Sunday, March 17, 2024


Unhappy Humor,


It probably has never even occurred to you, that all humor is actually unhappy humor. Ask yourself the question: why would anyone try to be happy? Only someone who isn’t happy tries to be happy or funny, because, the fact is, they aren’t happy and they aren’t funny either.


I am – with Embodied Language (EL) – talking about happy humor, because I don’t try to be funny and, yet, I am funny. You see, I’m happy already and you just don’t get my enlightened humor. To understand my kind of humor, you need to experience what I’m saying, rather than only agreeing or disagreeing with it. In other words, before you can get my humor, you need to first stop your Disembodied Language (DL).


Happy humor doesn’t bother about whether you agree with it or not, as the person who has it, is having fun by him or herself already and doesn’t need anyone else, to continue with it. To the contrary, he or she has fun, in spite of the lack of response from everyone, who isn’t  happy, but jealous, and, therefore, cannot relate.


I am speaking about myself and you. I’m happy, but you miss out on enjoying what I say. I guess, it is always going to be that way, because it has always been this way and, yes, the past predicts the future. However, may be, one day, you can allow to feel, to experience, what I say, you don’t run away, but you join in my play? We’ll see and we’ll hear if and when that happens.


I’m not waiting for anyone, to get my happy humor. I have to remind myself, I have given up on you a long time ago. It may still seem, as if I care about you, but I don’t and – although I have said it many times – it feels so good, to say this once again and to set the record straight.


The issue is not – and never was – whether I’m funny or able to entertain you, but that you have been – and probably always will be – a lost cause. Yes, unless you begin to see yourself in that way, you don’t have any sense of reality.


Why do you expect me to care about you, if you don’t give a damn about yourself? You have DL and so, there is nothing for you to laugh about, let’s face it. With me, it is an entirely different story. I write or say this, not to talk with or reach out to you, but to express myself. I enjoy myself, without your meaningless, frustrated, dumb opinions.


How am I able to accomplish my relentless happiness? Shouldn’t I feel affected by your negativity? You believe I should, but I don’t owe you anything. I’m not against you, but I’m not wasting my humor on you either. This, by the way, is the meaning of being a conservative. Most conservatives are as non-appreciative of my humor as most liberals.


Politics isn’t a laughing matter and those who pretend that gas-lighting is funny, are hiding behind their sick jokes, suggesting everything is

hunky-dory. Apparently, you need to suffer some more, before you can acknowledge your need for relief and I am not going to praise you, for what you have been able to endure. Clearly, you have something against me, as I don’t put up with your shit. As a matter of fact, you can’t blame me, because I’m no longer volunteering to participate in this taking-the-blame-game.


There are two sides at the end of each tunnel. You have a choice, when this sentence will be finished. No, after the next sentence, actually. Will you laugh, not at me, but at yourself, for this very special occasion, or will you just continue as you have always done, up to now, and make it seem as if I’m not funny enough?   

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