Wednesday, August 30, 2023




As I have said and written all along: this writing is for myself. I don’t do this to express what I think, because I don’t believe, I think – you would have to read another one of my writings, to find out why that is so – but, I say or write stuff like this, to make use of the words that I have, in the way that I want.


Surely, I don’t preach to any choir, but I’m talking with myself, I am listening to myself and, since I fully agree with my own words, I always do as I say. And, I don’t say this, to threaten anyone, but I certainly continue with my Embodied Language (EL), which expresses my happiness, freedom and intelligence.


You don’t and can’t have a long attention span with your Disembodied Language (DL), as you are always in a hurry, to jump on the bandwagon of the next big lie. You don’t talk with me, as that would mean, you begin to talk with yourself and find out, you don’t delude me, but yourself, with your own DL.  


There is nothing extreme about this, as I don’t need your or anyone else’s approval for what I put out. What I say and write is true, not because I believe it, but because I continue with it. Unlike other people, I have EL. I don’t roll over and accept your automatic, blunt DL, which always takes you into extremes.


There’s no difference between your DL and the DL of others. You don’t have – as you imagine – special DL. Your DL is just as stupid as anyone else’s DL. As long as your DL continues, you can’t have any EL. I don’t decide this, but I know that it is so, because I have stopped my DL, so that you can read my EL.


DL is divisive. My EL continues, because I know the difference between DL and EL. Anyone who knows that difference, continues, like me, with EL and stays away from all hyped-up DL extremes. What I say and write, is my own knowledge about the difference between DL and EL. Such self-knowledge can only be appreciated by someone, who has explored the great difference between DL and EL themselves.


Self-knowledge, which can only be acquired by the continuation of your EL, is completely different from so-called scientific knowledge, which is – how could it be otherwise? – always acquired with coercive DL. The latter is overrated, while the former, is unknown to you. Without EL, your identity, which presumably represents your self-knowledge, is totally bogus.


Don’t start whining, because I don’t believe in any of your dogma’s, theories, ideologies, religions, policies or motivations, because I know, they are all based on your conditioning with DL. You don’t want to acknowledge, your lack of self-knowledge, is the real reason, why you so tenaciously hang on to what you supposedly know. As long as you don’t have any real self-knowledge, you appropriate knowledge.


The pathetic claim, that you only know what you know, derives from your miserable DL. However, in EL, there is no problem with the inherent limitation of all knowledge. It is a fact, that you don’t become an expert in anything, without endless hairsplitting. The ancient pipe-dream of all-knowingness, which is usually represented by some religious fountainhead, is based on the evisceration of all self-knowledge.


The reason why anyone would want to do anything to be able to have EL – by avoiding and abandoning DL – is because EL makes us acknowledge, we are enlightened. One will only have ongoing EL, as one must be enlightened, and, therefore, it is Language Enlightenment (LE), which determines, we have EL and permanently turn against DL. It is a great taboo, to say or to write, that we are enlightened, as we don’t accept any authority other than ourselves.


With EL, we rely on our self-knowledge and we are no longer enthralled by the authority purported by scientists, scholars, professors, sales-people, priests,  leaders, psychiatrists, psychologist, actors or writers. And, with EL, we don’t accept anything pushed on us by culture, tradition, entertainment, commerce or politics, thus, we stop being consumers, as we are no longer sold on the millions of propagandic lies, spread, maintained and exploited by our DL.


When we explore our own EL, our energy changes, because with DL, our life was drained out of us by everything, which demanded our attention. With EL, our attention goes to our experiences, which we keep describing in our own words. We don’t make any decision to do this, as it happens by itself, that in EL, we acquire the ability to stay with ourselves and to know, we are in charge of our own language.  


Although EL happens by itself, we make it possible, as we do all the right things to make it happen and we keep doing that, as we verbalize and express the immediate outcomes of this process. Simply stated, EL is based on instant gratification. We are instantly happy, the moment we engage in EL. However, this happiness is also immediately gone, if we engage in DL again. We were raised to have DL, not EL. To have EL, is to go against everything we were once taught.


You are conditioned to only have DL. The little bit of EL, you believe to have experienced, was actually more of the same DL, as it made you obedient and kept you ignorant about EL, which always expresses the power of your LE. As long as you are stuck with DL, you don’t realize, EL is possible and necessary.


