Friday, May 24, 2024



The saying, fake it until you make it, derives from our Disembodied Language (DL). Only in Embodied Language (EL) can we be ourselves and one doesn’t need to worry, whether one will make it, as it happens by itself, beautifully, effortlessly and naturally. The so-called success you would have, if you would be able to fake it until you make it, is based on the same kind of make-belief, as the DL, which created it. In effect, you always create your own hell, with your dull, arrogant DL.


As long as we engage in unconscious, effortful, unnatural, dissociative DL, we pretend to speak and we pretend to listen, but our involvement in our language is totally fake. In DL, we want others to listen to us or we are trying to listen to others, but we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak, and by default, we fall victim to fake news. In DL, we keep repeating stories, which are actually boring monologues, which prevent dialogue, which requires EL. All the overrated, boring, fake stories we have been told and we tell each other, have one purpose: to attract, dominate and manipulate the attention of the listener or the reader. Stories – or narratives, as we call them these days – have always been a means to an end, but they are as much a stand-in-the-way today to open, sincere dialogue, that is, to ongoing EL, as they have been, throughout human history.


Our childish over-appreciation of stories is also immature and anti-intellectual, and it is because of our unaddressed involvement in DL, that we over-estimate our belief in the importance of stories, to bring people together. The so-called togetherness of people, who, presumably, have the same beliefs, was always a fake-belonging, because, in reality, no one could be themselves, as long as the group-behavior – of our dreadful, problematic DL – still continued. Thus, EL is the language of the individual, which is so direly needed, because we can only have EL, after we have stopped being fake, after we have stopped our DL, so that we can finally be ourselves.


I don’t blame corporate media – or anyone else for that matter – for telling others, what they, apparently, want to hear. Everyone, rich and poor, educated or uneducated, is unconsciously trapped by their own DL, which makes us deal with language in a fake manner. Supposedly, in DL, what we say is more important, than how we say it, and, consequently, masses of people, are endlessly carried away, by cherry-picked data, algorithms, which promote, distracting, fake narratives, tweaked statistics, designed to instill confidence in what, speakers or writers, say or write, who are, presumably, more important than us. In other words, we, as individuals, remain busy, with the language of others, but only when we talk with ourselves, in order to be able to listen to ourselves, do we engage in ongoing EL, in which we use our language to our own advantage.


Our common way of talking is DL and sets the stage for how we deal with our language and all our other behaviors. An entirely different set of behavior goes hand in hand with DL, than with EL. Moreover, DL prevents us from recognizing, the difference between what is real and what is fake. Basically, our DL always makes us accept what is fake as real. Only after we have been able to stop our DL and have ongoing EL, do we realize the far-reaching negative consequences of the simple verifiable fact, that in our automatic DL, we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak. In EL, we recognize, to our surprise and relief, our DL was absolutely fake and only our EL is real.


Fake diamonds are quite affordable. In a similar way, DL easy to come by, sadly, it is everywhere, almost all the time. Generally-speaking, there is no understanding or rather, experience of the immense difference between DL and EL. If there is ever going to be such an understanding, it will be because we first, individually, experience the difference between our own DL and EL. EL is the real deal, the gift that keeps on giving. Once we are able to have EL instead of DL, our lives are going to get better and better, every day, because we are no longer involved in DL. However, although DL was fake, it had really, tragic consequences and we need to recover, from the trauma of our own DL.


Even if you have only once in your entire life recognized the difference between DL and EL, you will never be able to forget this fantastic, transformational experience. If fact, unless you begin to have ongoing EL and leave you history of conditioning with fake DL behind, you will be haunted by the undeniable fact, that you know better, than to continue to engage in stressful, exhausting, frustrating DL. Indeed, you couldn’t pull off another fake like that anymore, as you know something better is possible. There are many consequences of EL, which only become clear, once you engage in it.


Many people have fake-eyelashes, fake-nails, fake-plastic-surgery-blow-fish-lips, fake-hair and a fake sense of what it means to be safe. People go through transgender-sex-changes, but they have no idea how utterly fake they are. All of this is exposed in EL, in which your phony, superstitious concept of who you believe yourself to be evaporates. With DL, your notion of freedom is fake and yet, you are willing to die for it. Everything is warped and twisted, due to your DL. EL, involves a change in your perception, because suddenly, you are truly important to yourself.


With DL, you even get into arguments whether someone is a real or a fake psychic, but with EL, you laugh, as you know very well, there are only fake psychics. There are supposedly important people, who claim to know stuff, but they don’t know themselves, as they, just like you, engage in DL. By the way, if you are going to have EL, it is not because you do as I say, but because you actually do as you, yourself say. In your fake DL, you believe there is a difference between saying and doing and that is why you never seem to be doing what you say. However, in ongoing EL, is it very clear, that saying equals doing or rather, that saying is a form of doing, that is why you always – yes, always – do as you say, with EL.  


What about all these special, famous people, who, throughout history, have been talking about enlightenment, advocating for kindness, standing up for justice, inclusion, diversity, equity, preaching about salvation, deliverance, self-realization or becoming conscious? Was it all fake? With EL, you will say, because you know, without hesitation your answer is unequivocally: yes! Oddly, your ongoing EL reveals your wellbeing, which you can describe as your Language Enlightenment (LE). It doesn't really matter what you call it, but you are happy, content, aware and alive, because of your EL, that is, because of how you deal with your language. Also check out my two You Tube channels where I read this text: maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw or Maximus Peperkamp  Let me hear from you.      

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