Tuesday, February 27, 2024

You can watch my You Tube videos - go to LIVE - on which I speak about Embodied Language (EL), Disembodied Language (DL), Language Enlightenment (LE), play recorder, ukulele and sing my songs, if you type:

maximus peperkamp


Maximus Peperkamp



Monday, February 26, 2024




Please, read very carefully, what I am about to tell you. Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God. My freedom of speech, to say what I want to say, and to believe what I say – rather than to believe and say what others say – also is blasphemy, in many non-Christian countries. You will get yourself in trouble, anywhere, if you say, you don’t believe in their local belief. A little less known, is that blasphemy is the act of claiming the attributes of some deity. Acting as if you are God, is considered, cross-culturally, as a sin. Basically, it is taboo in every culture, to be your own authority.   


I immigrated, legally, in 1999, from the Netherlands, to the United States. I am a proud US citizen, who is definitely going to vote for Donald J. Trump. This writing is especially meant for my fellow Americans, many of whom, in my opinion, have become utterly complacent and ignorant, about their individual freedoms, which are, as of yet, still enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. A similar tendency – to give up on the individualistic culture – is happening in all Western societies, who have enjoyed peace and prosperity, since the end of the Second World War.


As an American, as a citizen of the free world, but, foremostly, as the individual, who has discovered psychological gold – my Language Enlightenment (LE) – with his Embodied Language (EL), I am acutely aware, our so-called inalienable rights, didn’t come from some mystical higher power, but from myself and anyone, who bravely fought or died, to defend our freedom. To me, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, have absolutely nothing to do with any religion! Since practically all the people on the left, these days are, sheepishly, blatantly, insidiously, disgustingly, disrespectfully against the freedom of speech, I am in favor of right-wing politics, as it is more aligned with EL, than woke lefties, who are more likely to punish it as blasphemy, than the right.  


Conservative Christians consider it blasphemy, when left wing zealots attempt to rewrite the foundational principals of our country. However, their insistence and emphasis on God, isn’t helping them in winning the election. Only someone like me – with EL – can understand, why this is the case. Interestingly, all the socialists and the communists – who virulently hate America, want to destroy it, and, presumably, then rebuild it, from the bottom up – unknowingly, view big government, as the replacement of God.  


Modern, secular, technologically- savvy Americans, for the most part – like Europeans, in spite of their own superstitions and hang-ups – are never going to go back to the unscientific nonsense, that has been preached in the name every religion. The genie of individualism is out of the bottle, the freight-train of individualism has already left the station, the horse of freedom has left the barn. And, unbeknownst to everyone, everywhere, our mechanical, unnatural, forceful, senseless Disembodied Language (DL) is on its deathbed, as individualism has given rise to EL.


Both the left and right political parties are frantically virtue-signaling, by constantly accusing each other of blasphemy. Each party claims to have the moral high ground and, presumably, is on the right side of history. However, only when we transcend our tragic history of conditioning with dull DL, are we going to be on the right side of history. EL is the real future of mankind, not DL. Our problematic, stubborn DL is the language of punishment, but – whether we will be courageous enough, to admit it – individualism requires our EL, which is the language of positive reinforcement. Both parties consider anyone as sacrilegious, who disagrees with their contentious, but, supposedly, holy narrative. The argument that our individual rights come from God is flawed and is outdated, as we all know, that millions of lives have been sacrificed, so that others could enjoy freedom.


The famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, God is dead, but the fallacy of our superstition has continued unabated, due to our unconscious DL, which was never properly addressed. No matter how individual or liberated we believe ourselves to be, we still adhere to DL, the brutal, anti-intellectual way of way of talking, that has been going on, ever since human beings became verbal. Our shift from DL to EL, is the quintessential issue of our time, as it is going to determine, whether free, individualized societies, will be able to continue to exist, in the face of the relentless onslaught of group-behaviors, which are instilled and maintained by our dumb DL.


As long as individuals of free nations engage in DL, they seem to have no real backbone, as they, again and again, adhere to the very group-behavior, which contradicts and undermines individualism. There is hardly any EL, anywhere, in the so-called democratic societies, because our EL is religiously and cowardly considered, as heresy, by anyone with DL. Although we are – due to our, primarily, Christian founding fathers and due to our Constitution – on paper, in writing, only in name, free individuals, each of us, has yet to become a whole, enlightened individual, who always expresses LE, as his or her only real freedom, and who pursues his or her happiness with his or her ongoing EL.