For a long time, I wanted to have EL with others, but this has changed, as I became aware that this wish, always made me engage in DL again. While I would love to have EL with you, I can’t afford to talk with you, as that would squander my EL. This has been a real conundrum for me to figure out, but I’m proud, that these words can now come out of my mouth.


I can finally truly say, I no longer try to have EL with anyone, who still has DL. Yes, you are on your own and so am I. Although you still believe, with DL, in being together or in being on the same page, I don’t subscribe to your fantasy language. I’m happy to be alone with my language – although, at times, I may still feel profoundly sad about this – as this allows me to say and write, what I want to say or write.


Apparently, saying and writing what I want to say or write, is what my LE wants me to do. I am who I can be, with my own language. Everywhere I go and whatever I do, I feel on track with myself, because of how I use language. People who speak about being conscious, being mindful, being yourself, don’t know what the hell they are saying, as for them, there’s no difference between DL and EL. For them, there is only DL pretending to be EL, but it is only more DL.


I don’t believe in any of your spiritual, political, scientific, philosophical, sociological, cultural versions of EL. To me, it is all more of the same DL and I don’t want any part of it. Stated differently, I reject your DL, because I know how to consciously, skillfully and deliberately have EL and I don’t give a damn for merely a few, brief, haphazard, accidental moments of it. I don’t and can’t talk with anyone who has DL and admitting that to myself is a relief. I don’t have to or want to talk with you and this writing is only for me, but, if you happen to read even this very last sentence of this piece, you certainly must have some interest in EL, that you let me do all the talking, so you could feel what it is like to have it.      

Monday, August 28, 2023




Supposedly, my writing is only read by two people, but I don’t believe shit of that. I have approached the local newspaper, the Chico News & Review or  CN&R, but received a meager response, that they are not interested in the importance of language. Also, I emailed many people, I have been in touch with in the past, but I haven’t heard from them.  


Supposedly, I am very angry, because I happen to believe, that people, who write newspapers, who teach classes at Butte College, California State University Chico (CSUC) or Palo Alto University (PAU), who don’t show any interest in Embodied Language (EL), are a burden on society. I don’t agree with the fact that Disembodied Language (DL) is the common way of dealing with language, but I enjoy exposing these, supposedly, considerate, sensitive, well-meaning people, for the disingenuous mother fuckers they really are. Let’s make no mistake, DL is ruining our lives and only EL is going to help us.


Supposedly, I need to write a book, I must make a video, a podcast, give a lecture, a seminar, create my own church or run for office, but I’m not into any of that bullshit. Surely, I should be more conscious,  compassionate, accepting and appreciative, but the fact is, I hate DL, regardless whether it is happening on the left or on the right. However, my hatred isn’t  ordinary hatred, as it derives from EL. Moreover, my EL is the expression of my Language Enlightenment (LE) and I am disgusted with your DL, due to my LE.  


Supposedly, I should be inclusive to stupid DL and, I should even agree, that equity or whatever the hell that may mean, will finally be achieved with your moronic, contradictory, draining, coercive DL and, of course, diversity or that people can be who they really are, demands, we must have DL instead of EL? Yet, I am able to continue with my EL, in spite of the fact, that you are too much of a coward, to have EL with me. I am not angry, but certain about my EL.


Supposedly, I should be kind to all those sickos, who are determined to screw everyone, with their mean and ugly narrative. I know what your DL is and I tell you: it is devastating. I don’t care if you hear me, if you read me, if you agree with me, if you talk with me, as I know, my EL is better than your DL. Yes, I am better than you and it has nothing to do with my skin-color, my politics, my religion, my gender or my so-called identity. Is it hate-speech, because I don’t believe in your aggressive, forceful, repetitive DL?


Supposedly, what I say doesn’t matter, as no one is really listening. However, I am listening. It matters to me, because I hear myself and I always act on what I tell myself. I always do as I say, therefore, I expose the hypocrisy of those, who engage in DL, who say one thing, but who do something different. This incongruence is despicable, criminal and immoral.


Supposedly, according to you, who only knows DL, I am just one lonely, powerless voice, screaming in the desert, but this is not how I perceive my voice. I am not screaming. You accuse of me of screaming because I persist, but I am speaking very calmly and patiently. Moreover, I say exactly what I want to say and what I am capable of saying. And, my words are always getting to you, even if you don’t admit it.   


