Sunday, April 16, 2017

May 5, 2016

May 5, 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

I have taken a little holiday from my writing. Although today’s writing is dated May 5th, it was written on May 14th. It felt like I needed a break. In today’s writing I catch up with what has happened over the last ten days. Another semester is coming to an end and I am reaping the fruits of what I have sowed. The accumulative effects of Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB) are very noticeable. All my students write and talk about it appreciatively and I am praising them. What a wonderful big experiment every semester is for me. There is a specific issue I want to address in today’s writing. Simply stated, unless we listen to what we don’t want to hear, we cannot get to what we want to hear. Stated differently, before we can progress into having more SVB, we must know about and listen to Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB). It is common for people to want to have SVB when they first discover it, but once they realize it involves getting better at recognizing NVB, they are put off. Moreover, there are peculiar complications in discriminating these response classes. What is SVB for one person can be NVB for another. This is perhaps best explained by an example about politics. We are in the election season in the United States and every day we hear the news about Clinton, Trump and Sanders. It is an incredibly contentious presidential race and representatives of the left and the right are constantly demonizing each other. Those who think that they have SVB accuse those who have NVB, but the accusers have NVB themselves. Yet, they claim to have SVB, while they blame the other party for having NVB. The old idiom: The pot calling the kettle black seems to have lost all its meaning, but the reality is that one person continues to criticize another for a fault they themselves have. However, what is SVB to the Democrat is NVB to the Republican and what is SVB to the Republican is NVB to the Democrat. Other than listening to the tone of our voice while we speak, there is no way to figure out this conundrum. This election cycle is so heated, because we are slowly becoming aware of the SVB/NVB distinction!!!

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