Tuesday, March 21, 2023




I have never said this to myself, but I will do it today: I don’t want to bother anyone with my knowledge. If people don’t understand me, that’s just too bad, for them. I can’t be concerned with anyone, who doesn’t get the importance of stopping their own Disembodied Language (DL), so that they can have Embodied Language (EL). Those who come along with me, with their EL, are going to be rewarded by  realizing their own Language Enlightenment (LE).


Everyone who comes to acknowledge the immense difference between DL and EL, must come face to face with the gigantic havoc DL creates, everywhere in the world, but, most importantly, in their own lives. Once this difference has been recognized, we find it unbelievable, that we always, unknowingly, have been stuck with our own DL, as nobody has ever spoken or written about it, as clearly as I do.


We are astonished, that something so simple isn’t known and, therefore, never mentioned anywhere. However, EL will amaze us, again and again, as it reveals to us, how stupid, destructive, superficial and ubiquitous DL is. As our joyful, intelligent and beautiful EL begins to be able to continue, because we have finally stopped our ugly, false, phony DL, we still continue to feel confronted, cheated and stunned by the workings of both DL as well as EL.


Perhaps, the most difficult thing for us to accept, is not, that we have to admit to ourselves, that we have lived for so many years in complete oblivion, about something, which is suddenly, so shockingly apparent and important, but the mere fact, that EL could never before be addressed, as nobody knew about it, before I had discovered it. In other words, all of mankind is concealed, confused and conflicted with regard to how we deal with our language.


Although my confrontational, transformational and original knowledge is absolutely the first of its kind, I don’t feel anymore – as I have felt in the past – that I, so to speak, have to wake up people from their psychological sleep. To the contrary, everyone can remain unconscious, for all I care, as I have already arrived, where I want to be and feel determined to stay there. I don’t need anyone to agree with my EL and will continue with it, as I have always done, ever since I first found out about it in my mid-twenties.


Sure enough, I am no longer involved in any kind of teaching or preaching. Anyone who wants to know about my knowledge, will have to come close to me and accept me for who I am. I will always be against your DL, that is, I don’t accept you as you are. Only if you fulfill the requirement, to stop your own DL, can you be my friend, as you will be able to have EL with me and really be with me. Actually it is not my requirement, but my knowledge of how EL works.


I neither respect, tolerate nor judge your DL. It will stop, immediately, effortlessly and surprisingly, once you understand, that your new use of language, is no longer about opinions or beliefs. If don’t care about you, if you refuse to do that. Surely, you can have EL instead of DL, but you must begin to call a spade a spade. Don’t accuse me of being anti-social, because your usual way of talking and dealing with language (DL), is the very antithesis of relationship.


You haven’t even started to do anything meaningful about your habit, to act out of your conditioning. To believe and insist, there is only what you have been taught – by your parents, culture, religion, school and the way you were treated by others – is a huge mistake. You short-change yourself, by giving in to your ignorant tendency, to literally do as you were told. Your obedience and, consequently, also your inability to be yourself, is because you have mainly been exposed to punitive language, which I call DL.


Basically, in terms of your DL, you are in a perpetual state of what the M. Seligman (1967) has described as Learned Helplessness. He did an experiment with a dog, in a shuttle box, who was strapped into a harness and, therefore, couldn’t escape the electric shocks, it received at its feet. However, when the dog, was no longer wearing the harness and capable of jumping to the other side of the box – to escape the shock – it turned out, he had been conditioned to remain in the aversive situation. He whimpered,  his autonomous nervous system was jacked up, but he wouldn’t do what a dog would naturally do, if he had not been conditioned by previous experience.


Our thousands of years of conditioning history with DL (the usual way of dealing with language in every culture) – which is, ever-since we began to produce language – signifies, we have all, whether we admit it or not or are conscious of it or not – to be able to survive – endlessly endured repeated aversive stimuli, which were beyond our control. In other words, because of our common language (DL), we haven’t addressed, let alone, understood, the increasingly problematic so-called human condition, which is: we tolerate, accept and praise DL, as the only way we are able to deal with our language. Our harness is made up by our words and the shocks, we keep receiving, are elicited by the voices of the speakers, who always struggle to get and maintain the attention from the listeners. Even when we are alone by ourselves, unconstrained by expectations of others, we, unknowingly, produce a sound, which never really matches our feelings and experiences.        

