Wednesday, March 27, 2024




If there is no one to have Embodied Language (EL) with, I will have it by myself, as it is my real enjoyment. Of course, I tell myself what others don’t want to talk about, for my own protection and enjoyment. Yes, for me, enjoyment equals protection from the problematic Disembodied Language (DL), which is going on everywhere.


Once you finally have EL, instead of DL, you can’t help, but admit: your DL was both stupid and humorless. These two always go together. On the other hand, you will laugh so much, if you are able to use your language intelligently. If you can’t laugh, this is a signal, that you are engaging in meaningless, dull, dreadful DL.


With EL, you will add enjoyment to your day, as there is always something to laugh about, even if the circumstances suck. EL makes you look or listen for something to laugh about. People pray to some imaginary higher power and believe, it gives them strength, equanimity or inspiration, but it never makes them laugh. This shows, they haven’t dealt with their DL. Our DL must be stopped before you can laugh. Your inability, unwillingness and arrogance, to acknowledge, you are constantly engaged in DL, is where you have to start, because it is laughable, your use of language prevents you from having any fun.


Entertainment is highly overrated, as our DL has made us completely forget about enjoyment. It is not true, entertainment is enjoyable, because entertainment makes you forget yourself, while enjoyment makes you remember yourself. Of course, remembering yourself isn’t funny, when you are full of shit and that is why you want to be entertained and distracted from yourself. So, to laugh, you’ve got to start where you are and noticing, that, in DL, there is nothing for you to laugh about, is the only way to find something that is funny. Once you stop your DL, no matter how briefly, you create an opportunity to laugh.


Of course, you can change your DL, your usual, mechanical, effortful, unnatural way of talking, which prevents you from laughing. For instance, you can not say, what you usually say or you can say something, you have never said before, and find out, how that makes you feel. If your laughter doesn’t come, you need to let yourself know, that you are repeating yourself. If you like to laugh, you want to stop repeating yourself.  


In entertainment, you passively watch some show, but you are not really part of it, although you act, as if you are. Enjoyment is something you have no familiarity with anymore, because you are almost permanently involved in DL. If you try to stop yourself from repeating yourself, a funny thing happens: you just can’t do it and you keep repeating yourself. Somehow, you still do what you have always done, and, yes, you can now, perhaps, have a little laugh about that.


Keep it going. A small, modest, gentle laugh is a very good start. During EL, your involvement is always guaranteed, and your laughter is certain. As long as you try, to be some special, verbal, smart-ass, you are not listening to yourself, so when you begin to listen to yourself – and have EL – you notice, the burden of control is gone, and you feel a little light-headed. You are not laughing, if you are trying to have fun or trying to make yourself laugh, so you give that up and allow yourself to be not funny. Yes, with DL, you are boring, predictable and miserable. Above all, you are an idiot, who is definitely not smart.


You are not very clever about laughter, because your DL is against it. When you begin to have ongoing in EL, you act more intelligently, which not only increases your laughter, but it also effects the ability of others, to appreciate your enjoyment and laugh with you. The problem is, you have been conditioned by stupid humor, which – how could it be otherwise? – is based on your DL. The smart humor I am talking about puts the horse before the wagon. Yes, you are required to verbally behave properly and have EL and only then, there can be the laughter and true enjoyment of someone, who is conscious.


Life-changing, profoundly meaningful, personal and subtle EL-humor, based on your wellbeing, relaxation and enjoyment, has a totally different quality than phony, moronic, screamy, stressful, blunt entertainment DL-humor, which is based on some joke. Naturally, EL-humor emerges, as it can emerge, because you listen to yourself or in this case, you listen to someone, who listens to himself. If you listen to someone, who listens to himself, you are likely inspired, to speak and listen to yourself as well, because it is so funny, delightful, intriguing and energizing. Get used to being immersed in your EL-laughter, which doesn’t hurt, but which gives you real comfort.


If none of the aforementioned happens, this means, you still somehow continue to believe, you are being spoken with – with DL – while in fact, I’m talking with you, with EL. Sadly, you are bound to interpret everything according to your history of DL, and this is why, according to you, nothing is funny. To you, only certain things are funny, and others are not, but EL-humor – which isn’t entertainment, but enjoyment – isn’t about your preferences. There is much more fun possible, than you have ever imagined.  


I wouldn’t say, that your EL makes you laugh against your will, but it certainly happens in spite of your awful conditioning. With EL, you will not be as uptight and critical anymore and this is how you create room for laughter. If you hear me correctly, you will know, this is what I’m doing. I don’t care to say anything that will continue your DL, as that wouldn’t be funny at all. I’m stimulating you, to stop yourself, from what is preventing your enjoyment. To me, that is humor: when you feel, that you can laugh. It doesn’t even matter whether you laugh or not. If you feel you cannot laugh, this doesn’t mean, something wasn’t funny, but you didn’t prevent the DL, which always destroys your enjoyment.


The ultimate form of aesthetic enjoyment is our ongoing EL, which will make us laugh about the way in which we talk. Moreover, our laughter comes about, as we perceive things differently and anew. Indeed, our EL reveals our Language Enlightenment (LE). The word aesthetic comes from ancient Greek aisthetikos, which means, perceptive, sensitive, pertaining to sensory perception. Especially our hearing plays a huge role in our aesthetic enjoyment. Furthermore, the word, aisthanomai means, I perceive, sense or learn. With our ongoing EL, we are going to be able to learn, by laughing, as we crowd as much enjoyment in every moment as possible.       

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