Saturday, December 31, 2022



On the last day of this year, I would like to express,   – with tongue in my cheek – my eternal gratitude to all the superstitious, coward, stupid people, who have refused to talk with me, not only in the year which is about to come to its end, but in the many years that went by, since I became aware of and started talking about my Embodied Language (EL).


It is my unrelenting expectation, that you, upon reading this, contact me via skype (my name is: limbicease), to schedule an appointment, free of charge, in 2023, to explore, experience and know   the great difference between your Disembodied Language (DL), that is, your usual way of talking and EL. Yes, I expect you to swallow your phony pride, as I don’t want to search for you while you hide and I am not going to convince you, that there is nothing inside or that my EL is about being wrong or right.


I am thankful to anyone with DL, who still believes EL is impossible, unrealistic or unwanted, as this has made me find the way to continue with my own EL. Without leaving the DL of others, we cannot leave our own DL and begin to recognize, our own EL is always possible, as no one else is needed. We can  and should have EL alone and ascertain, why others cannot have and do not want to have EL with us.


When – at long last, out of pure frustration with the DL others, but mainly with our own DL – we begin to talk with and listen to ourselves, we find, there is no self, that is, there is no such an assumed entity as a speaker, inside of us, who, presumably, speaks with a listener, inside of us. There is no covert inner agent, deep inside of us, who can hold, cherish or repress a thought, as there is only overt language, which is spoken, heard, written or read – by us.


With our EL, we finally acknowledge our Language Enlightenment (LE) and become crystal clear on the irrefutable fact that everyone, who still engages in DL, believes in pure nonsense. The fact that millions of people, in every culture, talk in this way doesn’t make it true. To the contrary, that you behave like everyone else and, therefore, mainly engage in DL, makes you complicit, in creating and increasing the greatest problems mankind faces. When you talk with me and have EL, it will not be because I, but because you have stopped your DL. I am not in any way going to help you to stop your own DL, as I will only talk with you, after you have stopped your DL.


I just heard the news on TV, that the pope has died and the cardinals in the Vatican are now debating, if he should be put on the fast track to saint-hood. I guess, they can make that happen, but neither the pope nor any other so-called spiritual leader has ever properly addressed or engaged in EL. Surely, all  our elevated, celebrated authorities (i.e. teachers, priests, gurus, therapists or anyone, who has the power to demand, that people behave as they tell them to) have forever been pretending to have EL, while they have always only engaged in DL. This is  why DL has remained unaddressed and continues to fester, everywhere, twenty-four-seven, unabated.


I just came back from having breakfast with my wife downtown. As we were finishing up, someone I had once spoken with, recognized me and walked to our table. It had been a friendly and brief conversation, about our participation in the Open Mike evening, where we had enjoyed each other’s song. He had also shared that he was writing a lot and we agreed to read each other’s work and exchanged our email addresses. Per email, I expressed my appreciation for his writing and he also stated that he enjoyed reading my work. So, I suggested, we could meet, have a  coffee and talk about our writings. As if I had crossed a line, he declined in a stern manner and stated, he would never talk to anyone, who tries to convince him of their point of view.


Obviously, he had drawn that conclusion from reading my writing. However, I immediately felt that I really didn’t want to convince him, that I didn’t want to convince him and never responded to him again or heard from him again. I had seen him only once after that, in that very same place, but I ignored him, as I didn’t feel like talking to him anymore. Surprisingly, he greeted me, wished us a happy new year and expressed puzzlement, that I would still be willing to talk with him. I responded, I would always talk with anyone, who is willing to talk with me, to which he, argumentatively replied: but, how can we talk, if you stick to your way and I stick to my way? I acknowledged, he was right and that I  felt no urge to engage in DL with him. As if stung by a bee, his friendly demeanor immediately changed.


In a complaining, admonishing, accusatory, but also defeated, sad tone of voice, he stated: I guess, this is how this crazy old world of ours keeps twisting and turning. I shrugged my shoulders and said, I was feeling very happy to be able to tell him, that for me nothing is twisting or turning, as I create and live in my own reality. It felt good to see him back off, as he was, undoubtedly, trying to get me to react to him, so that he could reject me. However, I have become so settled in my own way of life, that I no longer get triggered by people like him, who are paranoia, defensive and arrogant. As I have stated in other writings, I feel vindicated, I no longer want something from someone and then, react to them

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