I keep hearing – both left and right – stupid rhetoric about some sort of crusade against evil, but nobody addresses our common, unconscious, coercive, repetitive, dissociative, unintelligent way of talking, which is antithetical to our freedom as individuals. We are constantly swayed by others, as we don’t have the fortitude, which comes from distinguishing between our own DL and our own EL. To make wise decisions and to take actions, independently, requires ongoing EL.


The sad fact, that so many people on the right, have had their social media accounts cancelled and are even banned from speaking about their ideas – as people on the left have decided, it is blasphemy, shows that idiotic religious zealotry is alive and well on the presumably secular left. Surely, it is because of our DL, that America has become a country in which people are persecuted and punished for their political views.


There is, however, a bright side to the freedom-hating cancel-culture, as it is quite apparent, that those who have the power,  to prevent large audiences from hearing, what others want to say and want them to know, and, those, who control the media, who can prevent the public from reading what others have written, they are clearly not interested at all in what anyone is, presumably, thinking. Indeed, all they really care about, is what is being said, heard, written or read. This irrefutable fact shows that any emphasis on our so-called belief, on thoughts, on the language, which is said to occur inside of us, is superfluous.


In DL, we inadvertently believe in private speech or inner language, also known as our mind, but in EL, we are absolutely sure, that all language is and has always been overt. And, yes, the truth is, we have, until now, with our DL, always been trying, to shut each other up, outcompete each other with what we say, win the argument or struggle for attention – which is the main characteristic of DL - and our stressful world of chaos, divisiveness and conflict is the result. Any difference of opinion is seen by millions of people as blasphemy, a crime for which people are imprisoned, tortured and murdered, all over the place, because we refuse to acknowledge the difference between our DL and EL, which has allowed our coercive, brutal, ugly DL to continue.


With our EL, we are the creator of our own lives, and we are in charge of our own destiny, as our language makes us into empowered individuals, who can accurately describe their own experience. Our sense of resilience and oneness is the essence of our individuality. Our ongoing EL reveals our LE and results in a wordless silence – as there are no words or thoughts inside of our heads – from where more of our effortless, delightful EL emerges. 

There has always been a conflict between religionists and those who pursue scientific knowledge. Many times, what was known was lost. The earth is round, not flat, and it is equally true, that there is no language, no mind, no sentences, no thoughts inside of us, as this is just the way we talk, because of DL, in which we cannot really express ourselves, in the way we want to and are able to. As the person, who has discovered his EL and who has realized his LE, I know very well, that LE is considered as a blasphemy by everyone who still engages in DL, but I feel fortunate, to have become an American, for who freedom means the celebration of my EL and LE. I challenge and invite everyone to have EL with me. As long as we keep accusing each other of blasphemy, we don’t live in twenty-first century and our hard-fought individual freedoms will be lost, as we have wasted our chance, to take our individualism truly to the next level.              

Sunday, February 25, 2024




I am not talking about the drug MDMA, but about the wonderful experience you keep missing out on, due to your miserable Disembodied Language (DL). Embodied Language (EL) is to language of ecstasy, because it allows you to express, in your own words, your Language Enlightenment (LE). Of course, there are conditions, in which your ecstasy is possible and those, in which it cannot happen. You either create these conditions, with your language, or you don’t.


We are so used to creating unhappiness with our DL, that we accept it as normal, but once we know the great difference between our DL and our EL, we no longer want to be deprived of our wellbeing and we seek to stop our participation in DL, so we can begin to have EL and experience our liveliness. With DL, we were having a dismal view of ourselves and of the world, as we have no idea, we create our own depressing reality, with how we deal with language.


Ecstasy is our natural way of being. Anything less than that, simply implies, we are using our language incorrectly. Yes, we are almost constantly using our language in such a way, that we are not in charge of it. Therefore, our experience of who we are, is taken away, by our DL. We will only come to our senses, when we become the masters of our own language, by listening to ourselves while we speak. Unless we can experience our own ecstasy, while we speak, we don’t have EL, as we still, unknowingly, engage in DL.


