Wednesday, December 21, 2022




The moment, you realize, your usual reaction didn’t happen, you heard and saw what was going on. It is a great revelation. The energy, which would have been lost, now stays with you. You feel the beauty of receiving, who you are and have always been.


Reactivity is involuntary behavior, which goes hand in hand with Disembodied Language (DL). The fact that you don’t react, isn’t a matter of control, but of awareness. The difference between these two is enormous. Controlling your reactivity doesn’t mean, you no longer react, as it makes you lie, dissociate, hide, forget, ignore, distract, and manipulate.


When you are aware of your reactivity, it is because it didn’t happen, therefore, something new could happen. The newness of your behavior, can only be expressed by voluntary Embodied Language (EL). Perhaps, you speak much slower than you usually speak, but it may also be, you speak much faster. In my case, it first slowed me down, but each time it did, I became so excited, that I speeded up again. I am still getting used to my own speed of talking.


I have found, it is very unlikely, that others have the patience or willingness, to let you have your EL and to allow you to slow down your verbal expression, as much as you would like to or let you go as fast and intense as you want to. Once you no longer react, you know, you will have EL, always, even if it means, you can only have it alone, by talking out loud with yourself and by listening while you speak or by writing about this creative unique process.


Actually, it is absolutely amazing to have EL alone, as you can speak with the sound you like to produce and hear. Your strong tendency to want to have EL with others, is because, normally, in DL, you don’t hear others produce that sound, which you make, when you have EL on your own. Naturally, since you  haven’t been able to make that comforting sound yourself often enough, you want others to have it, to, supposedly, help you. However, it doesn’t help, if I or others, produce the sound you want to hear.


Only if you keep producing, recognizing, feeling and experimenting with the sound of your own EL, will you be able to continue with it. After you become aware about the gigantic difference between your DL and your EL, continuing with your own EL is all that matters and it is best to explore this alone.


When you create, for yourself, the opportunity to explore your own EL, it may seem as if you control yourself, but since you listen to the sound of your own resonant voice, while you speak, you are fully aware of yourself. Your ability to slow down and to verbalize in your own words and in your pace and rhythm whatever is asking your attention, gives you energy, because what was asking your attention, is no longer holding it and you are now receiving it.


Sometimes it takes a while, before whatever you were talking or writing about, is saturated with your attention, but as you keep talking with or writing to yourself, that moment will always come. You know, this moment has arrived, as your attention is free to move on to something else. Although sometimes you stay with one topic a while, you may also jump from one thing to the next very quickly. In EL, you can express whatever your attention is drawn to.


Your attention will be liberated, because you allow yourself to verbally describe, hear and experience whatever attracts your attention – one moment, you talk or write about something you see, the next moment, about something you hear, then about something you feel or about an event you want to attend with a friend – and something very valuable, which was always gone, now returns to you in EL.


Blissful, abundant, physical energy signifies the big difference between your DL and EL. If you don’t feel it and express negative connotations with what is in your attention, you engage in DL. When you switch from DL to EL, you sigh with relief. The change in your energy is tangible, audible, and noticeable and now you can bring this positive energy to whatever asks your attention and whatever you describe.


EL is an amazing process, as it demonstrates, you create your own reality, by describing to yourself what is in your attention. Everything fits precisely with your verbal expression and you happily and confidently anticipate whatever you are going to say, write and discover. Yet, you are not saying or writing something, to achieve any particular goal. In EL, you don’t have a preconceived perspective, as everything emerges from you in the moment.

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