for our individual liberty, and, therefore, anti-democratic. Thomas Jefferson stated the terrifying reality, which is now playing out under the autocratic rule of Joe Biden, “a democracy is nothing more than a mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.” Luckily, our anti-democratic institutions, such as the Supreme Court and Electoral College, are not so easily undone by today’s Left-wing activists, but the unaddressed difference between DL and EL, makes that we keep having DL and changing the narrative, to fit with a group, rather than talk as individuals. Simply stated, with DL, the individual is not protected by the government, because the language of the government only references minority or majority groups. Only EL, which is anti-group, can give us our individual protection and real freedom. 

When the Left-wing donors pull the plug on Joe Biden, they should consider getting in touch with me and support me in promoting the importance of the distinction between DL and EL. It will not only be good for Joe Biden, but also for the country. It should be considered an act of belated patriotism. Better late than never and, yes, we still have time to acknowledge, our individual freedom requires our individual language, which is EL. There is no time to lose on a full-blown party revolt, as that always involves more of the same DL. Too much time and energy has been wasted on DL. It is time to forget about democracy and embrace freedom with EL.