Sunday, March 19, 2023




Eternity can become reality, if you start using your language for yourself. By speaking to yourself and listening to yourself, you come across everything you were unconscious about and therefore got into trouble over, every time. Embodied Language (EL) always gives full attention to what needs attention. After you have spoken and heard this, eventually nothing at all demands your attention and you feel you exist in eternity or in your true nature.


With Disembodied Language (DL), you remain ignorant of your death and transience, as there are so many things you have never spoken to yourself about. Surely, many things are, of course, also discussed in DL, but they always unknowingly distract you from the essence: the self-realizing experience of who you truly are. Millions of people are passionate and fanatic about their religion or spirituality and impose all sorts of horrible things on themselves and on each other, yet there is still no order in their chaotic, conflicted, dreadful lives.


Order can only arise, after our language has rid itself of temporality, because we experience the sound of our own speaking voice as our life energy. It is not only possible, but necessary, for everyone to tell ourselves and to let ourselves know and understand that our inevitable death implies the cessation of our language. We always talk, wrongly, about our so-called thinking, when, down through the ages, it has been our language itself, which has continued to deny eternity.


Everything you say is based on your identification with what you are experiencing. Only when you listen to yourself, because you are, finally, telling yourself what is happening to you, right now, does your language begin to breathe the space of your Language Enlightenment (LE). Quitting DL is also not a philosophical matter, but rather a practical matter, to actually and exuberantly celebrate the creation of your own existence. However, there is nothing to enjoy in DL. Everything you remained occupied with in DL, took away your energy, which was necessary to be able to pay attention – with your words and sound – to your own experience. Oblivion, simply put, is your inability to let your language go where it will and can go, if you let it.


Certainly, EL goes directly to LE, which therefore focuses on your death, because order can only be established from the beyond. In other words, with your language, you continue to draw the line of your life to the point where language ends. You do not live on in your children or in other people, whom you presumably have touched with your words, because everyone has their own ability, to listen to themselves, to speak to themselves and to use their language in their own unique manner. This is your consciousness and you are and remain unconscious if you do not use your language correctly.


When your DL has ceased and you engage in EL, it turns out that nothing is as you believed it to be. However, this is not just some imitated slogan, but the revelation of your reality, for it is you who, with your language, expresses your life, as it is. Your EL creates a reality that is all about you and applies to you. Here EL breaks the taboo to consider speaking to yourself as more important than DL, in which speaking to others is always supposedly more important than speaking with yourself. This mortal sin also prevents you from saying and observing clearly, that you are solely and, wholly, responsible for yourself and that dying to and letting go of what others have talked you into – and what you then kept telling yourself – can only happen because of your new dealings with your language. To be reborn in your EL is the inevitable effect of ceasing your DL, which, after all, was never yours, in the first place.


In DL, you talk and live from your conditioning and always remain preoccupied with and concerned about others. So, the conversion of your language is what matters, because you have truly started using your language very differently. No other is involved. That says it all, for you. There is no other, but also no higher power, to which we surrender in EL, for only we ourselves can determine whether we have DL or EL. Because of EL, we stay true to ourselves.


Paradoxically, the unspeakable – our death – can be described, for everything that has ever been said, written, heard, or read will come to an end forever, for everyone. There is nothing to contemplate or meditate on, for this is inescapable. As long as we are alive, in principle, we have the opportunity to let our language flow to ourselves and to realize that that is where our language always wanted to go.


Even though EL made us aware of our LE, coming home to LE, is an experience that shows that we have always been enlightened and that LE was the real impetus for making us aware of our language use. We can talk about this with others, after we have first talked about it with ourselves. There is a law and order that makes us say this and lets us know that our own experience of EL always comes first and from there can come our explanation, in our own words, of what that experience means. Also, it is, first of all, this listening to ourselves that enables us to realize that EL with others is possible and desirable. Those others, who can have EL with us, only come into our lives after they too have first spoken to and written about themselves. In EL, for each of us, everything is as it is, because even as we speak to each other, we keep letting our language go to ourselves. In our LE, our EL has dissolved our DL.       

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