EL is a conscious act, but we are unaware, as long as we still have DL. It is only when our murky DL has been stopped, that we realize, we were having it. The moment in which we shift from DL to EL, we experience immediate bliss and we say truthful and meaningful things. As soon as our EL gets going, we are conscious of our enlightenment. Our ecstasy is, to engage in EL, the language which creates space.  


The ecstasy experienced in EL isn’t some mystical phenomenon. In DL, people mistake some spiritual hype for ecstasy, but the joy which is felt during EL is very ordinary, because we speak our own language. Actually, the ecstasy of our ongoing EL is better than having an orgasm or anything else we have ever felt. Once we have experienced it, we are sure, that we can and we will achieve it, again and again, with our unfolding language. Our LE is the ecstasy of stillness.


Although it takes time to get used to our LE, with our EL, our ecstasy isn’t an overwhelming emotional sense of exaltation, but a cool, comfortable, natural, effortless process, over which we have control. We create it. We use our language correctly, to express each of our experiences. Everything is articulated. Everything belongs to us, is accepted by us and is understood by us, even all our difficult experiences.


The fact that – due to our EL - everything finds its place and, therefore, our new language creates and maintains order, is a form of ecstasy, we have never before experienced. The silence, which follows after we have spoken, is profoundly ecstatic, because we no longer believe in inner language. Thus, when we stop speaking – or listening, writing or reading – we are truly without any language. Our experience of oneness, that is, our LE, is the total absence of language.

Saturday, February 24, 2024




With our habitual Disembodied Language (DL), we try to feign innocence, but the reality is, that we are polluted, twisted and carried away by our language. We can only be innocent, sensitive, open, truthful, authentic and full of delightful energy, when we can experience the silence of our Embodied Language (EL). To know, who we are, is to be who we are and to hear and feel, that we speak with an enjoyable, natural, effortless voice, which doesn’t ask anyone’s attention. Our EL is the language of our innocence, which expresses our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Once we know the crucially important difference between our DL and our EL, we can’t help, but fully acknowledge and mourn the painful fact, that our innocence has always been disrespected, abused, taken for granted and neglected by our DL. Although we have always felt, who we were, we were unable to be who we were, because we didn’t have access to the language of virtue, goodness and simplicity.


Each time we have expressed our innocence, we did so, because we couldn’t help ourselves, that is, we expressed our EL, unknowingly. Whenever there is a situation in which there can be peace, togetherness, wellbeing, honesty and love, we, inevitably, briefly, express our EL, but it is always short-lived, because we don’t do it consciously, skillfully or continuously. Our delightful innocence is one moment there, but next moment, it is gone, and we are at a loss, about has happened. We are in despair, and we feel afraid, as we have no way of finding it back. Our anguish of not having the language, to express our innocence, continuous, until we can finally have ongoing EL.


Even once we have stopped our dreadful DL and are able to continue with our wonderful EL, we are still learning how to live with our innocence, which is, of course, our LE. While it is true, we have always been who we are, we still fear our precious experience of innocence won’t last, as this was always before the case. However, when we were imprisoned by and unconsciously engaged in DL, we still believed, that language existed inside of us, but once we have EL, we realize, this was just an effect of DL, in which we couldn’t be ourselves, as we couldn’t say what we wanted to say and, therefore, we began to imagine, we were having private speech, thoughts or a mind.


During our blunt DL, our innocence is replaced with guilt and shame, and, consequently, paradoxically, we feel bad about who we really are, that is, we feel bad about feeling good about ourselves. It isn’t until we say this out loud and hear the sound of our own wellbeing, that we recover from this trauma and laugh about the false notion of our inner, supposedly verbal turmoil. Stated differently, once we can verbally, with our EL, accurately address our own innocence, we feel the silence, which emerges from our pre-verbal sense of being. We have come full circle with our language.    


Our innocence makes us recognize the innocence of others. We are all, unknowingly, enlightened, but, as of yet, we don’t have the EL, which fits with who we really are. Without stopping our DL, every attempt to find back our innocence is doomed. None of our religions, or spiritual, therapeutic, psychological, philosophical or cultural practices have ever resulted in EL, as they have never properly addressed DL, as the language of evil. When, at long last, we stop our miserable DL and are able to express our – for the lack of a better word – sacred innocence with our EL, we are not selfless, mystical, fantasy creatures, but we are courageous, knowledgeable authorities.


