Thursday, August 24, 2023




The so-called incompleteness of attention is always realized from an awareness. If we miss something, it is always from a perception that everything can be there and nothing is missed. Of course, this requires a certain language – instead of our current language use – which I call Embodied Language (EL), which allows everything to be what it is and can be.


Anyone can talk to themselves with full attention and listen to themselves and come to hear and find out that there is an enormous difference between EL and the Disembodied Language (DL), which is our everyday way of speaking. When you talk to yourself out loud intently – not to say or understand something about yourself, but to experience your  speaking voice – there is a sudden change in your sound. You feel the relief, as what you say need not be about anything and yet, you produce the sound that suits you, because it is your relaxation and peace, which is continued by expressing your voice.


You were unconsciously doing DL, because you weren't listening to the sound of your voice, but as soon as you do that again, you have EL, effortlessly and naturally. Suddenly you are full of attention and you say important things, that you would not have been able to say without such attention. The most important thing about what you are telling yourself with EL, is that you are already enlightened and so, it is your Language Enlightenment (LE) that results in you wanting to have EL and not DL.


It is constantly claimed, by all sorts of opposing groups, that, supposedly, always the other group is lying, but it is the language we use, in such a way that the reality cannot be expressed, which makes it so, that the pot blames the kettle is black. We know the earth is not flat and is not the center of the solar system, but as far as our language is concerned, we are completely in the dark, since we have not yet given ourselves and each other the opportunity to investigate what is going on and what happens when we move on with our intelligent, sensitive, conscious EL, instead of with our dull, automatic DL.


By now, we should finally know, 
where our usual way of doing
 things - especially how we
 deal with our language 
- leads, because all chaos
 and conflicts don't just 
appear out of the blue. 
Whatever way you 
 look at it, we, the 
earthlings, create, 
with our DL, all the
 dire situations 
occurring all over the
 world. Everyone is 
equally responsible 
for how things go 
totally wrong. DL is 
accepted by everyone 
as if it is normal and
 cannot be changed, 
but if we finally pay 
attention to it, EL 
will happen by itself. 
However, we will only 
pay attention to what 
demands attention, if we
 recognize and, therefore, 
fully admit, that our stupid
 use of language is 
running out of steam.

No one cares about DL, which is at the root of all the misery, which is getting bigger, clearer and more and more intrusive. It is not at all about this country or that country, about communism or capitalism, about this party or that party or about this faith or that belief, because everything is worded with DL. If we are going to have EL – and start paying attention to our own language – then all kinds of boundaries will disappear, because they were created and they were maintained by our DL. Yes, we will organize a different reality with EL, in which everything that came about due to our involvement in DL, will be thrown overboard.


Everyone is busy saying that it's all about freedom of speech, equality, diversity, inclusion or about the economy, guns, science, creativity, kindness, love,  awareness or democracy, but nobody pays attention to EL, because they don't even know it's possible. I am not being listened to. For a long time I worried a lot about this because, despite my own conditioning with DL, I understood things would only get worse because no one would talk to me the way I wanted and could.


Now that I have, at long last, started speaking and writing about my LE with my EL, I am no longer concerned, because my LE is a fact to me, which I express to myself every day. I am unconcerned, that  things everywhere seem to be falling apart or that others don't want to hear about my EL, because I hear it, as I keep saying it to myself. Moreover, talking to myself has become possible, because talking to myself is considered more important by me than talking to others because talking to others always involves DL and I don't participate in that madness anymore.


Everyone can keep going with their DL, because I'm fine with my benevolent EL and I'm not responsible for anyone. My attention is my freedom, because of my EL. If you read this, I want you to know, that it depends on your use of language, whether you continue to ruin your own life and the lives of others with your compulsive DL or not. I've taken the leap into EL and can only tell you it's worth it and you don't know what you're missing, although you too can find out.


If someone as stressed, frustrated, foolish, confused and lost as I was - by simply talking out loud to myself and listening to myself - could effortlessly stop my DL and then continue with my EL, then anyone can. I don't have any exceptional gifts or talents - although I do find my humor quite funny - and I'm just as much a klutz as everyone else.


It's a pity that you can't
 laugh at my language,
 because it's really 
nice when you finally
 get EL. I hope, of 
course, that this will 
still happen, but, as 
I said, I am not waiting 
for it and I will not laugh 
any less because of you
 not joining. It doesn't 
bother me that you don't
 have EL and can't laugh
 at yourself. Actually, your
 lack of humor has a 
laughable effect on me.
 It's painful, I'm laughing 
at your drama and struggle, 
but what else can I do? I 
never laugh in your face, 
because that could have an 
adverse effect for me, 
because you will get 
angry with me.


I have often had to save myself from situations in which I saw the ridiculousness of what people did or claimed and therefore laughed at others, but I don't do that anymore. It is sufficient for me, and also more pleasant, to say to myself, how disastrous everyone is with DL, because I know I know better. Although sometimes I may fall back into my old habit, I also laugh at my own stupidity.


There is no escaping in EL - for nothing escapes our notice - that the emperor without clothes, that DL, is naked and seen for what it is and it is high time this happened. However, EL remains a personal matter as it is not about listening to others, it is about listening to ourselves. There is a lot of fun waiting for you, should you decide to be brave enough to really talk to yourself, so you can listen to yourself. I will – if it ever comes to that – still laugh with you and if I have already passed away, I will, so to speak, gladly, roll around in my grave, just for fun.

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