Monday, March 20, 2023




Suddenly, an emptiness presents itself and I have nothing to say or to write. It takes me forever, to come up with something and even though I can produce some words, they are not about anything in particular. Amazingly, I can and want to continue, to let this silence speak and be verbally expressed.


I love my Embodied Language (EL) and feel grateful, that I can do this. My Language Enlightenment (LE) is in full bloom, as my EL continues so peacefully. I am so satisfied and happy. My ability to be where I am derives from the fact, that I don’t feel like going anywhere else. Also, I have nothing better to do, than to spend my time with my own language.


I am reminded of a poem, I wrote some time ago:

                                        it is

                                        really true

                                       that I have

                                       nothing better

                                       to do

                                       than to write

                                       these words

                                       for you


A calmness creates a slow verbal flow, which is like a vast river. Yesterday, I was near the creek, which was almost overflowing, because it has rained so much. I love the rain and heard, it will continue to rain some more. It has been incredibly dry for a long time, but now, it has been raining for many weeks, which is very unusual for us, here in Chico, California, USA.  


There is an awareness that I am everything, as I am the one who experiences everything: the drought and the rain, the stillness and the storm and also, being alone and being together. I had a wonderful weekend and look forward to going to work again tomorrow. I feel rested and awake and in a little while, I will sleep some more. When I close my eyes, sleep comes easy and there are hardly any dreams.


Every day, during my lunch break, I take a short nap in my car, which I park in the park. It is such a great pleasure, to turn back the seat and to doze off for about twenty or thirty minutes. If it doesn’t rain, I have the window open and hear the birds. It feels like spring is in the air. I always wake up on time and refreshed and drive back to work, which is nearby.


Sleep is such a wonderful phenomenon. During the weekend, I also take naps, whenever I feel like it, but this weekend, I didn’t have the urge to do that. I look forward to going back to sleep again now and my anticipation is like a child, who has received a present and is about to open it, to see what is in it. My excitement is my curiosity, not an eagerness to possess. All my sleep is good and all my daily awake experiences are good. It is such a good life I’m living.


I have dissolved in everything and everything speaks through me. I am sleeping with my eyes right open. I am so still and fearless, I might as well be dead. I bought two cards, one for my mother and one for my father. I will also write them a letter, although I don’t know, if they would still be able to read it. My parents are in their nineties. I have forgotten their age, as I haven’t spoken with them or heard from them for quite some time. I felt, I needed to stay away from my family, to be able to continue with my own life. I feel an acceptance, I couldn’t feel before.


I have been confused about myself for many years, but I have worked things out and now I am resolved. In a round-about way, I can say, I have found myself, because I had to be lost. I was so dissatisfied, that I was searching and I had to find out what worked for me. My own Disembodied Language (DL) had to be abandoned before it could be replaced with EL. Now that this has been done, I live my life, with my LE. It is obvious, I am enlightened, but others aren’t. They cannot be, as they keep DL going and, thus, deal with their language the wrong way. Of course, they too can experience what I experience, but this is only possible, after they have stopped their own DL.


Nothing about my LE is a big deal. My EL explains this very well. Everyone can be happy with who they truly are and acquire the language, which perfectly matches with their experience. In DL, this is not the case. There are no problems to be addressed or  solved in EL, only our DL has to be stopped. As long as we are dealing with problems, we engage in DL. Stopping DL, however, is not the denial of problems, but the end of our suffering. Knowing that your DL creates and maintains all your struggles, frustration, distraction, confusion, worries and trouble, makes you step out of it, without any effort. With ongoing EL, you begin a new way of life, which – although you almost don’t dare to believe it – never goes back to DL anymore, as you have attained your LE.    