We have lost our ability to feel, express and know the beauty of our innocence, due to how we deal with our language. Obviously, only another way of dealing with our language could bring us back to who we are. In EL, we listen to ourselves, but in DL we don’t listen to ourselves. In EL, we can speak as an individual, but in DL, we act out our conditioning history, as we can only see ourselves, as a member of some group, which, we imagine, we belong to.      

Friday, February 23, 2024




Our common notion of shame, is determined by how others have spoken and written about it, but not by how we ourselves have spoken about it – with ourselves – let alone, by how we – also with ourselves – have written about it. In other words, shame – the painful, verbally-impairing emotion  about how one appears to others and to oneself, without having done anything – is based on our almost permanent involvement in Disembodied Language (DL). I would say, DL is the language of shame. In DL, we make a distinction between shame and guilt. I have never been able, to quite tell them apart, because my reasoning has always been based on my Embodied Language (EL), even while I was still incapable of fully, consciously, recognizing the great difference between my own DL and my EL.


In DL, our sense of shame pertains to a person, whereas guilt pertains to an action or actions and to blame and remorse. With our self-defeating DL, we, unknowingly, blame ourselves, because others have blamed us. Stated differently, we were conditioned to constantly beat ourselves up and that is why we can never be happy or satisfied, as long as we keep having DL. Our shift from DL to EL is so relieving, as we finally experience our language without shame.


Guilt – during our mechanical DL – involves the awareness of having done something wrong and always arises from our actions. Obviously, in DL, we are always – no matter how much we can dominate,  deceive or manipulate others – feeling guilty about our own language. The sad fact, that we don’t and can’t express our own language in DL and that we don’t and can’t express our own experience, doesn’t mean, we don’t have our own language and also doesn’t mean, we don’t have our own experience.  


Shame is the inevitable, paralyzing emotion, which is elicited by our common way of talking, which has set the stage for how we deal with language. Since all our other behaviors are regulated by how we deal with our language, our entire behavioral repertoire is contaminated by shame in DL. To be able to continue with our EL – rather than having only a few brief haphazard moments of it – we will have to recognize and abandon all behaviors that were associated with our DL and continue only with those behaviors, which are in support of our EL.  


There is a reason why, in everyday language, people use the terms shame and guilt interchangeably and why I used to feel so confused about this presumed difference. Since I happened to be the person, who – because he began to repeatedly talk out loud with himself, and, therefore, was able to hear the sound of his own voice – has discovered the big difference between his DL and his EL, I have been made to feel ashamed and guilty, like no one else. I have studied psychology, and I am well-aware, that according to psychologists, there is a difference, between the experience of shame and guilt, but I will use this opportunity, to point out, that psychology hasn’t delivered and couldn’t improve human relationship, as it has never addressed the difference between DL and EL. Stated bluntly, our DL has continued unabated.


Our dreadful, unnatural, coercive DL is not only the language of shame, but also the language of guilt and, I should add, the language of distraction. Our DL has endlessly distracted us – as individuals – from our how we – ourselves – have continued to use our language. This whole issue of consciousness has always obfuscated how we use our language. DL inevitably results in meaningless hair-splitting and in definitions and concepts, which make things worse.


With ubiquitous, highly problematic, unintelligent DL, we were led to believe – actually, we have all been punitively indoctrinated – that our guilt and shame sometimes go hand in hand. Surely, the same action may give rise to feelings of both shame and guilt, where the former reflects how we feel about ourselves and the latter involves an awareness that our actions, supposedly, have injured someone else. As long as we have not acknowledged the difference between our DL and EL, we interpret everything according to our DL. 


