Friday, May 10, 2024




Why do so many people go overboard? There is a reason. Why is the world is getting crazier, day by day? It is because of how we talk. Our usual way of talking is driving us mad. We engage in Disembodied Language (DL) and we are out of touch with ourselves. We don’t realize this is happening. Even if we did, we wouldn’t know how to change it, so we accept DL as normal.


Anyone who takes time, to speak with him or herself and listen to him or herself, would find out, that a different way of talking is possible and necessary. When we hear the sound of our own voice, while we speak, we engage in a new way of communicating, because we experience the immediate relaxing, wholesome effects of our Embodied Language (EL). By switching from DL to EL, we step out of all the madness, and we understand, why we went overboard. We did what we did, because we wanted something else, but we didn’t know, how to get to it. With EL we finally know what we had always wanted.


Going overboard isn’t a good thing, as you will drown. You have, unknowingly, been drowning in your DL. Only EL is going to prevent this from happening. I want everyone, who got addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, crime or some other maladaptive behavior, to know, that they went overboard, because they actually wanted to have EL. Even all those mental health clients or homeless people, with their endless dramas, abuse, depression, mania, psychosis, paranoia or anxiety, are constantly going nuts, because nobody knows how to have EL. The fact, that we don’t know how to have it, doesn’t mean, we don’t want it. Surely, unless we have EL, we will go overboard again, because this is the only way, we know how to deal with our horrific DL.


I've studied psychology, I've worked in the field, and I've taught psychology for many years. In my view, there is a point, why so many people want to, unconsciously, go overboard. Nobody knows how to produce ongoing EL. All the problems, which were created by our DL, are presumably remediated, with more of the same stupid DL. It is infuriating, demotivating and gas-lighting, that psychology hasn’t produced anything useful. The entire discipline is based on nonsense, purported by DL. I just read that Enloe Behavioral Health – this name is of course a big joke – in my hometown, Chico, California, where I got my feet wet, as an enthusiastic, naïve, undergraduate psychology student, is closing shop. Good riddance. They only medicate everyone. All so-called mental health professionals are idiots, who refuse to acknowledge the difference between DL and EL.


Everyone who, in one way or another, is going overboard, is actually ahead of their time. They have every right, to reject things, the way they are. As far as I am concerned, they are not losers or basket-cases, because they are right, that something is fundamentally wrong in our society. I have always been intrigued by people, who don’t keep it together, who go overboard, because they are more open to EL, than those who are ‘normal’. This is no coincidence. When I talked with them, I’ve always found, they were very strongly against DL. Apparently, they held out hope for something better, but nevertheless they got crushed by the ubiquitous, destructive force of our DL.


In Greek mythology, Sirens are beautiful women with bird-like features, who attracted the sailors with their voices and yanked them overboard. Presumably, their haunting songs, were echoing across the vast expanse of the sea, promising wisdom, but it led to a watery grave. Sirens are a symbol for so-called dangerous temptation embodied by beautiful women. The word Siren has a pre-Greek origin, seira, rope, cord or eiro, to tie, to join, fasten, binding, entangling, one who binds or entangles through magic song.


There is something very interesting about these tempting Sirens, who lured these mariners to their doom. Their mesmerizing melodies were full of sorrow, longing and despair and appealed to the dreadful DL, everyone has always been going through since the beginning of time. Their deadly songs – about knowledge, insight, understanding and salvation – enchanted those who heard them. You could say they promised ongoing EL and, also Language Enlightenment (LE). When it was already too late, they dragged them overboard into the deep. 

Another salient detail of Odysseus’ story is, he was warned by the sorceress Circe – supposedly, someone who knew about the difference between DL and EL – for the treacherous hypnotic voices of these Sirens. Odysseus took precautions and ordered his crew to plug their ears with beeswax, thus protecting them from the Siren’s DL. Odysseus knew his own insatiable curiosity and desire for knowledge and, therefore, he had himself tied to the mast of his ship, so he could hear the Sirens’ song, but would not succumb to its pull. It reminds me of my psychology-study, which would have endlessly distracted me from my EL. Luckily, I didn’t become a psychologist, and I gave up teaching psychology during the Covid pandemic, because I didn’t like online-teaching.


Once you recognize the immense difference between your own DL and EL and begin to have ongoing EL, you will come to acknowledge the devastating fact, that everyone is, unknowingly, engaging in DL. And everyone is, inadvertently, trying to address DL with DL, which, of course, results into more DL and more people going insane. In DL, we all go overboard with what we say, but we ignore how we say it.    

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