Tuesday, July 2, 2024

 Republic Is Not Democracy,


As I have continued to state, in each of my writings as well as in all my You Tube videos, America, the land of the free – individual – is undermined by Disembodied Language (DL), the outdated group-behavior, which goes on unaddressed, on the Left, but also, on the Right.


Only with ongoing Embodied Language (EL), in which speakers listen to themselves while they speak, will “1) Life, 2) Liberty and 3) the pursuit of Happiness” – the well-known phrase of the United States Declaration of Independence, which we celebrate on Independence Day, better known as Fourth of July – truly become a reality.


America and other so-called free Western Democratic societies have yet to wake up to the immense importance of the difference between our DL and EL, because it is only with EL, we can and we will declare, that these three examples of unalienable rights were not given to all humans by our imaginary creator, but by us, to ourselves, as independent individuals, as we the people.  


If Americans – as outdated, fanatic Christians, but also more secular people, on the Right, continue to do – keep insisting, on their belief in some fictitious higher power, they will forsake their chance to be chosen to be in the government, which wasn’t chosen, to protect the rights of superstition or to promote the false notion that government is in favor of Christian religion, but which was chosen, to protect every individual.


While it is true, our Founding Fathers, as well as  all the people, involved in the creation of free Western so-called democratic societies, were of Judeo-Christian decent, it is very interesting to note, these presumably sacred principles, in our Declaration of Independence, are not legally binding, but are widely referenced and seen as an inspiration of for the basis of government. In other words, as people inevitably become more secular – which is happening more rapidly, on the Left, than on the Right – there is no longer any shared inspirational basis for government.


We must address the great difference between DL and EL, because they map onto Democracy or Republic. In the name of equality, incendiary, activist democrats are increasingly becoming more successful, in weakening the republican customs and institutions. America’s Founders tried to defend our nation from the excesses of democratic majorities. This is where we are today. Alarmingly, on university and colleges – institutions of learning – but also in media, particularly, social media, there is no freedom of speech or even the inspiration of any dialogue, about our different points of view.


Few people seem to know, that republicanism or the liberty it makes possible and promotes, is founded in the federalist recognition, that those who are not a majority – individuals, who only speak on their own behalf and engage in EL, are the ultimate minority – make legitimate contributions to the community’s welfare and that preserving these contributions is the hallmark of political justice.


“All men are created equal” is foremostly a highly problematic, religious statement in the Declaration of Independence, due to which, currently, egalitarianism, in the name of saving our democracy, undermines the careful balance produced by our mixed republic. It is, of course, inequality, which makes liberty possible, but our unconscious DL, which goes on in every section of our society, undermines our social, familial, psychological or philosophical freedom.


Senile Joe Biden and his Left-wing-activists, talk a great deal about protecting democracy, but they zealously, disrespectfully push many things down the throat of the American people. Since only republicans are inclined to inject reason into impassioned debates, only they are open to EL. Moreover, since only republicans resist the relentless demand for more equality, only they are truly in favor of freedom, particularly, the freedom of speech for the individual. Donald Trump is very clear – without any help from Karine Jean-Pierre – about the fact that egalitarianism, which dresses itself in drag, that is, in the garb of democracy, must be opposed, as it is threatening our republic.


In my understanding, America was never meant to be a democracy and the republicans should have said so all along. The Left is railing against our institutions – the Supreme Court is under attack – which are safeguards for our individual liberty, and, therefore, anti-democratic. Thomas Jefferson stated the terrifying reality, which is now playing out under the autocratic rule of Joe Biden, “a democracy is nothing more than a mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.” Luckily, our anti-democratic institutions, such as the Supreme Court and Electoral College, are not so easily undone by today’s Left-wing activists, but the unaddressed difference between DL and EL, makes that we keep having DL and changing the narrative, to fit with a group, rather than talk as individuals. Simply stated, with DL, the individual is not protected by the government, because the language of the government only references minority or majority groups. Only EL, which is anti-group, can give us our individual protection and real freedom. 

When the Left-wing donors pull the plug on Joe Biden, they should consider getting in touch with me and support me in promoting the importance of the distinction between DL and EL. It will not only be good for Joe Biden, but also for the country. It should be considered an act of belated patriotism. Better late than never and, yes, we still have time to acknowledge, our individual freedom requires our individual language, which is EL. There is no time to lose on a full-blown party revolt, as that always involves more of the same DL. Too much time and energy has been wasted on DL. It is time to forget about democracy and embrace freedom with EL.        