Supposedly, you are more important than me,  because I am just trying to convince you and you don’t give a damn. Fact is, however, I couldn’t care less, if you get what I’m talking about or not and because of this, I get through to you. Your ability to reject me is because I am so rejectable. I make you feel good, by giving you the chance to reject me.


Supposedly, you don’t owe me anything, but, of course, you owe me an apology for spouting off your idiotic DL towards me and everyone. Indeed, you owe it to everyone, to say you are sorry, you have always prevented EL with your coercive DL. Perhaps, apologizing to everyone is the only way for you, to get to your EL and to apologize to yourself.


Supposedly, you don’t know you are forcing your way, but I don’t believe it. You know very well, you always demand to have your way. I say this with absolute certainty, because EL is not like that. Just because you can shut down my EL, doesn’t mean, you know what it is. To the contrary, you are against EL, because you have no clue and you fear what it is.  


Supposedly, I am hurting you, by having EL, but this is not what is happening. You are hurting yourself, by not having EL and by unconsciously acting out your history of conditioning with DL. Supposedly, I should do something to make you stop, but my EL tells me, that you need to stop yourself and that I can’t do it for you. Stop blaming me for not helping you, as you need to help yourself. Supposedly, it is not loving, to remind you of your own responsibility, but my EL is has its own mysterious ways, which has nothing to do with your expectations and beliefs.


Supposedly, reading this doesn’t mean much to you, but if you read it out loud and listen to the sound of your voice, it means something quite different than reading it out quietly. By expressing your voice to these words, you do something with my EL, which awakens your EL. This synchronizing is done by you and that is why it works. Supposedly, you don’t care about your LE, but your EL tells you otherwise.


Supposedly, other things are more important than your EL, but I remind you, you are fooling yourself. EL is more important than politics, religion, science,  psychology, philosophy, culture, art, gender, race, nationality, sports, fashion, entertainment, economy food or literature. Supposedly, it doesn’t matter that your life is confined by the miserable echo-chamber which fits with your conditioning, but your freedom requires you to go against your own conditioning.


Supposedly, you don’t like to question yourself, but you have to be sceptic about anything you say. With DL, you remain cynical, distrustful, contemptuous and pessimistic, but with EL, you are full of positive energy and optimistic questions. Your optimism derives from the beneficial outcomes resulting from your doubts, which were said, out loud, by you and listened to. Supposedly, listening to others is more important to you in DL than listening to yourself, but once you get to have EL, you know, you are right, to say that listening to yourself is the most important.      

Sunday, August 27, 2023



If you follow, where your Embodied Language (EL) can take you, you will feel satisfied and happy, because your EL always reveals your Language Enlightenment (LE). The reason most people stay busy with Disembodied Language (DL) – and never get to express their LE – is because they haven’t given their EL the chance to grow and to blossom.


Initially, after we first discover the great difference between DL and EL, we are very excited about EL, but this high wears off, after we are faced with our conditioning history with DL, that keeps overtaking us. For the most part, our DL determines, that we remain preoccupied with others and, thus, we can’t bring our full attention to our language. Instead of  following where our EL leads us, we want to have EL with others, but we only just started to have EL with ourselves. In our longing to be able to continue with our own EL, we lose touch with it, as we keep trying to have EL with others, rather than with ourselves.


The only way to continue with our EL, is to follow it and to keep having it with ourselves and this is only going to happen, if we talk out loud with ourselves and listen to ourselves and act on what we say to ourselves. Moreover, speaking with and listening to ourselves, produces new interpretations of events, which we weren’t able to comprehend when we were still involved with DL. These novel perceptions of who we are and how we want to live our life, only begin to stick, if we write about them and read our own writing. You could say, with EL we diagnose our own situation and we prescribe our own treatment.


The path we follow, once we are guided by our EL, is only travelled by us and, therefore, nobody can go on – or even be in – our way. Whenever we have EL with others, we are reassured, each person, who expresses his or her EL, is solely responsible for his or her own actions and no one can tell anyone else, where their EL is going to take them. At best, others, with EL, reinforce that we each go our own way and this is our LE, but what this entails, is only known to us, individually, as we explore our language with our speaking, listening, writing and reading. Following or going our own way, is determined by how we use our language and this has nothing to do with what we – in DL – have called our mind, our thoughts or what we, supposedly, covertly, say to ourselves.


