Tuesday, December 20, 2022




Since I am the one, who is writing these words, I am, so to speak, on this side of this text, but since you are the one, who is reading these words, you are, presumably, on the other side of this text. I would like you to come to my side of this text. I know, it is probably too much to ask for, that is why I ask you to imagine what it would be like if you did.


Your imagination allows you to engage in Embodied Language (EL). It is such a rewarding experiment, to fantasize about what EL could be like for you. I can tell you how it is for me, but you need to have your own experience of it. So, please, don’t worry about not being on my side yet. Of course, you are still on your side of this text. Give yourself permission to feel, what it would be like, if you said or wrote this?


If you would say or write these words, you would have positive feelings. Of course, you would want to say or write this, so that you could continue this valuable experience, while you speak or write. It can become stronger, as you verbally give yourself the opportunity to feel this way. What might you say or write, when that happens? I am sure, you would say or write something similar to what I say and write.


Imagine what it would be like, to say and write what I say and write? You already, unconsciously, have done this, many times, but with other people. Why not do it consciously, deliberately, experimentally, with me, this time? You would be on my side and say or write something so simple and easy, that you are surprised, you have never spoken or written so effortlessly. You can’t help, but wonder, why is this only just now the case? Why did I never speak or write like this before? You know the answer: this text invites you to speak or to write like that.


What you write, you could also say and what you say, you could also write. You enjoy both, as your EL pertains to both. Also, you read and hear your own writing, which is different from reading and hearing that you are used to. Usually, when you read, you don’t hear anything, but now, you read out loud and, therefore, you hear what you read. Moreover, you now hear something else, than your habitual Disembodied Language (DL), which you usually hear, but which, of course, you never liked to listen to. You hear something totally different, as you listen to yourself speaking or writing to yourself.


Normally, you speak with or write to others, but at this moment, you stick to your side of what you say or write. It is such a great delight, to stick to your own side and not to bother about what happens at the other side. Interestingly, once you don’t worry anymore about what happens on the other side, you are, all of a sudden, crystal clear about what is happening there. You know what happens on the other side, not because you are some psychic, but because you pay attention to what happens to you.


You don’t decide what happens on the other side, and you also don’t decide, what happens on your side. What happens on your side, as well as what happens on the other side, is simply what happens. You have a sense of how words come across, as you listened to yourself and have written to yourself and let yourself know, how you experience the consequences of what you have said and written.  


You get what you like, if your assessment of what is happening when you speak or write is correct. This makes the whole issue of being on different sides of what is said or written, change in being on the same side. People talk about being on the same page, but there is no such thing. When I write page 112, it will be a miracle, if you even reach page 20. Most likely, you don’t even reach that far. Being on the same page is a problematic metaphor, as you read slower than I can write or I speak faster than you can listen. The real issue is and has always been: being on the same side of the words that are spoken and written.


These words are as much yours as mine and neither one of us has more power over these words than the other. Thus, we speak, write, hear and read in a common language, but this new way of speaking and writing and reading and hearing, takes speaking  a common language to a whole new level. It is the language of our shared wellbeing, our Language Enlightenment (LE), we speak and write about with our EL. There are no different sides to feeling at ease, safe, comfortable, present, and full of energy.


What you say or write, in EL, is as valid, important, and meaningful, as what anyone has said or written, who shares his or her positive experiences with you.  You are on my side and I am your side and, yes, we are one, in that what we say or write really matters to both of us. I read what you wrote with the same interest, as I read my own text and I listen to your spoken words, as if I listen to myself. Only in DL is there the other side, but in EL, we are on the same side, always. You may not believe this or trust that this is possible, but your distrust evaporates in EL.  You will have to eventually abandon your distrust in what you say or write. When finally do that, even if you only fantasize that you do that, you will say or write the most intelligent and wise things, as you have transcended both sides and merged them into one. I speak or write to myself and, therefore, I can speak and write to you, to do as I do. When you do that, we will engage in ongoing EL, as you will say and write what your LE sounds like from my side.                  

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