Monday, July 1, 2024

 Biden’s Learning Style = Rock-Bottom,


The change from Disembodied Language (DL) to Embodied Language (EL), is a confrontation, not like anything, anyone has ever experienced. We are used to witnessing the confrontations between one person with DL, who fights with another person, who also has DL, but there is never any confrontation between someone with DL and someone with EL, because such confrontation, is a confrontation with ourselves. Moreover, it is - in EL - actually very pleasant, relieving and liberating to be confronted with ourselves. 


The so-called confrontation – with DL – with our ourselves, doesn’t and cannot reveal who we are. With DL, we perceive ourselves and each other to be something we are not. In EL, the confrontation with ourselves is a new sense of freedom. And our ongoing EL reveals to us our Language Enlightenment (LE). In other words, once we are able to continue with our EL, we are happily confronted, every day, with the reality, which we create and maintain with our own language. Yes, nobody can take away our own EL, as we keep speaking with ourselves in such a manner, that we want to listen and like to listen, to what we are saying to ourselves.      


Confrontation was always wrongly understood in DL, as something that happens between one person and another, but in EL, we finally get to the genuine confrontation with and recognition of our self-nature. LE is the awareness, grounded in ongoing EL, there never was language inside of us, there is no mind or thought. It is a great relief to know, sentences and words do not occur in our brain, but happen only, while we speak, listen, write or read. The overt nature of our EL is entirely different from our common fantasy or rather the unaddressed, ubiquitous, idiotic illusion of covert language, private speech or silent self-talk. The confrontation of this big truth is the inevitable logic or reasoning, the use of our intelligence, with which we translate everything we have come to know with DL, into what it really is, with our ongoing EL.


With DL, people always say, confrontation isn’t fun, but it is unavoidable. Presumably, we make many excuses, in order to avoid confrontation. Once we know the gigantic difference between  DL and EL, we find out, the real confrontation – with ourselves – was always avoided with our dissociative DL, but is unavoidable with our EL.


Joe Biden’s family, which, primarily, of course, is his ghastly wife, Jill Biden, has decided, the old geezer should stay in the presidential race. It is very clear – ask Karine Jean-Pierre – Joe Biden’s learning style is to hit rock-bottom. Surely, this is true for everyone, who engages in DL. Only if we can truly say, enough is enough, will our DL stop and can we whole-heartedly engage in EL.


According to DL, the way of speaking in which we all speak every day, in which we don’t listen to ourselves – but remain busy with making others listen to us or listening to others – we avoid confrontation – with others – out of 1) fear of loss, 2) fear of causing pain, 3) fear of strain or 4) fear of failure. Obviously, it is always fear, which keeps our unintelligent, insensitive, unnatural DL going. It doesn’t matter whether you are the president or someone unimportant, we all engage, every day, in DL, in which we fear to hear, what we would say, to ourselves, in our own words, about what is going on in our lives.  


People with DL, treat fear as a great motivator, because everyone wants to naturally avoid any kind of pain. Our EL, on the other hand, doesn’t have anything to do with fear. EL only happens in the absence of aversive stimuli. The flip side of avoiding pain, is seeking pleasure, but our DL is – Karine Jean-Pierre clearly doesn't about it – against seeking pleasure. In DL, you are not allowed to seek pleasure while we speak, let alone, express it, hear it, enjoy it or understand it. Confrontations with who we are, when there are no problems, are made impossible, when our dumb DL continues.


Certainly, once we know how to have ongoing EL, we are not interested in the confrontations, people keep having with each other in DL. Our notion of confrontation isn’t about others, but about ourselves. We accept the challenge, to step out of our history of conditioning with DL, as often as it is needed. With EL, we are realistic about the possibility that our DL will reappear, because everyone, everywhere, engages in it.


All our confrontations, arguments, conflicts and wars, have resulted in the continuation of our DL, which was never properly addressed with our EL. I can write about it in this way, as my EL allows me to express the confrontation in DL, which always escalates into the brutality, violence, chaos and destruction. Joe Biden stays in the race, and he is going to drag the whole country with him into even bigger chaos, than he has already created.