Since what we say to ourselves can and will be heard – by us – and since what we write about speaking with and listening to ourselves, can and will be read – by us – no is energy lost with the common fantasy, that our language deals with some mysterious inner self, inside of us. Furthermore, because we are in charge of our language, we are not missing out on anything we heard ourselves say or anything we have written to ourselves. To the contrary, everything we have said to ourselves, was listened to and everything we wrote to ourselves, was read, acknowledged, understood, followed and implemented. Nothing of what anyone else has ever said or written, has such an enormous effect on us, as what we have said and written to ourselves.


Once we have ongoing EL – rather than only a few miserly moments of it – we are really going to do everything we say to ourselves and everything we have written to ourselves. And, since this is the inevitable consequence of our involvement in EL, we are going to experience the marvelous results of these actions. These outcomes are predicted with our EL, which paves the way for a natural way of life.


Besides our language, we are also involved in other behaviors, but all these behaviors are coordinated by our EL. Previously, due to our ignorance about EL, our other behaviors were based on our involvement in DL, but our new understanding with EL, makes us want to change our ways. We can’t postpone it, as that would mean, we follow DL again. Our faith in EL has nothing to do with feeling, but with reasoning, in which we let ourselves know, what will or what will not happen, if we do or don’t do certain things.


When we conclude what works for us, we always speak from our past experience. We have endlessly gone through the same behaviors, but have never trusted our own language enough, to let ourselves know about why this is happening. We have never followed through on our own self-instructions, as the verbal prompt, to do so, simply wasn’t strong enough, as it didn’t reach the threshold required for behavioral change. When our behavior doesn’t change for the better, it bothers and keeps nagging us, as there is always a sense, that we are harming ourselves. When, due to EL, our attention can finally go to how we use our language, we stop any kind of self-defeating behavior and we will do what is right.  


With EL, we stop following our dreams, because we become realistic. This whole business of making the impossible possible, is a DL-concept, because in EL we do only what is possible. However, we are not used to following and acting on what is possible, as with DL we keep trying to do the impossible. Doing what is right, is doing what is possible, as that is the natural way. With DL, we keep telling ourselves, that what is actually possible, is impossible, but once we have EL, we realize that it is possible and needed.       

Saturday, August 26, 2023




It's been a busy week and now it's Friday evening again and the weekend is just around the corner. A feeling of deep emotion and gratitude emerges, because I am so happy. How beautiful it is to live the way I live and to sit in the garden with Bonnie, my dear wife, and enjoy what we have created together.


I was often accused – by those who unknowingly engage in Disembodied Language (DL) - of being too feely-touchy, but now that Embodied Language (EL) has taken over the helm of my life and I express my Language Enlightenment (LE) every day, I find that my so-called volatile condition is actually a blessing, despite of all the problems I have had because of it. Whenever I became angry or upset, I always ended up crying, but I also always felt moved by goodness.   


The tenderness and love – which, despite all my anxiety, dissatisfaction, anger, fear, loss, panic and confusion, I have always felt and which has been a central part of my life since childhood – is no longer scattered with by my DL, but remains, because of the continuation of my EL, with me. I am no longer wearing my heart on my sleeve  anymore. I hear, in the distance, the sound of a train moving on and am still amazed that I can be so satisfied.


Before I met my wife, tears 
of emotion were the only 
reliable company that 
stayed with me. It was 
never difficult for me to
 admit my affection, but
 I still remained in doubt
 for a long time, as 
everyone seemed to 
have problems with it. 
Actually, I've been busy 
all my life, learning how to 
live, with who I am.

It is – with DL - wrongly claimed, the sudden touch of emotion arises, because your true, hidden, inner self, which is also described as a deeper layer inside of you, has been affected. During EL, however, we find that losing control – about which we then say, that we need some space, because the emotion is becoming too much for us – is not something to feel bad or worried about, but indicates that we are at the right track, to be able to talk about our feelings.


