Friday, March 15, 2024




Anyone, who reads what I write and who listens to what I say, may wonder, why I so often repeat myself? If what I say is true, if language doesn’t exist inside of us, why not just be done with it, why keep saying it? I address our conditioning history with Disembodied Language (DL), which has burdened all of mankind, with the falsehood that we can think and have thoughts.


I continue to write and speak against the mind, because only if we speak or write, that is, only when we use our language, as it is supposed to be used – overtly – that we get clear on things. Moreover, only when we talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves, are we able to ascertain that our language is embodied. Only then, only after we have really spoken with and listened to ourselves, can we write and also read about our own Embodied Language (EL), in which there is no inner conversation in our head going on.


This made-up story, about thinking, prevents us from talking with ourselves and from hearing ourselves. Stated differently, speaking with our resonant sound and using language correctly and naturally, is the only thing, with which we can counteract our conditioning history, which says, that there is a me, inside of me, who is the doer, the cause, the originator of my language and all my other behavior. This inner agent, psyche, being, self, ego, personality or whatever we have called it, with our DL, doesn’t exist.  


Interestingly, our Language Enlightenment (LE) is the only reason, why we would want to have  EL and go against what everyone is doing. Our LE is the disappearance of everything we have believed ourselves to be, with our DL. And, the only way to get clear about our nature requires, that we continue with our EL. Every time we go back again to our DL, we go back to square one. We aren’t perfect and this is bound to happen.


Whether we know it or not, the tragic force of human history is on our shoulders, each time we revert back to DL, even though we may have already established the difference between our DL and our EL. As of yet, we don’t even realize this difference, so I am running ahead of things, but I am where I am. Yes, there are millions of reasons, why our DL will be triggered again and again. The only thing we can do, is to take note of it, and laugh, and continue with our EL again.


Each time we manage to deal with our language in a conscious manner, it is quite apparent to us, that we are doing something right. If such a tangible experience isn’t happening, we are still stuck in our old DL. In other words, our ongoing EL – in spoken and written form – teaches us right from wrong. Although we tend to hang on to the old notion, that we think, our EL tells us again and again, our language just happens, as there is no inner entity, who uses our language.


Unless we let ourselves know, again and again, as often as is needed, the fantasy of thought and the problems created by our DL continue. It is language, which is said, heard, written or read – that is, objective, observable language – which brings reality back into our words and experiences, which are accurately described by these embodied words. As long as we remain obsessed with imaginary things – which are neither said, heard, written or read – we get lost in our language, carried away by words, due to how we believe our language works.


I repeat, to let myself and everyone know, we have – in DL – used our language incorrectly. The workings of EL, is not a belief, but our own actual experience, but in contrast, the workings of DL, is a belief, which excludes and disconnects us from our own experience. In effect, DL, our usual way of talking, is merely a self-defeating belief, just like any other so-called religious belief.


In many religions, everything is believed to be in the hands of god. Presumably, everything is caused by this so-called higher power, this holy deity, but, simultaneously, contradictory and, quite confusingly, people also believe in their own inner deity, their inner self, their identity, which, of course, is their history or rather, their behavior, based on their history of conditioning.


Even if people give up on religion – as so many people in democratic, Western societies do – their unintelligent, automatic, unconscious, dull unrealistic, DL-fabricated idea of who they believe to be, becomes stronger and stronger. Technologically advanced countries assume the primacy of this free, independent, autonomous, individual, soul, who creates everything, by means of his or her experience, perception, description, explanation, and, presumably, correct, prediction. Surely, such scientific attitudes are completely at odds with our DL.


Not surprisingly, even science itself contributes to DL, as it purports, written language is more important than spoken language. We are told to completely ignore spoken communication, as it isn’t precise enough, but this is based our DL.


I have said and written many times, that only I, as an individual, can have EL, because DL is the language of the group, there is no me inside of me, who causes my EL, but it is my LE, which makes me want to have EL. Evidently, there is a natural inclination in each one of us, to want to dissolve, this is why we seek to lose or to forget ourselves in all sorts of activities. We can’t lose ourselves in DL, as it makes us fanatic, stupid, superficial, pretentious believers in who we claim to be. We refuse to speak with and listen to ourselves – and have EL – as that would truly make us go beyond our problematic identity.


By writing about this process, everything is put into perspective and the way in which we got entangled with our language can only be disentangled with our correct way of using our language. In ongoing EL, we experience our LE, as we are, for the first time, certain, there are no thoughts, there is no language inside of us.     

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