Although it may appear that way, in the beginning, when you engage in EL and leave behind those who still continue with DL, it seems as if you harm them, but in fact, you do them a great favor, because you no longer reinforce their DL. Our DL isn’t continued because we decide to continue it, but because it is reinforced in the environments, we are in. We have never been in stable environments in which our EL is reinforced. It was due to DL, that our feelings of shame, seem to only relate to who we are, but our feelings of guilt are about others. This meaningless distinction doesn’t address DL, which creates and maintains the notion, that talking with ourselves and listening to ourselves is of no importance at all. When you, for the first time, by yourself, all alone, engage in EL, you will begin to really sense, how ashamed you are, to speak by yourself. You haven’t done anything to anyone, and you don’t do anything to yourself either, but you simply speak and listen to yourself and find, how different this is from how you speak with others. As you notice the change in the sound of your voice, you will hear less and less fear, anxiety, stress, distraction or judgment about saying something wrong. Whether you talk about yourself or about someone else, with your EL you always talk about yourself, that is, you always express your own wellbeing. The other, with whom, for the most part, you couldn’t have any EL, as he or she still engages in DL, always makes you feel ashamed, as you will notice, that your EL can never meet with their DL.


The typical guilt feeling of having remorse for some offense, crime, wrong – real or imagined – always is an indication of our involvement in insensitive DL. Likewise, shame – the painful feeling arising from the awareness of your real self, by saying, admitting, accepting, recognizing, and, acting on, what is true, and what is, therefore, good for you – turns EL, the language of freedom, success and happiness, into something ridiculous, improper, shameful or dishonorable.


I heard someone tell an anecdote, which hopefully will bring home my message, which is that DL our usual way of dealing with language really sucks. This person had been at some dinner party, where he had argued and reacted to a friend and then he had said something hurtful. Later, he felt guilty about what he had said, but he felt also embarrassed and ashamed, that he had been the sort of person to behave in that way. It is very clear, that he regretted his DL, but since he doesn’t view it that way, he will go on with DL, in the same way it always continues.


Another utterly useless distinction is the difference between shame and humiliation. These meaningless concepts haven’t addressed, let alone, stopped the DL, which creates and maintains them. Presumably, shame is an internal, but humiliation is an external matter. However, there absolutely is no such a thing as an internal process, as language is always overt. The fact that this isn’t acknowledged in psychology doesn’t make it any less true. In closing, I want to also define DL as the language of humiliation. We are continuously publicly humiliated, when in the name of DL, we are told to know our place in our inherently violent and conflicted social hierarchy. We have all been traumatized by our long history of conditioning with DL, which has deprived us of our dignity, which is who we really are, and which can only be expressed with our ongoing EL. Moreover, our Language Enlightenment (LE), which, of course, can only be expressed by our ongoing EL, is the only way to truly overcome the humiliation which occurs – every day – when a person is publicly or privately shamed, with DL, by another person or group.     

Thursday, February 22, 2024




I think no more, because there is no language inside of me and there never was. It was an illusion. I have said it, I have written it, I have heard it, and, also, I have read it, just like you do, right now. Because it is true, my conditioning history with Disembodied Language (DL) is no more. I have no more requests, as my Embodied Language (EL) has answered all my questions. My DL has stopped, since I have gained access to a new way of dealing with my language.


With DL, you are never satisfied, as it doesn’t allow you to recognize and fulfill your needs. You always want more love, more truth, more sex, more money, more adventure, more entertainment, more knowledge, more control, more drugs, more alcohol, more time or more silence, but all your meaningless demands derive from your DL. No one could be more stuck than you, because with your unhappiness, you keep competing for attention. You win the first price.


You are afraid to find out more about yourself and that is why you continue with DL. Obviously, you are never really yourself with DL, why else would you be so distant, angry, argumentative, hostile, frustrated, defensive or eternally distracted? If you would talk with yourself and tell yourself about what is going on with you, you would hear in the sound of your voice, that what I say is true. You will hear that your voice is changing, as you finally begin to sound calm, relaxed, energized, present and authentic and then you will say to yourself: that’s more like it, this is who I really am, what a relief to be myself once more. Yes, it is still possible.   


After you have said – to yourself – you would like to have less DL and more EL, all your other behavior will begin to change, because your language, which regulates all your other behavior, has changed. This is not another one of your unachievable goals, but it is an irrefutable reality, from which you can no more turn away. In effect, with EL, you become conscious.


The undeniable fact, that there never really was any inner language, private speech, thinking or mind, is what you previously called being consciousness. Yes, you were always conscious, but you didn’t have the ongoing EL to express it. May be, you had a little EL - unconsciously, accidentally or momentarily - but it was no more, it was already gone, before you knew it or could enjoy it. In the past, each time you felt a little bit more comfortable, open and expressive, your habit to have DL, destroyed this wonderful experience.  