We stumble over our words, we start to stutter, to sweat and to blush, because suddenly, we have this unexpected, overwhelming, embarrassing sensation that we are exposing ourselves. We feel alarmed by being vulnerable and, that is why, supposedly, there is something wrong with that. Involuntary, natural, yet inescapable expression of sensitivity is harmful,  senseless and shameful, as long as we still remain surrounded by callous, punitive, ignorant enemies.


From our long unconscious, automatic, insensitive, rigid, unintelligent conditioning history with DL, we always shut down, as soon as we begin to feel even the slightest bit emotional. Without any doubt this is the most important reason why people suffer from psychological problems, which can only be approached and solved by our EL. Nobody talks about this. All the psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists are unwilling to admit, that the beauty and serenity of our emotions, is the recognition and understanding – with our language – of who we are.


Because of their DL, all so-called
 emotional people are always, 
unconsciously, busy expressing 
what others cannot or dare not 
put into words, but they 
never arrive at what they 
actually feel themselves, 
as they don’t talk with or 
listen to themselves. 
They are therefore inclined, 
so to speak, to swim away 
in emotional enthrallment, 
because DL simply prevents
 them from staying with 
their own feelings.


Due to our blunt, preconceived, unnatural language, we usually wait until someone dies, before we can finally talk about a little emotion again. Our grief usually breaks us apart, as we have lied all our lives about what we feel. It is difficult or even impossible to face our own mortality, because the silence after the last word was said, has never been spoken in the flesh. This can only happen with EL, where we  articulate our own truth and what we really feel.




Het was een drukke week en nu is dan weer Vrijdag avond en het weekend staat zogezegd voor de deur. Een gevoel van diepe ontroering en dankbaarheid  maakt zich kenbaar, omdat ik zo gelukkig ben. Wat is het toch mooi, om te leven zoals ik leef en om met met Bonnie, mijn lieve vrouw, in onze tuin te zitten en te genieten van wat wij samen hebben gecreerd.   


Men heeft mij – vanuit de Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) – vaak verweten, dat ik te licht geraakt zou zijn, maar nu mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) het roer van mijn leven in handen heeft gekregen en ik elke dag mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) tot uiting kan brengen, ervaar ik dat mijn zogenaamde aandoening een ware zegen is, ondanks alle problemen, die ik daardoor had.  


De vertedering – die ik ondanks al mijn bezorgdheid, onvrede, woede, angst, verlorenheid en verwarring, altijd heb gevoeld en die van jongst af aan een vast onderdeel van mijn leven was – wordt niet langer meer met mijn OT verstrooid, maar blijft, vanwege de gestage voortgang van mijn BT, bij me. Ik hoor, in de verte, het geluid van een verder rijdende trein en ben nog steeds verbaasd, dat ik zo voldaan kan zijn.


Voordat ik mijn vrouw leerde kennen, waren tranen van ontroering, het enige betrouwbare gezelschap dat bij mij bleef. Het was nooit moeilijk, om mijn getroffenheid te erkennen, maar toch bleef ik nog lange tijd twijfelen, omdat iedereen er problemen mee leek te hebben. Eigenlijk ben ik al mijn hele leven bezig, om te leren leven vanuit hoe ik ben.


Er wordt – vanuit OT – ten onrechte beweerd, dat de plotselinge geraaktheid van ontroering, onstaat omdat je zogenaamde gemoed, dat ook wel wordt omschreven als een diepere laag in je binnenste, is getroffen. Gedurende BT komen wij er achter, dat het kwijtraken van de controle – waarover we dan zeggen, dat we even ruimte nodig hebben, omdat de emotie ons teveel wordt – niet iets is om ons rot over te voelen, maar aangeeft, dat wij op het juiste spoor zitten, om over ons gevoel te kunnen praten.


We struikelen over onze woorden, we beginnen te stotteren, te zweten en te blozen, omdat we ineens  de onverwachte, overweldigende gewaarwoording hebben, dat wij onszelf bloot geven en dat daar iets verkeerd aan is. De onvrijwillige, onontkoombare, maar toch natuurlijke uiting van onze gevoeligheid, is zinloos en beschamend, als wij omringd worden door ongevoelige, bestraffende, domme vijanden.


