Wednesday, February 21, 2024




You’ve gotten along without Embodied Language (EL) just fine? What the hell are you talking about, that everything is going to work itself out, with your unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), the way of talking, which you have been used to? You say, you only want the best, why then, don’t you stop your unintelligent, automatic, forceful DL and engage in energizing, insightful, delightful, effortless EL? You can’t, because you have bought into your adherence to the status quo, which is why you are so unhappy.


With my discovery of the great difference between DL and EL, the world – yes, not only my world, but your world as well – has permanently changed. Your inability to notice the enormous difference, implies you are a loser, who stubbornly continues with DL, the way you were told. You can’t decide anything for yourself with your DL, as there is no match between your behavior and your language. Whatever you say is the best for you – with your dull DL – is harming you and you don’t even know it. Surely, you never had any ongoing EL, so the best is yet to come.  


If you really want the best, you must go and search for gold. I’ve found gold, not by combing through the country side, not by digging out creek beds or by searching on hands and knees, along ridgelines and hilltops, not by panning in icy streams and not by looking for a show of color or gold in the river trail, but by listening to myself while I speak. This is a novel way of prospecting. If you have ever looked for gold, you would know, that prospecting is the first stage of geological analysis. The psychological gold that I am talking about, is your own Language Enlightenment (LE), which will only be found, if you express your experiences with your EL. Prospecting is the search for minerals, fossils, precious metals or mineral specimens. Traditionally, it relied on direct observation of mineralization in rock outcrops or in sediments. However, the prospecting with EL, relies on hearing and enjoying yourself, while you speak.


Your prospects with your EL are very good, as you will always find what you are looking for. Since you are not on anyone else’s property, when you have found your gold – your LE – you can proudly stake your claim, and you don’t need to fear anyone will take it away. To the contrary, you can calmly keep exploring and finding more riches. Let everyone know about your precious findings on your You Tube channel. Stimulate them with your EL, to become prospectors of the best of human experience: LE.


The phenomenon of stating your claim and letting others know, you have found psychological gold, is something very precarious. One can only effectively tell others about it, if one has acquired ongoing EL. Therefore, discovering EL, is one thing, but having it, as a skill – deliberately, consciously, continuously and predictably – is a psychological transformation, which involves abandonment of the repertoire, that was related to DL and selection and enhancement of the behaviors, which are in support of our EL.


People have always been as hyped up, carried away and obsessed about finding gold, as they have been fanatic about finding spiritual truth. However, all the drama, conflict and violence, involved in the Gold Rush or in the search for the Holy Grail or so-called enlightenment, always involved others and never allowed us to stop our DL and continue with our EL. Indeed, none of our religions or spiritual practices could ever bring about any clarity about how we use our language. The distinction between our DL and EL, was buried beneath strata of words and would only reveal itself, if our words were once again listened to and experienced, as our own embodied sounds.


In DL, we, unconsciously, merely act, as if we are strong, kind, open, caring, certain, truthful, safe, respectful, calm, powerful, enthusiastic or lost, confused, hurt, wounded, traumatized, needy, helpless, hopeless, incapable or weak. During EL, on the other hand, in which our language no longer distorts our experience, we are genuinely ourselves.


The fact, that with our DL, we only know how to act, goes all the way back to ancient Greek drama, which was originally entirely performed by choruses. Note, at that stage, the group is more important than the individual. According to old tradition, the Greek dramatist Thespis, of the 6th century B.C, was the inventor of tragedy and the first to write roles for the individual actor as distinct from the chorus, and the actor’s exchanges with the chorus were the first dramatic dialogue. Note, this so-called individuation is still determined by the group. Shakespear would later say: all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. And this is also why DL – in which we act out of conditioning and react, rather than listen and respond – is still with us today. Since Thespis himself performed the individual parts in his own plays, he was also the first true actor. Ever since choruses disappeared from drama, thespians have filled all the roles in plays. Although choruses have disappeared, they are still there in DL, in which we can’t be with ourselves, as we stay busy with others.


Actors are the ultimate salespeople. They sell us on whatever their product is. They always say that their product is the very best and is definitely superior to or an improvement on what we have. In effect, they turn prospects into aspiring heroes, by pitting them against an antagonist. However, when I say, your EL is better than your DL, I am not selling you anything. If you notice this difference yourself, you will say it, feel it and understand it. Also, you know, you aren’t imagining about some bright distant future, as you can feel the benefits of your own EL immediately.


The way we have been taught to communicate, is no longer suited for a world that no longer exists. Moreover, our new way of dealing with language, allows us not only to recognize, that the world has changed, but also that it continues to change, and that EL is up to the task of shaping and benefitting from that change. During EL, we control our own language and, thus, our own destiny, as we are less and less effected by the DL that is going everywhere.


Our ongoing EL, which will reliably reveal to us our LE, isn’t some superstitious promised land, but it is the new world, which we instantly become aware of by listening to the sound of our own voice. Your old notion of doing the best you can – and always trying to improve on yourself – derives from your DL, as in EL, it is self-evident, you are the best you can be and you keep on getting better, because you are you.


There is no enemy to fight with and your DL is not some monster, which needs to be slayed. DL is our common conditioning history. Anyone, who is able to recognize this, is ahead of everyone else, who is still stuck with DL. When you know the difference between your DL and your EL, you will know, what is best for your future and for everyone’s future. What is best of all, is that all the energy, which was drained by your DL, now becomes available to you in EL. Everyone will notice – whether they say it or not – you have a very different energy, which stimulates only excellence.


Even while you read this, you probably still wonder, if I am making up all this stuff? You will continue to remain skeptical, until you really start to speak with yourself and listen to your own sound. It takes some exploration, but you find, you either speak with a sound, you like or with a voice, you don’t like. Now say to yourself, you can stop the latter and go on with the former and see what happens. You will begin to say many things you have never been able to say, because have stopped your own DL and you are now having ongoing EL. You don’t need anyone’s approval as you can say for yourself, this is the best of yourself you have ever experienced. The most wonderful thing is, you are no longer acting, and you know, you will continue to do best, if you go on with your EL.                          

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