Sunday, April 16, 2017

May 3, 2016

May 3, 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

When you discover Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB), you will realize how often you have missed it. When you explore SVB, you will understand that neither you nor others are familiar with it. When you engage in SVB, even if it is by yourself, by speaking out loud and by listening to yourself while you speak, you realize that others aren’t able to provide this for you and therefore you must learn to provide it for yourself. Unless you are going to create the kind of situation in which you can have SVB, it is not going to occur. When you think that you are having SVB already, you are wrong. You may have learned some of the components of SVB, but you have never put these components together, because there was never any emphasis on the situation needed to bring these components together. SVB was never a conscious act. You have never, like me, said: let’s have SVB. I say and have SVB all the time, because I know the situation which is needed to have it. You don’t know this situation. 

Initially, it is a person like me who creates the situation for you, in which you can have SVB, but once this conversation has happened, you can create the situation for yourself. After our first meeting, all I can do is to remind you of that. I don’t have much to teach. The transmission happens at once.  If you don’t remind yourself about SVB, nobody is going to remind you. You may be able to meet me a couple of times and I can stimulate you to get better at reminding SVB, but my help is of no avail unless you begin to experiment with SVB yourself. You usually don’t do this because you feel rejected. People reject your SVB because they don’t know how to reinforce it. They accept your NVB and they know how to reinforce it, but they punish your SVB. You will have to learn to have SVB in spite of their disapproval.  There is no other way! If you are going to have the conversation all by yourself and listen to yourself while you speak, you are intelligent, not crazy. Only if you are going to have this conversation by yourself will you be able to have it with others.     

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