Vanuit onze onbewuste, automatische, ongevoelige, starre, onintelligente conditionerings geschiedenis met OT, klappen wij altijd dicht, zodra wij ons ook maar enigszins geemotioneerd beginnen te voelen. Dit is zonder meer de aller belangrijkste oorzaak, waardoor allerlei psychische problemen ontstaan, die uitsluitend en alleen met BT kunnen worden benaderd en opgelost. Vooralsnog, deinsen alle psychologen, psychiaters en therapeuten er echter voor terug, om de schoonheid en sereniteit van de ontroering te beschouwen als de herkenning en het begrijpen van wie wij zijn, als onze taal dat toelaat.


Alle zogenaamde gevoelsmensen zijn – vanwege hun OT – altijd ongemerkt bezig, om uit te drukken wat anderen niet kunnen of durven te verwoorden, maar komen met OT nooit toe aan wat ze eigenlijk zelf voelen. Zij zijn daardoor zogezegd geneigd, om weg te zwemmen in hun ontroering, omdat OT hen niet in staat stelt, om bij hun eigen gevoel te blijven.


Vanwege ons botte, voorgekauwde, onnatuurlijke taalgebruik, wachten we meestal totdat iemand doodgaat, voordat er eindelijk weer eens een beetje sprake mag zijn van ontroering. Ons verdriet breekt  ons op, omdat wij ons hele leven hebben gelogen over wat wij werkelijk voelen. Het is heel moeilijk of onmogelijk om onze eigen stervelijkheid onder ogen te zien, omdat de stilte nadat het laatste woord heeft geklonken, nooit in levende lijve ter sprake is gekomen. Dit kan alleen gebeuren met BT, waarin wij onze eigen waarheid volledig verwoorden.             

Friday, August 25, 2023




Als je uiteindelijk Belichaamde Taal (BT) gaat hebben, dan hoor je jezelf ineens zeggen: juist, dit is precies zoals ik het vind. Omdat iedereen ongemerkt maar bezig blijft met wat anderen mensen ervan hebben gezegd, met wat andere mensen ervan vinden – en het maakt geen ene moer uit, waar het over gaat – zijn wij aan het verzanden in Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), die door iedereen als onvermijdelijk wordt ervaren.


Je hoort mensen met OT heel vaak zeggen en herhalen, dat hun verstokte geloof schijnbaar iets bijzonders is en dat wij allemaal daar juist aan zouden moeten vasthouden. In BT, echter, gaat het om loslaten en niet om vasthouden. Het is juist het vertrouwen in ons eigen kunnen, waardoor wij aan niets meer blijven vastzitten.  


In OT, onderschatten en vermijden we, zonder het in de gaten te hebben, al onze problemen, maar in BT pakken we ze juist aan, omdat wij overal over kunnen praten, met onszelf. Zelfs de meest geleerde academici en wetenschappers weten niet, dat juist dit praten met onszelf, de oplossing is voor onze problemen en dat onze gebruikelijke, alledaagse, onbewuste wijze van hoe wij omgaan met taal, ons de das omdoet.


Wanneer wij BT gaan hebben, dan komen wij tot bezinning, omdat we juist dan pas in staat zijn om te erkennnen, dat alles wat wij dus eigenlijk  helemaal niet willen voortkomt uit OT, waar wij automatisch door in beslag worden genomen. In OT blijven we maar dissocieren, verzinnen, verdedigen, vluchten of vechten, omdat onze taal met ons op de loop gaat, maar in BT heeft  juist onze eigen taal de allerhoogste prioriteit.


Ofschoon onze OT altijd problematisch, saai,  moeizaam en energie-verslindend is, geeft BT ons juist energie en voelen wij ons herboren en hernieuwd, omdat wij op de juiste wijze met taal omgaan. Juist omdat wij in BT met onszelf spreken en naar onszelf luisteren, vindt er een  andere communicatie plaats, die alle stoppen doet doorslaan. Met BT zijn wij geen idealisten, maar juist realisten, die veel tijd en aandacht besteden, aan hoe de klank van onze stem ons ware geluk uitdrukt, voortzet en bekrachtigd.


Met OT, blijven we ontevreden en zoeken wij naar afleiding van onszelf in amusement, maar in BT, gaat het juist om de verzadiging van wat ons werkelijk goed doet. Anders gezegd, in OT, kunnen wij niet authentiek zijn en daarom zijn wij allemaal hetzelfde in onze negativiteit. Jou kwaadheid, verwarring, stress, depressiviteit, eenzaamheid en onzekerheid is op geen enkele manier anders, dan die van mij. Het is juist pas in BT, dat wij allemaal anders zijn en dit kunnen waarderen en elkaar daardoor juist aanvullen.


