Sunday, April 2, 2017

March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

I am so happy that I am writing about Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB) and that you, my the reader, can share in this happiness with me. Once we know the difference between SVB and Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB), we no longer emphasize what we think over what we experience, while we talk. However, our emphasis on experience, which is expressed in SVB, transcends both the one who experiences as well as the experience itself. This is ultimately why so few people can continue with SVB: you hang on to a sense of self, an ego or, whatever you may call it. Of course, all of this happens, because nobody in your environment stimulates you to have SVB, that is, nobody knows how to talk without performing the old trick of getting identified with whatever you believe to be. The one person who stimulated me into having this conversation with you didn’t care at all about having this conversation with me. I would have never discovered SVB, if he had accepted my strong inclination to talk with him about this matter. At the time, I was feeling very upset and confused about his refusal to talk with me, but now I can understand him and I am thankful that he did. Not who I am, but that I am, makes experience possible. My body and your body will one day disintegrate. No experiences are needed to return to where we came from. During SVB, we realize this, but during NVB, we pretend as if we are immortal and this is not going to happen.

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