Sunday, March 19, 2023




Eternity can become reality, if you start using your language for yourself. By speaking to yourself and listening to yourself, you come across everything you were unconscious about and therefore got into trouble over, every time. Embodied Language (EL) always gives full attention to what needs attention. After you have spoken and heard this, eventually nothing at all demands your attention and you feel you exist in eternity or in your true nature.


With Disembodied Language (DL), you remain ignorant of your death and transience, as there are so many things you have never spoken to yourself about. Surely, many things are, of course, also discussed in DL, but they always unknowingly distract you from the essence: the self-realizing experience of who you truly are. Millions of people are passionate and fanatic about their religion or spirituality and impose all sorts of horrible things on themselves and on each other, yet there is still no order in their chaotic, conflicted, dreadful lives.


Order can only arise, after our language has rid itself of temporality, because we experience the sound of our own speaking voice as our life energy. It is not only possible, but necessary, for everyone to tell ourselves and to let ourselves know and understand that our inevitable death implies the cessation of our language. We always talk, wrongly, about our so-called thinking, when, down through the ages, it has been our language itself, which has continued to deny eternity.


Everything you say is based on your identification with what you are experiencing. Only when you listen to yourself, because you are, finally, telling yourself what is happening to you, right now, does your language begin to breathe the space of your Language Enlightenment (LE). Quitting DL is also not a philosophical matter, but rather a practical matter, to actually and exuberantly celebrate the creation of your own existence. However, there is nothing to enjoy in DL. Everything you remained occupied with in DL, took away your energy, which was necessary to be able to pay attention – with your words and sound – to your own experience. Oblivion, simply put, is your inability to let your language go where it will and can go, if you let it.


Certainly, EL goes directly to LE, which therefore focuses on your death, because order can only be established from the beyond. In other words, with your language, you continue to draw the line of your life to the point where language ends. You do not live on in your children or in other people, whom you presumably have touched with your words, because everyone has their own ability, to listen to themselves, to speak to themselves and to use their language in their own unique manner. This is your consciousness and you are and remain unconscious if you do not use your language correctly.


When your DL has ceased and you engage in EL, it turns out that nothing is as you believed it to be. However, this is not just some imitated slogan, but the revelation of your reality, for it is you who, with your language, expresses your life, as it is. Your EL creates a reality that is all about you and applies to you. Here EL breaks the taboo to consider speaking to yourself as more important than DL, in which speaking to others is always supposedly more important than speaking with yourself. This mortal sin also prevents you from saying and observing clearly, that you are solely and, wholly, responsible for yourself and that dying to and letting go of what others have talked you into – and what you then kept telling yourself – can only happen because of your new dealings with your language. To be reborn in your EL is the inevitable effect of ceasing your DL, which, after all, was never yours, in the first place.


In DL, you talk and live from your conditioning and always remain preoccupied with and concerned about others. So, the conversion of your language is what matters, because you have truly started using your language very differently. No other is involved. That says it all, for you. There is no other, but also no higher power, to which we surrender in EL, for only we ourselves can determine whether we have DL or EL. Because of EL, we stay true to ourselves.


Paradoxically, the unspeakable – our death – can be described, for everything that has ever been said, written, heard, or read will come to an end forever, for everyone. There is nothing to contemplate or meditate on, for this is inescapable. As long as we are alive, in principle, we have the opportunity to let our language flow to ourselves and to realize that that is where our language always wanted to go.


Even though EL made us aware of our LE, coming home to LE, is an experience that shows that we have always been enlightened and that LE was the real impetus for making us aware of our language use. We can talk about this with others, after we have first talked about it with ourselves. There is a law and order that makes us say this and lets us know that our own experience of EL always comes first and from there can come our explanation, in our own words, of what that experience means. Also, it is, first of all, this listening to ourselves that enables us to realize that EL with others is possible and desirable. Those others, who can have EL with us, only come into our lives after they too have first spoken to and written about themselves. In EL, for each of us, everything is as it is, because even as we speak to each other, we keep letting our language go to ourselves. In our LE, our EL has dissolved our DL.       