You have never even acknowledged, that it is your DL, which keeps making your run around in circles, after your non-existent tail, your imaginary identity, who you believe yourself to be. Only when you have ongoing EL, will you no more be deluded by this appendage of your DL. It is inevitable that during DL, you were always only fantasizing about who you are, because your language was more about others than about you. In DL, you, unknowingly, do as you were told and that is why you react and keep trying to speak truth to power. In EL, you don’t feel that obligation anymore.


I know of no man or woman, who is more honored than he or she, who is him or herself, with EL. I have no respect for anyone’s DL, as it represents always more of the same senseless conflicts, struggles, tragedies and violence. Surely, my EL is more important than everyone’s DL, which is going on everywhere, and that is why I consider talking with myself to be more important than talking with you. I can only continue with my EL, because I don’t want to get involved no more in your disgusting DL. I have nothing to do with your DL.


DL and EL result in very different consequences, but only with EL can we accurately predict what is going to happen. In DL, we are sold on so-called wishful thinking. Things supposedly will get better, tomorrow, but one day, our life will end and then, there is no more tomorrow, and we have wasted our life on a pipedream. This is why we say may he or she rest in peace, because life was one big continuous hassle.


The alarming, but, unaddressed fact, that everyone, everywhere, almost permanently, engages in DL, makes it more of an urgent challenge, but also more of an adventure, to step out of this madness and go on with our own EL. Since there is basically no one to have EL with, one has to go on alone with one’s EL. However, once we are done crying, complaining and asking for attention, we find, even if our EL is no more than a whisper, we enjoy it tremendously, we are stimulated by it and we are fulfilled by it. With ongoing EL, we no more believe in miracles, but our EL surely is the gift that keeps on giving.


Of course, we talk a lot about victims these days. There is a big competition going on about who is the biggest victim, who deserves the most attention and who is allowed to dominate public discourse with their particular unique, special kind of victimhood.  There is definitely more than one victim to DL, but nobody seems to wonder, how many? When are we ever going to be able again, to converse upon more pleasant subjects? It is only going to happen, if we call a spade a spade and recognize our common way of talking – DL – as the total disaster it has always been and say, in unison: no more of this bullshit.   

Wednesday, February 21, 2024




You’ve gotten along without Embodied Language (EL) just fine? What the hell are you talking about, that everything is going to work itself out, with your unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), the way of talking, which you have been used to? You say, you only want the best, why then, don’t you stop your unintelligent, automatic, forceful DL and engage in energizing, insightful, delightful, effortless EL? You can’t, because you have bought into your adherence to the status quo, which is why you are so unhappy.


With my discovery of the great difference between DL and EL, the world – yes, not only my world, but your world as well – has permanently changed. Your inability to notice the enormous difference, implies you are a loser, who stubbornly continues with DL, the way you were told. You can’t decide anything for yourself with your DL, as there is no match between your behavior and your language. Whatever you say is the best for you – with your dull DL – is harming you and you don’t even know it. Surely, you never had any ongoing EL, so the best is yet to come.  


If you really want the best, you must go and search for gold. I’ve found gold, not by combing through the country side, not by digging out creek beds or by searching on hands and knees, along ridgelines and hilltops, not by panning in icy streams and not by looking for a show of color or gold in the river trail, but by listening to myself while I speak. This is a novel way of prospecting. If you have ever looked for gold, you would know, that prospecting is the first stage of geological analysis. The psychological gold that I am talking about, is your own Language Enlightenment (LE), which will only be found, if you express your experiences with your EL. Prospecting is the search for minerals, fossils, precious metals or mineral specimens. Traditionally, it relied on direct observation of mineralization in rock outcrops or in sediments. However, the prospecting with EL, relies on hearing and enjoying yourself, while you speak.


Your prospects with your EL are very good, as you will always find what you are looking for. Since you are not on anyone else’s property, when you have found your gold – your LE – you can proudly stake your claim, and you don’t need to fear anyone will take it away. To the contrary, you can calmly keep exploring and finding more riches. Let everyone know about your precious findings on your You Tube channel. Stimulate them with your EL, to become prospectors of the best of human experience: LE.


