Sunday, April 16, 2017

May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

I have just written a letter to a good old friend from my country of origin, the Netherlands. Like me, he no longer lives in Holland. He lives in Spain. We have both left our old surroundings and it is likely that we will never return. Writing him feels like a visit. When he writes to me, it also seems as if he is coming to me. Although we both love our old home town, we left it because we needed another situation to thrive. We are both happy where we are and neither of us has the money to come and visit each other. We cherish all the good times we have had together. Even though we don’t see each other and only write a letter to each other once in while our friendship is as strong as ever and is getting better and better. I am so happy to know him.  Although I can write these lines about him, I can never share with you, my dear reader, what I share with him. I don’t have that history with you and you don’t have that history with me. At this time, I don’t even know you and I address you as if we are going to meet each other in the future. With my friend, although it is unsure if we will ever meet again, this is not an issue at all, but with you, who I haven’t met, it is an issue. When are we going to meet? With you, I am not satisfied with an email. Is that the best you are capable of? It amazes me that all you seem to have for me is a few written words, while I try to get you to talk with me. You always have excuses that you are too busy, have no time or that what I say does not apply to you. Yes, I want you to stop doing what you are doing. Your lack of interest is because you are shallow and busy with nonsense. What I offer is something genuine which can only be valued if you recognize that what you have is worthless. Yes, you can compare what you have with what I have. Indeed, I claim to have something better than you. I am not busy with the things that you are busy with. To me, these things are meaningless. Only if we meet can the contrast between what you have and what I have become clear. You don’t want to meet, because that meeting will change you. You cannot change me, but I can change you with these words.

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