Eeuwigheid kan werkelijkheid worden, als jij je taal voor jezelf gaat gebruiken. Door te spreken met jezelf en te luisteren naar jezelf, kom je alles tegen waar je onbewust over was en dus elke keer weer door in de problemen kwam te zitten. Belichaamde Taal (BT) geeft altijd alle aandacht aan wat aandacht vraagt. Nadat je dit hebt uitgesproken en gehoord, vraagt uiteindelijk helemaal niets je aandacht meer en bevindt je je in eeuwigheid of je ware natuur.


Met Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) blijf je onwetend over je dood en vergankelijkheid, omdat er zovele zaken zijn, waar je nog nooit eerder met jezelf over hebt gesproken. Ook in OT komen dingen wel ter sprake, maar die leiden je ongemerkt telkens weer af van de essentie: de zelf-verwerkelijkende ervaring van wie je bent. Miljoenen mensen zijn gepassioneerd bezig met hun religie en spiritualiteit en leggen zichzelf en en elkaar daarbij van alles op, maar toch komt er geen orde, in hun chaotische, geconflicteerde leven.


Orde kan alleen onstaat, nadat onze taal zich heeft  ontdaan van tijdelijkheid, omdat wij de klank van onze eigen spreek stem ervaren als levens-energie. Het is niet alleen voor iedereen mogelijk, maar ook noodzakelijk, om aan onszelf te zeggen en te laten weten en begrijpen, dat onze onvermijdelijke dood het ophouden van onze taal impliceert. We hebben het altijd, onterecht, over ons zogenaamde denken, terwijl het, door de eeuwen heen, onze taal zelf is geweest, die de eeuwigheid is blijven ontkennen.


Alles wat je zegt, is gebaseerd op je identificatie met wat je beleeft. Enkel wanneer jij naar jezelf luistert, omdat je, eindelijk, aan jezelf vertelt, wat er op dit moment met jou gebeurt, begint jou taal de ruimte te ademenen van je Taal Verlichting (TV). Ophouden met OT is ook geen filosofische kwestie, maar juist een praktische aangelegenheid, om daadwerkelijk en uitbundig het creeren van jou bestaan te vieren. In OT valt er niets te genieten. Alles waar jij je mee bezig hebt gehouden, in OT, ontnam je de energie, die absoluut noodzakelijk was om, met jou woorden en met jou klank, aandacht te geven aan wat in jou beleving de aandacht vroeg. Vergetelheid is simpel gezegd jou onvermogen, om jou taal te laten gaan, naar waar het gaan wil en kan, als jij het toelaat.


Uiteraard gaat jou BT altijd naar jou TV, die dus jou  dood centraal stelt, omdat orde alleen daarvanuit tot stand kan komen. Met andere woorden, met jou taal, kun je de lijn van je leven doortrekken naar het moment waarop jou taal op zal gaan houden. Je leeft niet verder in je kinderen of in andere mensen, die je zou hebben geraakt met jou woorden, want iedereen heeft z’n eigen vermogen, om naar zichzelf luisteren en met zichzelf te spreken, over hoe hij of zij, zijn of haar taal gebruikt. Dit is je bewustzijn en je bent en blijft onbewust, indien je dit niet doet.  


Wanneer je OT is opgehouden en je BT hebt, dan blijkt, dat niets is zoals jij geloofde dat het was. Dit is echter niet zomaar een of andere na-geaapte kreet, maar de onthulling van jou werkelijkheid, want jij ben het, die met jou taal, jou leven verwoord, zoals het is. Jou BT creert een werkelijkheid, die helemaal alleen voor jou is en voor jou geldt. Hier doorbreekt jou BT het taboe, om met jezelf spreken belangrijker te vinden dan OT, waarin het spreken met anderen altijd centraal staat. Deze zogenaamde dood-zonde weerhoudt je er ook nog eens van, om eens helder te zeggen en waar te nemen, dat jij alleen en dus, geheel, verantwoordelijk bent voor jezelf en dat het sterven aan en loslaten van wat anderen jou hebben aangepraat – en wat jij vervolgens jezelf bent blijven aanpraten – zich alleen kan voltrekken vanwege jou omgang met jou taal. Herboren te worden in je BT, is het onvermijdelijke effect van het ophouden met je OT, dat welbeschouwd nooit van jou is geweest.


