Tuesday, September 19, 2023




The word, acquiesce, is beautiful, as it means, to accept something without any protest. Once one recognizes the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), one can no longer acquiesce in the fact that everyone has DL and pretends, that it is not necessary or even impossible to have EL. To have EL is not something you can aspire to, because it is natural. Our ability to have EL is based on who we truly are and our EL is, therefore, our own expression of our Language Enlightenment (LE). Our reasoning with EL makes us stoic and confident in our own intelligence.


All kinds of psychological and social problems are based on our misunderstanding about our handling of our language. Everything that happens in society is based on DL, but once we have learned about the big difference between DL and EL, we can no longer - slavishly - acquiesce to the conditioning, that has produced nothing but strife and misery. A healthy and prosperous society should be based on the right use of language. Once we have experienced some EL, we know that - even though it predominates everywhere - DL, involves a wrong use of language , which has catastrophic consequences for all of us.


If what is said and written was based on truth, reality and openness, we, as listeners or readers, would experience the fruits, but nothing could be further from the truth. We hear nothing but trouble and we read nothing that is based on authentic, peaceful, calm communication. Everything written is based on DL. This is the very first writing, that is not based on the conditioning, which is continued unconsciously by everyone. If this text is based on truth – and it is - then a gigantic challenge awaits us.


In my opinion, our dealings with language should, at all times, be based on the total absence of any form of threat. There can simply no longer be any question of convincing, intimidating, manipulating, dominating or confusing each other. DL always relies on that kind of negative nonsense. We have never stopped doing it and it is high time we stopped. EL is based on the fact that we can step out of our conditioning and stop our DL. My proposal, to have EL, is based on the radical abandonment of DL.


You will be amazed – once you have stopped your DL and have EL – what you are able to say, let go of and understand. Your LE has no on or off button. Your true nature is already there and can only make itself known, if what you say is based on listening to yourself. What you write or say is only meaningful, beautiful or valuable, if it is based on what you tell yourself. Your reality, however, cannot rest on what you repeat, such as your opinions or your beliefs.


Your wrongdoings derived from your participation in DL, but everything that was good came from EL. You never saw it that way, because you didn't listen to yourself. Speaking with and relying on your own sound, your own energy, your own life force, has, of course, nothing to do with politics, nationality, sexual orientation or ethnicity. In EL, we rely on our own individuality, which transcends any group behavior. With EL, we can finally rely on our LE.


LE rests on three pillars: 1) we are always right; 2) we do not think, but we say, hear, write or read; 3) we are without language, because we have said and heard, what we could and wanted to say and hear and we have written and read, what we wanted to write and what we wanted to read. Our LE is based on what precedes our language and what happens when we no longer use our language. The word language, comes from Latin, linguaticum and lingua, which means tongue. We tend to forget, that our language only means something, when it is said or, it is only there when we use it. We increasingly live in a meaningless world, as we use our language less and less, as we say less and less, to ourselves. I no longer care, to teach others about EL, as my LE has dissolved that desire.  I don't give a damn about all the DL that is going on everywhere. I have known many people, who never receive any more language from me, because they do not want to have EL with me, yet, they require, that I have DL with them. I resign myself to my fate, that I have truly discovered, what I have discovered and I relish in its far-reaching, fantastic, nourishing consequences.


I'm at peace with the fact, that almost no one is ready or has the courage to have EL with me. Yet, I can say, with full conviction, my EL is based on a broad basis, because everything I have experienced has led to life being as good as it is now. My writing about my LE, is based on my ability to be without language. My life depends on my EL and everything is in order because of it. It is now up to the reader, to have EL, instead of DL. Even though one pretends to acquiesce in the madness and chaos produced by DL, there is absolutely no truth to this. There is no peace to be found in DL. My finding is based on my  experience and I am the only authority on myself.

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