Monday, February 6, 2017

October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader, 

This writing is not to convince you, to sell you on my ideas, to make you buy my book, my videos or to get you to pay me as a so-called public speaker. All of that is a bunch of nonsense. During my high school years I was involved in acting and singing. I remember being in one musical and knowing all the lines of everyone who was in it. After finishing the Dutch equivalent of college, I wanted to go to acting school. I participated in preparatory acting classes for about one year and was delighted to be accepted after my audition. However, it soon became clear to me that I didn’t like to act. Acting had been a way for me ‘to be myself’, but I discovered in acting school that acting prevented me from being myself. After a year, I left acting school in utter frustration. 

Speaking is not acting and speech, which like acting is rehearsed, is per definition NVB. No matter how great an actor may be, nothing replaces real human interaction. Nothing can replace it, no book, text, film, play, adventure, thrill, money, wealth, fame or even knowledge and skill. SVB is only for those who recognize this. Those who remain enthralled with all of this hype will keep on missing it. Be realistic, my dear reader, I am talking about you. Only in certain environments, in certain cultures, is SVB possible and when you create and maintain these environments and cultures with the people who stimulate you in the correct manner, it will predictably happen. It is because you don’t know how to do that that SVB cannot happen. It will begin to be possible by listening to this. 

This text is written so that you can listen to it. This is how you sound. It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not. You sound the way you do and attention for your sound brings you in the moment. Your sound is in the now, listening is in the now. This text gives you an opportunity to hear yourself in the now. There is nothing to do other than to listen to your own voice. You don’t need to understand this and the thoughts you might have about this are not the point of this text. To the contrary, when you calmly read this text, you will find less and less thoughts. It gives you permission to stop thinking for a while. You can continue to read, but there is no need to think about what you are reading, you just listen to how you sound and that’s all. If you notice that your thoughts are calming down that is a good sign. If you notice that there is nothing to grasp or understand, you are on the right track. Be okay with that for a while and let you voice express the relief which comes with that. 

You can also briefly stop reading and be quiet for a while if you feel like it and experience the silence which envelops you by just listening to yourself. This is not hypnosis, but just you listening to your sound, while you are reading these words. Allow boredom or irritation, which may come from reading this uninteresting text. There is not much to these words. They were not written to impress or amuse you. Their purpose is let you speak out loud and to make you listen to your own voice. You can get a lot from doing that. You don’t have to take my word for it. Please, do it. When you do it you hear something you didn’t hear before. Do you hear it? If you don’t hear something new, it means you are not listening to your sound. Probably you gave up reading out loud and you started reading quietly. Reading quietly, like thinking covertly, cannot bridge the gap between private speech and public speech. This bridge cannot be seen, but can be heard.

If others were there, who are familiar with the SVB/NVB distinction, they would acknowledge the difference, but since you are reading this by yourself, you must wait until you hear the difference. Yes, you must listen to yourself, as if you were listening to someone else. This is what happens in SVB: we listen to each other in the same way as we listen to ourselves. In NVB, on the other hand, we have two different ways of listening, one in which we listen to ourselves and another in which we listen to others. The other-listening in NVB prevents and excludes self-listening, but self-listing in SVB includes and stimulates other-listening. 

During SVB your sense of a behavior-causing self disappears and your thoughts about others who presumably cause their own behavior also no longer occur. Stated differently, in SVB we will talk with each other, but in NVB we will talk at each other. Thus, SVB is bi-directional, but NVB is uni-directional. One of the most profound aspects about SVB is that we all agree when we are having it. When that happens we are all in awe that this is even possible. Such a big surprise indicates how stuck we are with NVB. We experience SVB and this experience doesn’t evoke any thoughts. As a matter of fact, the absence of thought makes it very easy for us to think. Our thinking is stimulated in SVB by the sound of our voices. 

Nothing stimulates our nervous system more appropriately than the sound of our own calm voice. Our audience will hear this and validate this. Our unanimous agreement makes it possible for us to say things which could not be said or thought in any other way. We could think them, as we could not say them. In SVB as we can say these thoughts, we can think them. In SVB as we can think out loud, we can understand many things which we couldn’t understand before as NVB was making and keeping insensitive and numb. NVB is really a form of verbal abuse, which prevents us from being conscious and having our own thoughts. All our pathological behaviors derive from our inability to have and accurately express our own thoughts.

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