In OT, praat je en leef vanuit je conditionering en blijf je altijd bezig met anderen. De ommekeer van jou taal, is dus de enige werkelijke bekering, omdat jij je taal anders bent gaan gebruiken. Er komt geen ander bij aan te pas. Daarmee is alles gezegd, voor jou. Er is geen ander, maar ook geen hogere macht, waaraan we ons in BT overgeven, want alleen wijzelf kunnen bepalen of wij OT of BT hebben. Vanwege onze BT, kunnen wij de eer aan onszelf houden.


Paradoxaal genoeg kan het onzegbare, onze dood, worden omschreven, want alles wat ooit is gezegd, , geschreven, gehoord of gelezen, komt daarin voor iedereen voorgoed tot een einde. Er valt niets te contempleren of te mediteren, want dit feit is niet weg te praten. Zolang wij nog in leven zijn, hebben wij, in principe, allemaal de gelegenheid, om onze taal naar onszelf te laten gaan en om zo te beseffen, dat onze taal daar eigenlijk altijd naartoe wilde.


Ook al maakte BT ons bewust van onze TV, toch is het thuiskomen in TV een ervaring, die aantoont dat wij altijd al verlicht waren en dat TV de ware aanzet gaf om ons bewust te maken van ons taal-gebruik. Wij kunnen hier met anderen  over spreken, nadat wij eerst hier met onszelf over hebben gesproken. Er is een wetmatigheid en ordelijkheid, die ons doet zeggen en laat weten, dat onze eigen ervaring van BT altijd op de eerste plaats komt en dat vandaaruit de uitleg kan komen, met onze eigen woorden, van wat die ervaring betekent. Ook is het allereerst het luisterend spreken met onszelf, dat ons in staat stelt, om te beseffen, dat BT met anderen mogelijk en wenselijk is. Die anderen, met wij dus BT kunnen hebben, komen alleen dan pas in ons leven, nadat ook zij eerst met zichzelf hebben gesproken en geschreven. Gedurende BT, is alles, voor ieder van ons, precies zoals het is, omdat wij, zelfs al spreken wij met elkaar, onze taal naar onszelf laten blijven gaan. In onze TV, heeft onze BT onze OT opgelost.               

Saturday, March 18, 2023




Listen to yourself, instead of someone else. What do you hear? Like it or not like it? If you like it, keep it up, if you don't like it, stop. It's that simple. Why don't you? Why do you continue with what you don't really want? It's your conditioning. You are only doing what you have been taught, but you are not aware of how you have been conditioned. Your Disembodied Language (DL) is not because of you, but because of your overrated culture. If you are going to have Embodied Language (EL), then you understand, you have been cheated by your origin.


It is of no consequence whether others have read or heard what you have written or said, but it is of great importance whether you yourself have heard, read and understood it. Is your language your own or is your language, the language that was and still is determined by your fear of others? If you don't know, is it because you really don't know or because you don't want to know? I'm asking you this because I suspect, because I strongly have the impression, that you don't even want to know, that I've labeled your exaggerated, pushy, predictable, unintelligent DL and described it as it is. You keep acting like your DL is so great and fabulous, but as far as I'm concerned, it's pure bullshit.


Of course I ask you to imagine you listen to me and not to yourself. Only when you talk to me and listen to me, can you hear and come to know what you have never told yourself. However, I do not speak for you, but for myself. You still have to start talking to yourself from the very beginning. There is no point in lamenting or pretending it is not necessary for you to have, let alone keep, your own language.


Listen and let yourself be heard, what you have to say, when you are in charge. You don't want to have DL, but EL. There's nothing wrong with you at all, because you vehemently hate DL and only settle for EL. You should be praised, but unfortunately, this is not the case, because everyone is subconsciously encapsulated in DL. We can continue to pretend endlessly it's not all that bad, but the terrible fact remains that we are out of touch with ourselves.