Als wij gedurende BT aan onszelf toegeven, dat onze conditioning met OT, niets is om trots over te zijn, dan zijn wij daarover niet ontsteld, maar dan vatten wij juist de moed om OT te stoppen. Juist als wij OT herkennen en daardoor niet meer proberen te veranderen, dan stopt het.


Ik werd zojuist wakker uit een droomloze, diepe slaap. Ik ging al om zeven uur naar bed, omdat het een drukke dag was. Het is een uur en ik heb dus al zes uur geslapen. Juist zo direct na het wakker worden, vind ik het heerlijk, om heel rustig en stil mijn taal te laten stromen. Ik ga natuurlijk zo nog wat verder slapen en vind juist ook dat zo’n aangenaam gevoel, omdat ik geen enkele moeite heb om in slaap te vallen. Ongeacht waar ik ben, zodra ik mijn ogen even sluit, dan val ik in slaap. Veel mensen hebben problemen met slapen, maar niemand praat er ooit over, dat OT de oorzaak is van insomnia en dat de juiste, bewuste wijze van omgaan met taal, regelmaat creert en dus slaap verbeterd.  


Opmerkelijk, dat juist in het hele taal-gebied wordt gebruikt, om tegenstellingen – oftewel dualiteit – uit te drukken, door verder te praten of verder te schrijven. Vanwege OT, ontkennen wij allerlei nuances en lopen wij vast in iedere vorm van contrast, maar in BT, accepteren wij, begrijpen wij en ontstijgen wij juist iedere, door OT-gecreerde en in stand gehouden paradox. Met andere woorden, gedurende BT schrikken onze problemen en conflicten – die altijd samen blijken samen te hangen met onuitgesproken tegenstrijdige opvattingen – ons niet langer af en zien wij het juist als een uitdaging, om alles te verwoorden en dus op te lossen. Ook al wil  niemand met mij over BT praten, toch is dit juist de bevestiging, dat ik gelijk heb. Vanwege onze conditionerings geschiedenis met OT, blijven we allemaal eindeloos met elkaar bezig en niet met onszelf, maar met BT zijn wij juist graag alleen.


Met BT, komen wij er, tot onze grote verbazing, keer op keer, achter, dat onze eigen taal – onze BT – totaal anders werkt, dan wij gewend waren met onze drammerige, opgelegde, veeleisende, onnatuurlijke OT. Onze BT toont aan, dat het in taal dus eigenlijk absoluut niet gaat om allerlei controversies of tegendelen. Dit is wellicht het meest fantastische aspect van BT, omdat het juist altijd gaat over onze Taal Verlichting (TV). Het zijn juist die hele kleine verschillen, in onze eigen ervaring, die, doordat ze door ons – aan onszelf – worden gezegd, ons in staat stellen, om voortdurende vernieuwing waar te nemen.              

Thursday, August 24, 2023




The so-called incompleteness of attention is always realized from an awareness. If we miss something, it is always from a perception that everything can be there and nothing is missed. Of course, this requires a certain language – instead of our current language use – which I call Embodied Language (EL), which allows everything to be what it is and can be.


Anyone can talk to themselves with full attention and listen to themselves and come to hear and find out that there is an enormous difference between EL and the Disembodied Language (DL), which is our everyday way of speaking. When you talk to yourself out loud intently – not to say or understand something about yourself, but to experience your  speaking voice – there is a sudden change in your sound. You feel the relief, as what you say need not be about anything and yet, you produce the sound that suits you, because it is your relaxation and peace, which is continued by expressing your voice.


You were unconsciously doing DL, because you weren't listening to the sound of your voice, but as soon as you do that again, you have EL, effortlessly and naturally. Suddenly you are full of attention and you say important things, that you would not have been able to say without such attention. The most important thing about what you are telling yourself with EL, is that you are already enlightened and so, it is your Language Enlightenment (LE) that results in you wanting to have EL and not DL.


