Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 The New Funny You,  


The bottom line about laughing about others, is that it sucks, because it has forever prevented you from being able to laugh about yourself, which, of course, is the real deal. This is why you are not getting any humor from me.


I have Embodied Language (EL) and my humor is a totally different matter than the so-called humor, you are used to, with your Disembodied Language (DL). There’s nothing for you to laugh about me, because with me, you go cold turkey.


With your negative DL, you keep wanting to laugh for the wrong reasons and I am not going to let that happen. If it was up to you, you would never hit rock bottom. You could call it strict humor, because you either are going to laugh about yourself or you don’t laugh at all.


Laughing about others is a thing of the past. It is what people used to do, when they didn’t know they could have fun – by engaging in EL – in which they would laugh about themselves all the time. This ignorance about laughing about ourselves, has been deliberately continued and exploited by all so-called comedians. If they had been honest with their audience, they would have admitted, their humor, was their coping mechanism, to deal with their dreadful lives.


Instead of making themselves laugh, comedians figured out, they could make others laugh and, so, they basically used their own trauma and tragedy, as a way to get attention from others.  This is what everybody does in DL – everyone demand the attention from others with their drama in DL – only comedians will do it, in such a way, that you can’t help but laugh, that you have to laugh.


No matter how successful funny people might have been in making others laugh, the laughter of others, never helped them, but made them feel even more depressed, disconnected and suicidal. While the comedian’s problems keep accumulating and escalating – a common thing in DL – they are not getting the attention they wanted. Funny-how, it was the only attention they have ever received from others. In effect, for the so-called stand-up comedian, it is even more difficult, to laugh about themselves, than it is for their audience. Humor with our DL is a weird shit-show, because the audience has the impression – at the expense of the comedian –  they are having fun, because they are being entertained and distracted from themselves, in the same way, as the comedian is distracted from him or herself with his or her stupid act.


My humor – which derives from my EL – is only for those, who, like me, see the importance of not laughing about others. My unwillingness to make you laugh, is to create an opportunity you otherwise might never have. I am well aware, you are eager to laugh about me, but I can’t allow it, as I know, what’s best for me, is also what’s best for you. If we are going to laugh, there’s some work to be done here and I am not going to do that work for you.


The old saying, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is no longer applicable, because your negative DL, really isn’t a laughing matter. With EL, humor is about what you do unto yourself, what you say to yourself, what you do for yourself. I’m not doing anything unto you. I like my EL-humor better than the phony DL-humor, in which people laugh about others.


Don’t expect me to make you laugh. I told you, that laughing about yourself is where it is at. If you want to blame me or someone else for not being funny, blame yourself and I guarantee, it will not make you laugh. In other words, what you have done unto others never worked for you either, yet, you never took notice of it, so that you could live it up a little and have some fun about yourself, by yourself, with yourself.


Yes, you can do it, but first, you will have to stop expecting – with your DL – that others have to make you laugh. After that, you’ll notice – once your EL starts going – you are not such a hard ass anymore, because you really don’t need to or want to make yourself laugh either.


Surprisingly, just when you finally admit, what a meaningless, hopelessly, humorless life you live, you begin to giggle about yourself. It is still rather small, but it is good enough, as it is the real beginning of the new, funny you.               



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