Tell yourself honestly what happened to you. Listen to how your voice sounds when you stop lying. You sound very different then. You feel different because you are no longer who you believed you were. You have never been who you wanted to be, because who you are cannot be experienced from your usual fear, stress and anxiety. Your DL will stop on its own if you listen to yourself as you speak and it doesn't even matter what you talk to yourself about. Just start now and do it. Let yourself know that you have denied yourself and that you can stop doing so and then speak and hear your own truth.



Listen to the sound of your own voice as you speak to yourself. Your voice has never lied to yourself, but you have never listened to it. There's a lot of fuss about the importance of listening to others, but no one talks about your need to listen to yourself. You only listen to yourself if you let yourself know that it is necessary for you to listen to yourself.


I'm not saying you should listen to yourself, but you are saying this to yourself. Others may behave as if they listen to you, but as long as you do not listen to yourself, their attention only confirms that you are not listening to yourself. So during DL, you only get the wrong kind of attention, if you don't listen to yourself. I didn't make this up, but I let myself know this. It is true, even if no one ever admits it.


Listen and forget about that crazy idea that there is such a thing as going deeper into yourself. There is only your language, your sound, your relaxation and your ability to speak and act from your freedom. EL irrevocably reveals your Language Enlightenment (LE). LE is not some mantra, prayer, hypnosis or superstitious fantasy, but a transformation. When you finally say aloud to yourself: listen, what you will then hear is something you have not been in contact with before. LE is your true nature, which you have never listened to.


(The following Dutch poem lost its rhyme in the English translation, but, I find, it still works)


Just listen, experience,

sit, hear, feel and know

shit comes out of your ass

every day,


In the same way,

it is possible for every human being

to get rid of all complaining, whining and reproach,

by simply shitting out your old behavior.


On the potty,

there's no escaping it,

although of course

you stink for an hour in the wind,

like everyone else,

you understand yourself well,

without worrying about

what you do.  


Releasing your shit conditioning

is the best metaphor you have ever uttered,

as you have digested, accepted, heard,

understood and even smelled it.





Luister toch eens naar jezelf, in plaats van naar een ander. Wat hoor je? Bevalt het of bevalt het niet? Als het bevalt, ga ermee door, als het niet bevalt, hou ermee op. Het is zo simpel. Waarom doe je het niet? Waarom ga je door, met wat je eigenlijk niet wil? Het is je conditionering. Jij doet enkel wat je hebt geleerd, maar je bent je niet bewust, van hoe je bent geconditioneerd. Jou Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) is niet vanwege jou, maar vanwege je zogenaamde cultuur. Als jij Belichaamde Taal (BT) gaat hebben, dan begrijp je, dat je bent belazerd door je komaf.


Het is van geen enkel belang of anderen hebben gelezen of gehoord, wat jij hebt geschreven of gezegd, maar het is van groot belang of jij het zelf hebt gelezen, gehoord en begrepen. Is jou taal van jou of is jou taal, de taal, die werd en die nog steeds wordt bepaald door jou besef van anderen? Als je het niet weet, is dat, omdat je het echt niet weet of is dat, omdat je het niet wilt weten? Ik vraag je dit, omdat ik vermoed, omdat ik sterk de indruk heb, dat je het niet eens wilt weten, dat ik jou overdreven, drammerige, voorspelbare, onintelligente OT heb aangemerkt en heb beschreven zoals het is. Jij blijft doen alsof jou OT zo geweldig is, maar wat mij betrefd is het onzin.


Uiteraard vraag ik jou, om te luisteren naar mij en niet naar jezelf. Alleen als je met mij praat en naar mij luistert, kun je horen en aan de weet komen, wat je nooit aan jezelf hebt verteld. Ik spreek echter niet namens jou, maar namens mijzelf. Jij moet nog steeds helemaal van voor af aan beginnen, om met jezelf te gaan praten. Het heeft geen enkele zin, om te jammeren of te pretenderen, dat het voor jou niet nodig is, om je eigen taal te hebben, laat staan, te behouden. 