It is constantly claimed, by all sorts of opposing groups, that, supposedly, always the other group is lying, but it is the language we use, in such a way that the reality cannot be expressed, which makes it so, that the pot blames the kettle is black. We know the earth is not flat and is not the center of the solar system, but as far as our language is concerned, we are completely in the dark, since we have not yet given ourselves and each other the opportunity to investigate what is going on and what happens when we move on with our intelligent, sensitive, conscious EL, instead of with our dull, automatic DL.


By now, we should finally know, 
where our usual way of doing
 things - especially how we
 deal with our language 
- leads, because all chaos
 and conflicts don't just 
appear out of the blue. 
Whatever way you 
 look at it, we, the 
earthlings, create, 
with our DL, all the
 dire situations 
occurring all over the
 world. Everyone is 
equally responsible 
for how things go 
totally wrong. DL is 
accepted by everyone 
as if it is normal and
 cannot be changed, 
but if we finally pay 
attention to it, EL 
will happen by itself. 
However, we will only 
pay attention to what 
demands attention, if we
 recognize and, therefore, 
fully admit, that our stupid
 use of language is 
running out of steam.

No one cares about DL, which is at the root of all the misery, which is getting bigger, clearer and more and more intrusive. It is not at all about this country or that country, about communism or capitalism, about this party or that party or about this faith or that belief, because everything is worded with DL. If we are going to have EL – and start paying attention to our own language – then all kinds of boundaries will disappear, because they were created and they were maintained by our DL. Yes, we will organize a different reality with EL, in which everything that came about due to our involvement in DL, will be thrown overboard.


Everyone is busy saying that it's all about freedom of speech, equality, diversity, inclusion or about the economy, guns, science, creativity, kindness, love,  awareness or democracy, but nobody pays attention to EL, because they don't even know it's possible. I am not being listened to. For a long time I worried a lot about this because, despite my own conditioning with DL, I understood things would only get worse because no one would talk to me the way I wanted and could.


Now that I have, at long last, started speaking and writing about my LE with my EL, I am no longer concerned, because my LE is a fact to me, which I express to myself every day. I am unconcerned, that  things everywhere seem to be falling apart or that others don't want to hear about my EL, because I hear it, as I keep saying it to myself. Moreover, talking to myself has become possible, because talking to myself is considered more important by me than talking to others because talking to others always involves DL and I don't participate in that madness anymore.


Everyone can keep going with their DL, because I'm fine with my benevolent EL and I'm not responsible for anyone. My attention is my freedom, because of my EL. If you read this, I want you to know, that it depends on your use of language, whether you continue to ruin your own life and the lives of others with your compulsive DL or not. I've taken the leap into EL and can only tell you it's worth it and you don't know what you're missing, although you too can find out.


If someone as stressed, frustrated, foolish, confused and lost as I was - by simply talking out loud to myself and listening to myself - could effortlessly stop my DL and then continue with my EL, then anyone can. I don't have any exceptional gifts or talents - although I do find my humor quite funny - and I'm just as much a klutz as everyone else.


It's a pity that you can't
 laugh at my language,
 because it's really 
nice when you finally
 get EL. I hope, of 
course, that this will 
still happen, but, as 
I said, I am not waiting 
for it and I will not laugh 
any less because of you
 not joining. It doesn't 
bother me that you don't
 have EL and can't laugh
 at yourself. Actually, your
 lack of humor has a 
laughable effect on me.
 It's painful, I'm laughing 
at your drama and struggle, 
but what else can I do? I 
never laugh in your face, 
because that could have an 
adverse effect for me, 
because you will get 
angry with me.


I have often had to save myself from situations in which I saw the ridiculousness of what people did or claimed and therefore laughed at others, but I don't do that anymore. It is sufficient for me, and also more pleasant, to say to myself, how disastrous everyone is with DL, because I know I know better. Although sometimes I may fall back into my old habit, I also laugh at my own stupidity.


There is no escaping in EL - for nothing escapes our notice - that the emperor without clothes, that DL, is naked and seen for what it is and it is high time this happened. However, EL remains a personal matter as it is not about listening to others, it is about listening to ourselves. There is a lot of fun waiting for you, should you decide to be brave enough to really talk to yourself, so you can listen to yourself. I will – if it ever comes to that – still laugh with you and if I have already passed away, I will, so to speak, gladly, roll around in my grave, just for fun.