Thursday, May 16, 2024

 Red Guards,


All of mankind’s problems are problems of repetition. We repeat the same Disembodied Language (DL). Our problems can be addressed and will only be solved with a different kind of language. Embodied Language (EL) is the only way in which the problems, which were caused and maintained by DL can be solved. In DL, the speakers do not listen to themselves, but in EL the speakers do listen to themselves and experience the new.


Obviously, history is again repeating itself with the disgustingly antisemitic campus protests. The blatant lack of leadership at universities is sickening and it is indoctrination from the Democratic Left, which has brought this about. I want the reader to know, however, that the escalation of hatred into violence, is the predictable pattern of our common DL, which goes in every society around the world.


Although we have been able to extend our periods of relative peace somewhat, there is, with our inherently coercive way of talking, always, eventually, an inevitable intensification of aggression. Americans, but also Europeans, should listen to Lily Tang Williams, who grew up experiencing extremely poor living conditions, food rationing, social chaos and Communist indoctrination. She survived Mao’s Zedong’s Cultural Revolution in communist China and came to America, where she is currently running for congress. Who better, to recognize, that these protesters are the same as Mao’s Red Guards, then this trained lawyer, with a master’s degree in administration and planning? She should be all over the news, but the main-stream media wouldn’t let her speak out against the insanity of the Left, because, according to the cancelling Biden administration, she is an evil MAGA Republican.


Since my wife’s parents have also escaped from Mao’s purge – which killed millions and millions of people – by leaving everything behind and by starting with absolutely nothing in the United States and since I have read many books about this horrific topic, I view these ignorant Marxist hordes, who have taken over all of the major educational institutions, with their contagious anti-Isael, anti-American, but, ultimately, anti-individual freedom rhetoric, as the enemy within and an imminent threat to Western civilization.


These screaming, righteous protesters represent DL on steroids. In case people still don’t know this, the Red Guards, in 1966, were a mass, student-led, paramilitary social movement, mobilized by Chairman Mao, until they were abolished in 1968, during the first phase of the Cultural Revolution. Mao’s ‘little generals’ had unleashed a period of ‘red terror’ and viciously persecuted teachers, lynched suspected class enemies and created an atmosphere of fear. Similarly to what happens today, radicals use propaganda to seize power by destroying ‘old’ symbols. Laws are changed and no longer enforced, statues are torn down and the Constitution, supposedly, needs to be thrown away. Traditional Chinese culture – The Four Olds: old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits – had to be demolished according to these supposedly modern idealistic people.  


Nobody can deny that the same intimidation and violence is currently perpetrated – with full approval – by those, who hide behind the man, who claims to be saving democracy. All of this is the result of DL. To view what is happening in America from the perspective of someone, who is able to have ongoing EL, it is clear, we are heading for very hard times, as there are no demonstrations from the Right and practically all means of communication belong to powerful people on the Left. Sadly, there are many Republicans In Name Only (RINOS), treasonous individuals, who have given up on American sovereignty and colluded with the Democrats, to leave the border wide open. Likewise, in Europe, many countries have fallen victim to the globalist-Marxist' agenda. 

Generally, people down-play the ongoing protests as non-violent, but in China, there were, beheadings, beatings, live burials, stonings, drownings, boilings, group slaughters, disembowelings, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing of flesh, blowing up with dynamite, and more, no method remained unused by the Red Guards. Something like this is very well possible in any country, because in communist rule there is apparently not enough room at the top for everyone.


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rolled over its citizens - Tiananmen Square - with tanks, while here in the United States, many people are in jails with no trials and the law is turned against its own citizens. Moreover, Mao had students kill their teachers and the young kill the old, including their own family. If we – people on the right – compare what is happening in America, to the collapse of other Western Democratic countries, we should realize, that it isn’t communists, who never change or evolve and who channel and organize human evil, wherever they seize power, but it is DL.


All savagery and brutality deal with DL and, the only way in which our DL is ever going to stop, is if we are going to talk about the difference between our DL and our EL. Only the people who live in Western Democratic countries, have the opportunity to openly distinguish between DL and EL and acknowledge, that DL was never really communication in the first place, but the pretention that we were talking and listening. In the name of our so-called communication, we have always been dominating, manipulating, distracting, forcing, intimidating and harassing. Only when we know the difference between DL and EL, will we choose EL and base our actions on EL. Real communication is the key to solving all our problems, but we have never tried, let alone, experienced, ongoing EL.


Today, I also read about a courageous North Korean person, Yeonmi Park, who, in spite of a tremendous amount of suffering and torment at the hands of the Communists, managed to escape through China to America. Of course, it is no coincidence, that miss Park, like Lily Tang Williams, gravitated toward the Republican Party, because she recognizes the treacherous Communist tendencies in the Democratic Party. The biggest critics of the far Left and Biden’s Communistic regime are the real refugees from communist countries. They have good reason for it and, yet they too, don’t address the DL, that is causing this and has done so, throughout human history. DL has never been properly addressed with ongoing EL. In other words, Western Democratic countries have yet to embrace the language of individualism, which is EL.


An interesting, not widely known, detail about the youthful Red Guards was, that they were used by Mao, to further his agenda of Cultural Revolution – meaning forcing all of China to become communist – until they were no longer useful. They were too fanatical, too dangerous, to remain, once they had served their purpose. In their heyday, around 1966, the Red Guard reigned with chaos and violence, but by 1967 the movement had been banned and removed in the name of ‘political stability.’ By 1968, they were forcibly suppressed and liquidated in mass executions. There is an eerie similarity with all the ‘useful idiots’ – students who want to be part of some cause – who are not only yelling the Communist’, but also Jihadist’ propaganda, to, support the liberation of Hamas-Palestine.


Mao – who easily killed 100 million people, as the Great Famine alone already killed an estimated 40 to 80 million (numbers from demographic experts) – like any other ruthless Chinese emperor, but also like all the democrats today, wanted power and control and used any means available, to succeed. These Red Guards are just like today's Antifa, who say they are anti-Fascist, but who are ironically identical to Hitler’s Brown-shirts. Intersectionality, this magical concept straight from the Diversity-Equity-Inclusion- Indoctrination-Playbook, presumably, is the intellectual, academic - don't worry about plagiarism - term, which beautifully explains this Nazi-Marxist-Jihadist movement and, yet we still refuse to talk with each other, in order to finally acknowledge the difference between DL and EL.


This is getting to be a long piece, but I want the reader to know, that I have spent many years of my life, studying psychology, I have worked for many years in mental health and I have taught psychology for many years, but in the context of what is happening today, I can better understand, why millions of dollars, went to creating many new courses – for LGBTQ, BLM, DEI, White Privilege, etc. – but nobody was interested in creating a course, to have ongoing EL. Psychologist, like RINOS, were never in favor of the individual, that is why practically all of their research is based on averages. However, whether we are willing to admit this or not, our problems are created by how we, each, individually, talk. Although this is a common problem, it remains an individual problem, because in DL, we are not true to our own experience. My ongoing EL is against everything that is happening in psychology, science or academia and in retrospect I realize, I never really was part of these coward, insincere, mediocre promotors of hateful DL.   

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