Luister en laat jezelf eens horen, wat jij te zeggen hebt, als jij het voor het zeggen zou hebben. Jij wilt geen OT hebben, maar BT. Er is helemaal niets verkeerd aan jou, omdat je een pest hekel hebt aan OT en alleen genoegen neemt met BT. Je zou hierdoor juist moeten worden geprezen, maar dit is niet het geval, omdat iedereen onbewust zit ingekapseld in OT. We kunnen dan wel eindeloos braaf blijven doen alsof het allemaal niet zo erg is, maar het verschrikkelijke feit blijft, dat wij geen contact hebben met onszelf.


Zeg eens eerlijk aan jezelf, wat er met jou gebeurd. Luister naar hoe je stem klinkt, als je ophoudt met liegen. Je klinkt dan heel anders. Je voelt je anders, omdat je niet meer bent, wie je geloofde te zijn. Je bent nooit geweest, wie je wilde zijn, omdat wie je bent, niet vanuit je gebruikelijke angst te beleven is. Je OT houdt vanzelf op, als je naar jezelf luistert, terwijl je spreekt en het maakt niet eens uit, waar je met jezelf over spreekt. Begin nu maar eens en doe het maar eens. Laat jezelf maar weten, dat je jezelf hebt verloochend, dat je daarmee op kunt houden en daarna jou waarheid kunt spreken en horen.


Luister naar de klank van je eigen stem, terwijl je met jezelf spreekt. Je stem heeft nooit naar jezelf gelogen, maar jij hebt er nooit naar geluisterd. Er is een hoop ophef gemaakt over het zogenaamde belang van het luisteren naar en gehoorzamen aan anderen, maar niemand heeft het ooit nog over de noodzaak, om te luisteren naar jezelf. Jij gaat alleen dan pas echt naar jezelf luisteren, indien jij aan jezelf laat horen, dat het nodig is voor jou, om naar jezelf te luisteren.


Ik zeg niet, dat jij naar jezelf moet luisteren, maar jij zegt dit tegen jezelf. Anderen kunnen dan wel doen alsof ze naar jou luisteren, maar zolang jij niet naar jezelf luistert, bevestigt hun aandacht, dat jij niet naar jezelf luistert. Gedurende OT, krijg je dus alleen de aandacht, indien je niet naar jezelf luistert. Ik heb dit niet verzonnen, maar ik heb dit aan mijzelf laten weten. Het is zo, ook al geeft niemand dit ooit toe.


Luister en vergeet nou maar eens eindelijk die idiote gewaarwording, dat er zoiets zou bestaan als dieper gaan in jezelf. Er is alleen jou taal, jou klank, jou ontspanning en jou mogelijkheid, om te spreken en te handelen vanuit jou vrijheid. Jou BT brengt onherroepelijk jou Taal Verlichting (TV) ten gehore. TV is geen mantra, geen gebed, geen hypnose, geen fantasie, maar een ware openbaring, wanneer jij eindelijk hardop tegen jezelf zegt: luister. Wat je dan zult horen, is iets waar je nog niet eerder mee in contact bent geweest. TV is je ware natuur, die je nog nooit hebt beluisterd.    


Luister maar en ervaar, zit, hoor, voel en weet

elke dag komt er weer opnieuw schijt uit je reet.

Op dezelfde wijze, is het mogelijk voor iedere mens, om zich te ontdoen van al z’n lijden, zeiken en verwijten,

door gewoon vanzelf, z’n oude gedrag uit te schijten.


Jij kunt de pot op, want er is geen ontkomen aan,

ook al stink je natuurlijk een uur in de wind,

dat jij, als iedereen, jezelf heel goed kan verstaan,

zonder je druk te maken, over wat je ervan vindt.                     


Het ontlasten van je oude conditioneering, is waarschijnlijk de beste metafoor, die je ooit hebt uitgesproken, omdat je het heel gemakkelijk hebt toegelaten, gehoord, begrepen en geroken.

Friday, March 17, 2023




That sound that is produced and heard in the moment that you are aware, shows that you were not really there before. Your voice always shows that you realize who you are and why you did what you did. People talk about one's conscience as if we were having an inner, quiet, private conversation with ourselves, but this is not what really happens.


