Thursday, April 20, 2017

May 28, 2016

May 28, 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

Once you have the embodied experience of the Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB)/Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB) distinction it will be very clear to you that this concept is tremendously effective. This prediction is to be tested and verified by you

The SVB/NVB distinction highlights two contingencies and your participation in SVB or NVB is due to these two different contingencies. The description of these two contingencies cures you from the false notion that you are causing your own behavior. 

You didn’t teach yourself how to talk, others did that. You talk the way you do as you were reinforced to talk that way. This doesn’t mean you cannot talk in a different way; it means you will only be able to talk in a different way if others, who are your environment, reinforce your different way of talking. 

It is self-defeating (pun intended) to believe that you can choose your rate of SVB or NVB. It will be a great relief to finally move beyond your tiresome identification with a behavior-causing self. You will feel empowered rather than defeated to know that you know what you know, because you can talk about it.

To the extent that you can talk about the environment which maintains your speech, you will know more and you will discover and learn more. However, that process is made possible only by the contingency which sets the stage for SVB. 

No matter how much you may talk, as long as you engage in NVB, there will be incongruence between what you say and what you do, between your beliefs and your actions. SVB makes you aware that your belief and your actions are both behaviors. 

One behavior doesn’t cause another behavior, but stimuli set the stage for a response which is either reinforced or punished. Your beliefs and actions were conditioned by environments you were in, which gave private speech is false independent status.

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