Monday, December 26, 2022




These words are mine, because I enjoy speaking them and writing them. It has nothing to do with possessing, but with receiving. I do not just grab them or force them, but I find them, like a treasure. I want to protect them from harm. These words are like my children and I raise them as best as I can. I feel so fortunate, I did not have children, but got these wonderful words instead. I never knew, I had so many words to describe my wellbeing.  


People talk a lot about their so-called happiness, but I do not hear it. They also laugh, but I do not find it funny. They sound unhappy and that is why they speak or write so emphatically about their, supposedly, special life. My life is ordinary. Nobody wants what I want and that is why my words do not compete with anyone for anything. These words are peaceful, as they have no goal, yet, they articulate precisely why I can be free and fresh. I know these words, but they are still new to me and I have no idea what they are going to tell me today. That is why I listen very closely and write with patience, so that I can hear and read and understand what it is.


It takes courage, to admit that our words did not work for us, but I happen to have that ability. I have fully acknowledged and understood, that my Disembodied Language (DL) was my biggest problem. Now that I have stopped my DL, I can have Embodied Language (EL) and talk and write, that everyone, except me, is stuck with their DL. I state this with authority, as I know what I am talking about. I have become an expert on something, nobody is as clear about as I am, because this ongoing EL is the only way in which my Language Enlightenment (LE) could be verbalized. The verbalization of our natural way of being is of utmost importance, yet, nobody seems to realize this. Lack of courage can only be overcome, if we take the jump and start speaking out loud with and writing to ourselves.

Regardless of how much we seem to dread this, we can still do it anyway and discover, it is not as bad we believe it to be, to talk with ourselves and to be alone with our own language. What is the big deal? Why do we fear talking with ourselves? Why do we not spend more time with our own words, writing to ourselves about what is going on in our own lives and informing ourselves about the meaning of our own experiences? If we resist doing this, it tells us, right away, that speaking and writing to ourselves contains a lot of information, we have turned our backs on. We do not want to talk with ourselves, as talking with others, supposedly, is more important than talking with ourselves. Almost immediately, it is clear to us, that there is a great taboo on using our own language just for ourselves.


Justification for our refusal to talk with ourselves or to write about how we would like to live, is that we are, presumably, social and, therefore, we must talk with each other, but how social can we really be, if we do not dare to speak with ourselves, to feel and allow what matters to us? Therefore, in DL, we remain anti-social, as we fail to accept and find out, who we are, as individuals. We only pretend to be social during DL. We fake it, because we hold back on who we are, if we cannot say or write what we would like to say or write. The only way to have EL instead of DL, is if we start talking with or writing to ourselves. Yes, there is only one way in which we are ever going to find out, that we are, in fact, in DL, constantly lying. In EL, we speak with ourselves and admit, that we never talk with others in the way, we like to and want to talk with ourselves.


Our ability to identify our own DL and EL depends not on talking with others, but on our own willingness to spend time alone, speaking with ourselves, writing to ourselves, about what we would say, if we could say what we had wanted to say. In conclusion, our lack of courage, fear, defensiveness, ignorance or belief in whatever prevents us from talking with ourselves or letting ourselves know about what is important to us, is a cop-out, an excuse to avoid being responsible for ourselves and to demand, with our DL, that others must do for us what we presumably cannot do for ourselves.                     


  1. Thank my dear Dutch friend. I have translated your valuable response in English, so that sceptic, cowardly and supposedly intelligent readers can read and admit, that they miss out on what they read and better start taking it more serious....You wrote "Good morning live friend, I am so happy to be able to read again, and to experience that what you write makes me so complete and I also realize that my language, but also yours, is becoming clearer and can tell so much and happy may be in the value it has and learned to cherish, in what writing to ourselves brings the fruits, to go and reap in the sowing that you do." It is poetic and precisely what anyone does in Embodied Language (EL), as they would describe their own Language Enlightenment (LE). The process of becoming clearer is, as you correctly have stated, a matter of saying and writing more and more to yourself and therefore less to others. Stated differently, as others in our EL disappear, our EL can finally emerge and reveal itself to us. Moreover, we can - as we have done, and will continue to do - explore, discover and enjoy our EL together and create our reality. Have a wonderful day

  2. I made a little writing should be: Stated differently, as others in our EL disappear, our LE can finally emerge and reveal itself to us.
