Thursday, April 20, 2017

May 25, 2016

May, 25, 216

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

Many people have tried to get at what I am conveying, but don’t really know what they are talking about. They can’t feel or express my enthusiasm as they don’t know, like I do, the incredible potential of Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB). 

Behaviorists are justifiably excited about the great power of behavior technology, but they what they don’t realize is that unless they have SVB behaviorism cannot be properly implemented. With SVB many things are possible which are simply impossible as long as we have Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB). 

Those who don’t know about the SVB/NVB distinction can’t accomplish what in SVB can be achieved effortlessly. SVB and NVB are conditioned, predictable behavioral products. Either knowingly or unknowingly, we engineer one or the other. These common patterns of operant behavior aren’t referring to some metaphysical world, but they make up our everyday human experience.

NVB signifies our lack of experimental control, while SVB stimulates us to describe, in our own words, the behavior-controlling relations which couldn’t be described as long as NVB occurred. Much more than we know now can be explained and understood once we give ourselves and each other the permission to figure out what is needed to have and to continue our SVB. 

Fact is, we have been punished whenever we tried to explore spoken communication and all sorts of supernatural explanations were enforced on us. In SVB it is very clear to everyone that we don’t cause our own behavior. However, we do cause each other’s behavior.

During NVB we get stuck with parts of the conversation we couldn’t publicly express, which became our dreadful identity, our behavior-causing so-called autonomous self. Religion may have been replaced by the myth of who we belief ourselves to be, but we haven’t been free enough yet to scientifically analyze our coercive spoken communication, NVB, which caused both. Only SVB can give us freedom.

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