Even though we have all kinds of illusions and fantasies about who we are, as soon as we start experiencing our sound, the smoke screen of words immediately lifts effortlessly. The process of Embodied Language (EL) takes place in silence and we are no longer trying to say or write something that we have already said or written. Although it is of course always a continuation of what we have said and written before, EL is constantly new, because it has not been made up, but has actually become possible.


The remarkable thing about consciousness is the absence of a so-called self, ego or I, or whatever you want to call it, when you refer again - to the point of being annoyed - to your painful past. In EL, every word is perceived as a password. I don't call it mystical, but magical, that we, with the sound of our own voice, create our own reality and keep it going.


The creative, natural process of EL only 
takes place if our attention is allowed and
 able to make itself known, in word and 
deed, and therefore, only when our Disembodied 
Language (DL) has ended. So in EL there is, 
so to speak, the word and at the same time 
the experience of the language, which creates
 or which occupies space. It is also a perception
 of giving or demanding attention with our language.


In EL our language gives us our attention, but in DL our language demands and deprives our attention. If we have not yet become acquainted with this, then we, involuntarily, with DL, demand attention from others and then, even if we sometimes have a little EL, we give our attention away to others. We can only keep the focus on ourselves if we recognize that we want to keep our EL to ourselves and not waste it on others, who steal it unnoticed.


In DL there is always a struggle going on, but in EL there is no such conflict. So there is never anyone who can supposedly continue to claim to someone else that he or she has EL. Although this may sometimes still be the case because of our previous  conditioning habit with DL, our continuing EL ultimately shows in great detail that it always remains - quite naturally - with ourselves and that our old way of dealing with our language and thus of dealing with our words - which want to keep going to others - has become a thing of the past.


We are finally aware of who we are when, with EL, we have literally reversed our language and speak and write to ourselves instead of others. This is a  form of coming home that is unparalleled. It is such a wonderful thing that everything falls into place when we are allowed and able to receive the sensation of our Language Enlightenment (LE). Here the word blessing really applies, because LE is really our own achievement and has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.


With the dissolution and the letting go of the other – who is supposedly different from and separate from us and who, like us, supposedly has a separate existence – the awareness of who we thought ourselves to be falls away and therefore becomes silent. This peace is pure ecstasy and is actually unknowable, as we become pronounced in it and no longer speak to the process we have gone through and accomplished. Enlightenment has nothing to do with coming back into any future life. All this is pur nonsense, but one that could inevitably continue – even in EL – because LE hadn't been charted with EL before.


If, after we have stopped our DL, we can continue with our EL, this does not mean, however, that we therefore know everything. On the contrary, our knowing is and will always be limited, but as far as we are concerned, our self-knowledge is always applicable and thus resulting in desirable outcomes. We can be completely wrong, even with our EL, but our EL always allows us to admit it, while DL would make us deny it.


Because we feel liberated from our DL, it is almost unavoidable that in EL we still want to believe everything we say or write. So, with EL, we're going to continue with our language in the way we're able to. However, with my EL I'm not suddenly an expert in astronomy or surgery, but if I'm interested in such a topic, nothing will stop me from studying it. With EL - because there is real self-knowledge - there is always the acknowledgment of the lack of knowledge and thus no grandiosity of so-called omniscience. Continuing our EL provides a very different sense of reality than just the occasional chance brief moment from EL.


Even after we have come to recognize the huge difference between DL and EL, there is still a verification process going on quite some time, going back and forth between DL and EL. At least, this was the case for me, but I can imagine, if more people started to deal with this difference, the time of that back and forth would probably be shortened, as we no longer pretend to reinvent the wheel.


The longer we – alone with ourselves – continue with our EL, the more the blessing of our LE will become clear to us. As a result, there is less and less to say about both DL and EL. I experience all of this myself and I assume this will also work for others in this way, because I am not trying to make things more beautiful than it is. My words have come together in such a way that they could make this formulation possible. I'm satisfied with it and can't imagine anyone else following where their EL takes them would result in a bad or pointless experience. Everyone does with their language and with their life what they want and I do it, with my EL, this way.