Sunday, March 31, 2024




We are all going to die. The only time to give up on our fantasy-beliefs, is while we are still alive. Denial of our mortality is the reason millions of Christians are still carried away by the concept of resurrection or the Holy Ghost; millions of Buddhists are wasting their time in meditation and are trying in vain to eliminate their desire; millions of Jews imagine there is a creator, who has spoken through his prophet Mozes; and, millions of Muslims imagine angels exist and insist that one day, all people are called into account for their faith during their life on earth.


None of our religions or our spiritual paths are true. Instead of communicating, we have been endlessly distracted by superstitions, religions and political dogmas. The fact, that, no matter what, we are all mortals, tells us, there is no after-life, no judgement day or reward for how we have lived. We are literally scared to death to admit, that none of what we believe is true.


Instead of all the aforementioned pretentious, confusing, conflicted, unnecessary nonsense, which is perpetuated by our Disembodied Language (DL), I only want to write and speak about my self-created, enjoyable reality, which has come about due to my Embodied Language (EL) and my acknowledgement, I live only once: now. EL is such a stark contrast with our DL, in which we fanatically believe in non-existent deities in the sky or inside of ourselves. Also, the coerced belief in those who claim to have power, is as foolish as our desperate belief in our imaginary inner selves.


You don’t know what it is like to have EL, as you only know how to continue with DL. I write here about my EL, not for you, but for myself, since I am not interested in you. I don’t do anything to reach you. I am satisfied to know what I know. If you want to read this, fine, if you want to hear me speak, then, listen to my You Tube videos on my two channels, maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw or Maximus Peperkamp. It is up to you, to contact me. It hasn’t happened yet. Perhaps, it never will, but that is your loss, not mine. I feel fine with my EL. All the violence, turmoil, horror and trouble, involved in your DL, is not my world.


Don’t call me an atheist, because that doesn’t’ capture my unique way of life. My goal is and has always been to have EL. Instead of being busy with your religion, your politics, your gender, your identity, I stay with myself and feel so happy to be able to do that, as this wasn’t always possible for me. To me, life is very simple: I stay away from the meaningless DL, which is going on everywhere. Instead of all the anger, madness, fear or anxiety, I feel peaceful, calm, accomplished, satisfied and grateful.


Death is natural for all human beings. We are all going to die one day. During our lives, we either acknowledge this fact or we don’t. If we do, we live a meaningful life, but if we don’t, we make up stories about what happens after we die. These bizarre stories are the context in which we live our unreasonable, shoddy lives. I am no longer sad, that you don’t want to have EL with me. My EL emerges, not necessarily to say something, but just to hear my own voice. I produce EL, not to know or explore anything, but simply, because I enjoy my EL. It is such an amazing phenomenon, I only have language, if I write, read, speak or listen, but I’m without any language, if I’m not writing, reading, speaking or listening. With language, I no longer have DL, but only EL, and without language, I experience only my body. My body is a spaceship, it travels though the reality, I’ve created with my EL.


This writing isn’t, what people – due to their unconscious DL – consider, flowery language. My knowledge is about death, because I feel the rhythm of going back and forth between my EL and the sensations in my body. These words allow me to embody my language and when I don’t write or speak, my body rejoices. Actually, it also enjoys my EL, because it fits so well with each of my experiences. I don’t feel - like those with DL - disconnected, as my presence is spacious and gracious. I can’t reject, I’m here, to be who I am.   


My ongoing EL shows me, this is my Language Enlightenment (LE). I fulfill my destiny by having EL, that is, unlike the language of other people, my language is alive, while those who engage in DL, participate in the language of death. There cannot be any silence in DL. In the absence of DL, people will feel even more isolated and separated, than while they were having DL. It is such a wonderous thing, without EL my silence is without any language. I’m still getting used to it. Being without any language is where I’ve always been heading. Although I’ve discovered I could have EL instead of DL, I was always on a journey – to die – to go beyond language.


All will end in death, all! Why not give yourself the chance, to experiment and to acknowledge the difference between who you really are and who you pretend to be? With the former, you will hear and experience your EL, but with the latter, you are automatically repeating fearful, dumb stories with your DL. Of course, you don’t like to hear it, because it sounds horrible. You can and you will only let go of your language, if you have used it correctly, that is, if you have enjoyed your EL and have recognized your LE.  


You can only familiarize yourself with EL, if you let go of DL. Actually, you don’t need to let go of EL, as it will happen by itself, but stopping DL is something, which takes energy and constant focus on your language. Without that attitude, it is not going to happen. So funny, that to have EL, we must first stop our DL, and then, once we have EL, our EL takes us beyond language. The great peace that is felt, as your ongoing EL reveals your LE – and, when your EL comes to an end – it is so exquisite. It connects you to everything, which is the opposite of the noise and chaos of DL, which alienates you from everything.


I am suddenly reminded of the wonderful music of the band Grateful Death. However, with your EL, you are not being entertained by someone, but you create your own reality. Surely, EL is not for Death-Heads. DL is disorder and EL is order. Once order is achieved by your EL, the work has been done. Your body responds with a sense of delight and transparency, and, yes, you feel as if you are ready to die, because you are so happy and fulfilled. It seems as if your body has disappeared, once your language is gone. You may still experience a small current of energy, as if light is illuminating the darkness of your body. You will experience deeper and deeper states of relaxation and refinement.  


If there was no death, the world would soon be so crowded with living creatures, it would be impossible for any of them to live comfortably. It is already like that, and our unintelligent, harmful DL makes things even worse. Actually, with EL, we would have a whole new sense of virtue. With EL we speak the language that creates space, but with DL, we are competing and struggling with each other for attention. It is impossible to make anything clear or to agree on anything with DL.


I have read and heard, some so-called gurus or, presumably, enlightened people, who said, that one can only attain truth, conscious and bliss, by remaining conscious of the experience: I am. This is silly advice, as it is unattainable with our DL, to simply be who we are, or to be where we are. To be where we are, we must stop our DL, so that we can have EL. And, unless we are able to continue with our EL, our presence or experience is not supported by our language and only pretended.


We can say, with our DL, we are here, but it means something different from saying it with EL. EL is like a funnel, in which our energy is poured in the here and now, but DL makes us leak our energy and our only way to refer to the present, is by means of struggle and fear, distraction, tension, anxiety and forcefulness, caused by our language. It is going to be crystal clear to anyone who is capable of having ongoing EL, everything which has been said and written about enlightenment, with DL, was wrong. The same is true for any other so-called spiritual deliverance or salvation. None of what has been said about death – yes, it was always about death – resulted in EL, therefore, it was all based on the continuation of our DL. If you would experiment for yourself, to figure out the great difference between your own DL and your own EL, you will come to your own conclusion about your language. You live a frigid way of life, as if you are frozen to death, with your DL and you don’t even know it.


In closing, there is no spiritual struggle between life and death. By switching from DL to EL, you will realize, death is an awakening. However, it doesn’t involve any struggle, as death is part of life. Interestingly, it isn’t possible to scrutinize your EL to death, as your EL reveals more and more to you. Your EL is you treasure. And nobody else dies, as it is always you who dies. Yes, you may talk about others, but you always talk about yourself. You are going to die. The question is: what are you going to do before that happens? You will be so happy, if you stop your DL and allow your EL to emerge.                            

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