The phenomenon of stating your claim and letting others know, you have found psychological gold, is something very precarious. One can only effectively tell others about it, if one has acquired ongoing EL. Therefore, discovering EL, is one thing, but having it, as a skill – deliberately, consciously, continuously and predictably – is a psychological transformation, which involves abandonment of the repertoire, that was related to DL and selection and enhancement of the behaviors, which are in support of our EL.


People have always been as hyped up, carried away and obsessed about finding gold, as they have been fanatic about finding spiritual truth. However, all the drama, conflict and violence, involved in the Gold Rush or in the search for the Holy Grail or so-called enlightenment, always involved others and never allowed us to stop our DL and continue with our EL. Indeed, none of our religions or spiritual practices could ever bring about any clarity about how we use our language. The distinction between our DL and EL, was buried beneath strata of words and would only reveal itself, if our words were once again listened to and experienced, as our own embodied sounds.


In DL, we, unconsciously, merely act, as if we are strong, kind, open, caring, certain, truthful, safe, respectful, calm, powerful, enthusiastic or lost, confused, hurt, wounded, traumatized, needy, helpless, hopeless, incapable or weak. During EL, on the other hand, in which our language no longer distorts our experience, we are genuinely ourselves.


The fact, that with our DL, we only know how to act, goes all the way back to ancient Greek drama, which was originally entirely performed by choruses. Note, at that stage, the group is more important than the individual. According to old tradition, the Greek dramatist Thespis, of the 6th century B.C, was the inventor of tragedy and the first to write roles for the individual actor as distinct from the chorus, and the actor’s exchanges with the chorus were the first dramatic dialogue. Note, this so-called individuation is still determined by the group. Shakespear would later say: all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. And this is also why DL – in which we act out of conditioning and react, rather than listen and respond – is still with us today. Since Thespis himself performed the individual parts in his own plays, he was also the first true actor. Ever since choruses disappeared from drama, thespians have filled all the roles in plays. Although choruses have disappeared, they are still there in DL, in which we can’t be with ourselves, as we stay busy with others.


Actors are the ultimate salespeople. They sell us on whatever their product is. They always say that their product is the very best and is definitely superior to or an improvement on what we have. In effect, they turn prospects into aspiring heroes, by pitting them against an antagonist. However, when I say, your EL is better than your DL, I am not selling you anything. If you notice this difference yourself, you will say it, feel it and understand it. Also, you know, you aren’t imagining about some bright distant future, as you can feel the benefits of your own EL immediately.


The way we have been taught to communicate, is no longer suited for a world that no longer exists. Moreover, our new way of dealing with language, allows us not only to recognize, that the world has changed, but also that it continues to change, and that EL is up to the task of shaping and benefitting from that change. During EL, we control our own language and, thus, our own destiny, as we are less and less effected by the DL that is going everywhere.


Our ongoing EL, which will reliably reveal to us our LE, isn’t some superstitious promised land, but it is the new world, which we instantly become aware of by listening to the sound of our own voice. Your old notion of doing the best you can – and always trying to improve on yourself – derives from your DL, as in EL, it is self-evident, you are the best you can be and you keep on getting better, because you are you.


There is no enemy to fight with and your DL is not some monster, which needs to be slayed. DL is our common conditioning history. Anyone, who is able to recognize this, is ahead of everyone else, who is still stuck with DL. When you know the difference between your DL and your EL, you will know, what is best for your future and for everyone’s future. What is best of all, is that all the energy, which was drained by your DL, now becomes available to you in EL. Everyone will notice – whether they say it or not – you have a very different energy, which stimulates only excellence.


Even while you read this, you probably still wonder, if I am making up all this stuff? You will continue to remain skeptical, until you really start to speak with yourself and listen to your own sound. It takes some exploration, but you find, you either speak with a sound, you like or with a voice, you don’t like. Now say to yourself, you can stop the latter and go on with the former and see what happens. You will begin to say many things you have never been able to say, because have stopped your own DL and you are now having ongoing EL. You don’t need anyone’s approval as you can say for yourself, this is the best of yourself you have ever experienced. The most wonderful thing is, you are no longer acting, and you know, you will continue to do best, if you go on with your EL.